Time = Life; Therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life. The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.
No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined.
Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives.
Train myself to accept discipline, simple life, peace at heart, hard work, focus and perseverance.
Sleep by 10.45pm.
Focus - no distraction
control GERD
Memorise One Bible verse per day.
Dumbbell curl
Reverse Dips
Free Squat
Leg Raises
patient is the most overlook
christian book on calm and expect less
Qigong breathing exercise all the times
No Gossip, No meddle on other people business
做一个心平气和的人 - Live in Peace, not excitement
More choices
Positive self talk
gamblers lost money due to increasing the betting amount, because the probability is always the same, so cannot have poor money management, money management is most vital, don't suddenly up the bet, no logic.
learn from Uncle Lim more, but don't follow blindly, use my creativity to create new method.
value, what value you can offer, what value people see in you, what value people attract to you. to avoid disappointment, don't expect too much from others.
I am doing very important task now, Forex !
How to find a motivation factor ?????
want perfection ? stupid, no perfection in this world, looking for stress and trouble, open the heart and accept anythings, be kind to yourself and others, be open don't sad and angry, take it easy.
love come from heart, feeling, don't come from talk, feel the love.
Emotion must use heart to feel not by speech
don't expect too much from others, lower your expectation on others. but have to set very high standard for myself. then I will strive hard to achieve it. because I can't control others, but I can control myself.
in Forex when a sharp trend stop, careful and run.
“Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will”
forgot about magic numbers or trend or streak, it is totally randomly independent, if you believe in it, it will destroy you.
in Roulette, if the luck is bad, stop after one loss, then try again, if lose again, stop again, try third times if lose again, stop again. don't force.
Discipline & Self Control
One block
my strategy is (stop after any lose)
bet $10 each on Roulette, if win (65% winning chance) +10
bet $10 each on Roulette, if win (44% winning chance) +10
bet $20 on baccarat if win (50% winning chance) +20
bet $20 on baccarat if win (25% winning chance) +20
when win $100, stop. then start another block again, this time the target is lower to $50. If have time (weekend, Holiday), third target is $30.
not worth to hang on the contract for short term scalping trade, have profits must run.
no profits must hold.
must find money magt method for casino and forex, examples: $10 x 2 = $20, then roulette bet $10 x2 and baccarat bet $20 per bet, if roulette bet $20 x 2 = $40, then baccarat bet $40 per bet
for forex must find a trading amount, per how many contracts for every trade , what amount to take profits ???? when to run ???? must decide with strategy.
don't assume, just follow the chart.
follow long term plan better.
forex, don't rush in with additional contracts, wait for the right time, must study and learn and find out the timing to enter ????? don't rush in ????
for scalping, don't greedy.
which one is better, baccarat or roulette ????base on odds ?
baccarat, study the the money mgt and betting amount and betting frequency ???? draw lines for top middle and bottom, then bet accordingly. high range sell, middle trade, bottom buy.
Soros renamed his fund...Quantum Fund, in tribute to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. That principle asserts that it is impossible to predict the behavior of subatomic particples in quantum mechanics, an idea that meshed with Soros's conviction that markets were always in a state of uncertainty and flux that it was possible to make money by discounting the obvious, and betting on the unexpected.
Train myself to accept discipline, simple life, peace at heart, hard work, focus and perseverance.
Sleep by 10.45pm.
Focus - no distraction
control GERD
Memorise One Bible verse per day.
Dumbbell curl
Reverse Dips
Free Squat
Leg Raises
patient is the most overlook
christian book on calm and expect less
Qigong breathing exercise all the times
No Gossip, No meddle on other people business
做一个心平气和的人 - Live in Peace, not excitement
More choices
Positive self talk
gamblers lost money due to increasing the betting amount, because the probability is always the same, so cannot have poor money management, money management is most vital, don't suddenly up the bet, no logic.
learn from Uncle Lim more, but don't follow blindly, use my creativity to create new method.
value, what value you can offer, what value people see in you, what value people attract to you. to avoid disappointment, don't expect too much from others.
I am doing very important task now, Forex !
How to find a motivation factor ?????
want perfection ? stupid, no perfection in this world, looking for stress and trouble, open the heart and accept anythings, be kind to yourself and others, be open don't sad and angry, take it easy.
love come from heart, feeling, don't come from talk, feel the love.
Emotion must use heart to feel not by speech
don't expect too much from others, lower your expectation on others. but have to set very high standard for myself. then I will strive hard to achieve it. because I can't control others, but I can control myself.
in Forex when a sharp trend stop, careful and run.
“Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will”
forgot about magic numbers or trend or streak, it is totally randomly independent, if you believe in it, it will destroy you.
in Roulette, if the luck is bad, stop after one loss, then try again, if lose again, stop again, try third times if lose again, stop again. don't force.
Discipline & Self Control
One block
my strategy is (stop after any lose)
bet $10 each on Roulette, if win (65% winning chance) +10
bet $10 each on Roulette, if win (44% winning chance) +10
bet $20 on baccarat if win (50% winning chance) +20
bet $20 on baccarat if win (25% winning chance) +20
when win $100, stop. then start another block again, this time the target is lower to $50. If have time (weekend, Holiday), third target is $30.
not worth to hang on the contract for short term scalping trade, have profits must run.
no profits must hold.
must find money magt method for casino and forex, examples: $10 x 2 = $20, then roulette bet $10 x2 and baccarat bet $20 per bet, if roulette bet $20 x 2 = $40, then baccarat bet $40 per bet
for forex must find a trading amount, per how many contracts for every trade , what amount to take profits ???? when to run ???? must decide with strategy.
don't assume, just follow the chart.
follow long term plan better.
forex, don't rush in with additional contracts, wait for the right time, must study and learn and find out the timing to enter ????? don't rush in ????
for scalping, don't greedy.
which one is better, baccarat or roulette ????base on odds ?
baccarat, study the the money mgt and betting amount and betting frequency ???? draw lines for top middle and bottom, then bet accordingly. high range sell, middle trade, bottom buy.
Soros renamed his fund...Quantum Fund, in tribute to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. That principle asserts that it is impossible to predict the behavior of subatomic particples in quantum mechanics, an idea that meshed with Soros's conviction that markets were always in a state of uncertainty and flux that it was possible to make money by discounting the obvious, and betting on the unexpected.
Train myself to accept discipline, simple life, peace at heart, hard work, focus and perseverance.
Sleep by 10.45pm.
Focus - no distraction
control GERD
Memorise One Bible verse per day.
Dumbbell curl
Reverse Dips
Free Squat
Leg Raises
patient is the most overlook
christian book on calm and expect less
Qigong breathing exercise all the times
No Gossip, No meddle on other people business
做一个心平气和的人 - Live in Peace, not excitement
More choices
Positive self talk
gamblers lost money due to increasing the betting amount, because the probability is always the same, so cannot have poor money management, money management is most vital, don't suddenly up the bet, no logic.
learn from Uncle Lim more, but don't follow blindly, use my creativity to create new method.
value, what value you can offer, what value people see in you, what value people attract to you. to avoid disappointment, don't expect too much from others.
I am doing very important task now, Forex !
How to find a motivation factor ?????
want perfection ? stupid, no perfection in this world, looking for stress and trouble, open the heart and accept anythings, be kind to yourself and others, be open don't sad and angry, take it easy.
love come from heart, feeling, don't come from talk, feel the love.
Emotion must use heart to feel not by speech
don't expect too much from others, lower your expectation on others. but have to set very high standard for myself. then I will strive hard to achieve it. because I can't control others, but I can control myself.
in Forex when a sharp trend stop, careful and run.
“Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will”
forgot about magic numbers or trend or streak, it is totally randomly independent, if you believe in it, it will destroy you.
in Roulette, if the luck is bad, stop after one loss, then try again, if lose again, stop again, try third times if lose again, stop again. don't force.
Discipline & Self Control
One block
my strategy is (stop after any lose)
bet $10 each on Roulette, if win (65% winning chance) +10
bet $10 each on Roulette, if win (44% winning chance) +10
bet $20 on baccarat if win (50% winning chance) +20
bet $20 on baccarat if win (25% winning chance) +20
when win $100, stop. then start another block again, this time the target is lower to $50. If have time (weekend, Holiday), third target is $30.
not worth to hang on the contract for short term scalping trade, have profits must run.
no profits must hold.
must find money magt method for casino and forex, examples: $10 x 2 = $20, then roulette bet $10 x2 and baccarat bet $20 per bet, if roulette bet $20 x 2 = $40, then baccarat bet $40 per bet
for forex must find a trading amount, per how many contracts for every trade , what amount to take profits ???? when to run ???? must decide with strategy.
don't assume, just follow the chart.
follow long term plan better.
forex, don't rush in with additional contracts, wait for the right time, must study and learn and find out the timing to enter ????? don't rush in ????
for scalping, don't greedy.
which one is better, baccarat or roulette ????base on odds ?
baccarat, study the the money mgt and betting amount and betting frequency ???? draw lines for top middle and bottom, then bet accordingly. high range sell, middle trade, bottom buy.
Soros renamed his fund...Quantum Fund, in tribute to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. That principle asserts that it is impossible to predict the behavior of subatomic particples in quantum mechanics, an idea that meshed with Soros's conviction that markets were always in a state of uncertainty and flux that it was possible to make money by discounting the obvious, and betting on the unexpected.
Hyperthyroidism -- the overproduction of thyroid hormone by your thyroid gland -- is a condition that causes accelerated metabolism. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that hyperthyroidism commonly manifests following periods of extreme stress or during your pregnancy. This health problem is more commonly seen in women than men. Certain dietary practices may be helpful in controlling your hyperthyroidism, although it is always wise to consult your doctor before using diet and nutrition for this health purpose.
Hyperthyroidism and Health
Hyperthyroidism is characterized by the excess production of thyroxine, or T4 -- a hormone secreted by your thyroid gland's follicular cells. According to CNN Health, the three most common causes of excessive T4 production include Graves' disease, hyper-functioning thyroid nodules and thyroiditis, or thyroid inflammation. Frequently experienced symptoms associated with this condition include inability to sleep, increased heart rate, tremors, anxiety, profuse sweating, breathing problems, bulging eyes and changes in your menstrual periods.
A healthy diet alone will not cure or thwart the development of hyperthyroidism, although it can help control your hyperthyroidism-related symptoms. EndocrineWed.com states that numerous foods may be particularly helpful for this health purpose, including cauliflower, kale, cabbage, fish, eggs, mushrooms, walnuts, olive oil, flaxseed oil, turkey, cheese, milk, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. Further scientific scrutiny using randomized controlled trials may be necessary to validate the purported health effects of these foods.
Highlighted Food
Cabbage may be one of the most useful foods in treating your hyperthyroidism. According to naturopathic physician Joseph Pizzorno, author of "The Clinician's Handbook of Natural Medicine," cabbage contains an abundance of dietary goitrogens, or substances that help reduce thyroid hormone production. Goitrogenic foods such as cabbage may help mitigate some of the symptoms of your hyperthyroidism but will not fully resolve your health complaint. Further scientific scrutiny may be required to evaluate the efficacy of cabbage in reducing your hyperthyroidism-related symptoms.
An over-active thyroid gland, or hyperthyroidism, should always be managed by a competent and qualified health care practitioner. Your physician can counsel you on your treatment options for this condition, including natural treatment measures such as diet and nutrition. Before using nutrition therapy to help treat your hyperthyroidism-related symptoms, discuss all possible risks, side effects and drug interactions with your primary care provider. Some foods may cause unwanted health effects and should be avoided or discontinued immediately.