Sleep by 10.45pm.
Focus - no distraction
Memorise One Bible verse per day.
No Gossip, No meddle on other people business
Sources of Pollen
Weeds, trees and grasses release pollen during different seasons depending on their type and location. Most pollen allergies are caused by anemophilous plants like ragweed and oak trees, which rely on wind (as opposed to animals) to disperse their pollen.
Pollen Allergy
While not inherently harmful, pollen is a common trigger for allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Types of pollen notorious for causing allergy include cedar, ragweed, Bermuda grass and cottonwood.
STOP BREATHING: Your Air Is Killing You (and what to do about it)
1. Stop Smoking.
If you have sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, or asthma (or your children do), and you smoke …. seriously?! Really? Stop, duh. It’s not cool any more.
Stay away from tobacco and other smoke. Even the smell of smoke that you can smell on other people – on their clothes, in their hair, on their furniture – is toxic. Keep them away.
2. Change your furnace filters, already.
Check them every month, especially if you have pets. Change them at least every 6 months. No – they were not meant to be changed every 15 years like the oil in your car ;D
3. Run a HEPA-filtered vacuum at least every week.
More often if you have pets. This will help minimize those dust bunnies. It can also help minimize the dust mite or cockroach problem.
4. Clean and detoxify your air with plants.

The 3 Plants recommended by Kamal Meattle (rhymes with Beattle):
Areca Palm – the “living room plant”
Mother-in-law’s Tongue – the “bedroom plant”
Money Plant – the “specialist plant”
Watch Meattle’s TED talk (HIGHLY recommended):
5. Reduce mold in your home.
Every home has mold, but you can reduce it:
Run the ventilation fan when you take a shower.
Track down leaking faucets or condensation on pipes – look beneath your bathroom or kitchen sink. Any stains beneath the pipes suggest a leak or dripping condensation. Have it checked – that moisture is a potential source of mold.
If you use a humidifier in your bedroom at night (a good idea), turn it off during the day. Open the room up to air it out.
You don’t need to use bleach to scrub away mold. Tea tree oil is a natural antifungal. Add a teaspoon of the essential oil to a cup of water and apply solution with a brush.
6. Get rid of as much plastic in your life as possible.
Sure, plastics have brought us convenience, but they have also brought us poisons. The volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) from our furniture, wall coverings, PVC pipes, clothing, dishes, etc., all pollute our air, our water, our food. They are bad for us. This means (these are mostly about your water, but still valuable):
Stop drinking bottled water. Every liter of bottled water requires 2 liters of water to produce the bottle and get the water into the bottle (that’s a whole separate rant!), and we use enough oil to fuel 1 Million cars per year in this country, just to make the bottles for our water. Worse, bottled water contains toxins.
Use tap water. Filter it if you must. We do.
Carry your water around in a cool stainless bottle. I use one by Klean Kanteen (see my Amazon Store on right column of this blog).
Store your leftovers in glass or stainless.
Pack your kids’ lunches in stainless.
7. Get rid of all those toxic cleaners.
In your home, in your office, in your garage, in your car.
Natural cleaning alternatives include:
Vinegar. Mix 1:1 with water for natural all-purpose cleaner. Test on inconspicuous area first. Vinegar nicely cuts grease, removes mildew. CAUTION: do NOT use on marble. AND: It may dissolve tile grout.
Use straight vinegar for toilet cleaning.
Use vinegar as a fabric softener: add 1/2 cup vinegar to rinse cycle in place of commercial softener. Good for those with sensitive skin (and who doesn’t have that?).
Lemon juice. Excellent at dissolving soap scum and hard water deposits.
Baking soda. Sprinkle baking soda on cut half of lemon – use to scrub surfaces, stains, dishes. Wow. Nice effect.
Baking soda is great for cutting grease, getting wax or lipstick out of clothing – make a paste with a little water and gently rub before loading into washer.
Use baking soda to clean a stuck drain instead of hard drain-openers:
8. Finally, take your shoes off.
It is said that 85% of dirt and toxins in the dust in our homes comes in on our shoes. Leave your shoes at the door to prevent bringing the attached dirt, bacteria, and pollutants into your home.
Do a search on BPA or VOC to get a sense of how these toxins are contributing to your illnesses – from asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, and immune disorders, to all-out cancer. If you or your children have ANY chronic illness, chances are there is a scientific study that demonstrates a link to toxins in our plastics.
When bet on streak, don't ever believe it will soon appear if it gone long stretch without appearing. should wait, but bet in jumping sequent, then after the long streak finished, bet continuously for many rounds.
Bell Pepper
whole-wheat bread,
crackers made from grain, and
grain cereals.
Brown or white rice
rice cakes
pretzels with no seasoning
corn products.
extra-lean ground beef
Chicken should be skinless
chicken breast rather than dark meat is a good choice.
turkey and London broil
skim, low-fat or fat-free milk instead of whole milk,
Drink plenty of water every day to keep acid reflux in check.
Calm stomach acid with a cup of herbal tea.
Black tea has a high acid content and should be avoided.
low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese
Cheese such as feta, goat and soy cheese
Fat-free cream cheese
fat-free sour cream
vegetable or chicken broth base.
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