Friday, December 28, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
25 Dec
4 Simple Ways to Focus on the Positive
If you read any personal development advice, you’ll rather quickly come across the idea that it’s important to focus on positive aspects of life. Rather than dwelling on what could be better or what you feel you should be doing, you’re encouraged to pay attention to the areas which are already going well.
The concept makes sense: by concentrating on what’s good, we’re likely to be encouraged and motivated, and we’ll automatically start looking for ways to get more of the same. The problem, though, is how to focus on what’s positive in our lives – when it’s easy to dwell on mistakes and regrets.
These are four simple techniques to try:
Regular Gratitude Journal
I’ve got to confess, there’s something about constant “be grateful” advice that gets on my nerves a bit. Sometimes I’m just not feeling in a very grateful mood, or the whole idea can seem a bit hokey. But when I read in Richard Wiseman’s 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot that scientific studies have shown that gratitude really does make you happier, I decided I needed to take it a bit more seriously.
Ideally, you’ll spend a couple of minutes each evening jotting down a short list of things which you’re grateful for. It could be anything from a really good cup of coffee that morning to hearing your child say “I love you.”
But don’t ditch this one if a daily effort is too much – once or twice a week will still be a huge help.
Monthly Achievement Log
Over the past three years, I’ve been spending just five – ten minutes each month writing down the things which I’ve achieved. They don’t have to be a big deal: anything new, like “went ski-ing for the first time” or any particular milestones, like “finished draft one of my novel” go into the book.
This has been a great habit because it encourages you to try new things, and it also helps you look back and see what you’ve achieved. Give it a go, especially in months where you feel you haven’t accomplished much – there’ll always be more than you think!
Focus on Effort
From childhood, we’re used to being graded on our work, and praised (or not!) for the results we get. Although celebrating your achievements is definitely part of being positive, it’s also important to acknowledge effort.
If you tried hard at something, regardless of whether you fully succeeded or not, that’s important. Rather than focusing entirely on the results which you get, look at the effort you put in. Maybe you’re trying to lose weight: the scales didn’t budge this week, but you went out jogging three times. In the long run, building that consistent habit is more important than minor fluctuations in your weight.
Say “Thank You”
It costs nothing at all to say “thank you” – but it can really brighten up someone’s day. It makes you feel good, too, to focus on being pleased with someone (rather than criticizing or nagging them). Next time your partner cooks dinner, or your children tidy up their toys, say a simple “thank you”.
This is really powerful in the workplace, too; it helps you appreciate your colleagues or employees more, and it can be very motivating to them too – making the office a much more positive place to be.
What tips do you have on focusing on the positive aspects of life, rather than getting bogged down worrying about the negative ones?
24 Dec
One of the most powerful tools for maximizing results from your work is a weekly practice of building on your successes.
The positive focus practice is a simple exercise of rehearsing the successes of the previous week, acknowledging what worked (or didn’t), and then taking specific actions to enhance the positive and eliminating the negative – both for you, your team, and your customer.
A traditional checklist typically associates the same priority to each and every item. Picking up your dry cleaning is given equal weight to returning a phone call to follow up on a potentially lucrative business lead.
Does that make any sense?
When you mentally rehearse the week and write down every positive accomplishment, you breathe new life into them – making it possible to progress to the next level.
It’s a powerful exercise.
When you get intensely focused on what matters in a positive way, it builds confidence that encourages future progress.
This is something a simple checklist cannot do for you. In fact, as your to-do list grows, it can actually become a demotivator. We all need checklists to keep our promises and manage the little things in life, but we also need something more to achieve those big goals that build the confidence that sustains our efforts.
A positive focus practice is not only a tool for motivation, it is one for organizing and focusing your talents where they are most likely to produce higher value results.
Checklists tend to emphasize and reward busyness, whereas a positive focus practice emphasizes practical business results. There is a big difference between the two.
Everyone gets caught up in the activities of the moment. This is in fact a very good thing when your present moment awareness is focused on high value activities.
To enhance productivity, you need to build the habit of focusing on what matters, as well as the next steps for progressively accomplishing the desired goal or objective.
A weekly positive focus is going to keep you aligned with the right activities. The net result is you will stay on track with what matters most. If you happen to occasionally lose your focus, as we all do, you will be much more aware of what is necessary to get back on track.
The best time to do your positive focus will depend upon you and your business. It’s personal.
It is common to take some time on Friday afternoon to recap the week, which is why I am publishing this article at this time. However, I personally prefer to naturally find the right time on the weekend when I am refreshed, relaxed, and mentally ready to build my plans for upcoming next.
Find what works best for you.
In addition to helping you focus on the important things that matter, the positive focus practice helps you to transform and move on from negative experiences.
Negative experiences can actually be highly productive. These are opportunities for learning that effectively help you make the progress you know is within your capabilities. It’s easy to view unfavorable results as mistakes, however, that is what they are only if you do not learn from them.
Last week I took specific actions to amend an unfavorable result. What I learned not only helped me to move on from it, but also to better prepare future clients for what they can expect from my business.
This is a lesson for all of us. Businesses only succeed when the respective responsibilities of the business or enterprise and the customer or client are absolutely clear.
Regardless of what you may call it, business is a collaborative partnership – one that benefits from mutual accountability and a positive focus on what matters most for the respective parties.
How about you? Will a weekly positive focus enhance your business results?
23 Dec
You Don’t Have to be Buddhist to Experience the Benefits of Meditation
There is growing interest in the use of meditation and other contemplative practices to promote mental and physical health.
Until recently, the practice of meditation has been traditionally relegated to the private study of those willing to be specially trained in a particular style or technique.
However, in the past 10 years, things have changed as meditation’s universal appeal and access has begun to broaden, and the real-world applications and neuroscience research has followed.
Even more interesting is exploring the valuable effects of combining frameworks and techniques from different contemplative traditions to improve emotional experiences and regulation.
A recent study published in the Journal of Emotions (2012) examined the emotional changes that can result from meditation practice and emotional intelligence training, by delivering a program to 82 female participants over 8 weeks.
The program covered 42 hours of meditation and emotion regulation training and included educational presentations, discussions related to emotions and life philosophies, and different secular meditations and contemplative skills. The participants were randomly assigned to either a training group or wait-list control group.
The study aimed to see how contemplative practice could reduce “destructive enactment of emotions,” and enhance pro-social responses through the development of emotional states such as compassion.
The study revealed that combining different meditation traditions was effective on many of the measures. The content of the program combined techniques from concentration mediation, mindfulness meditation, as well mettā meditation.
The training group reported reduced negative affect, rumination, depression, anxiety, and increased positive affect and mindfulness compared to the control group.
The training revealed a reduction in destructive emotions and coinciding behaviors such as hostility and other reactive behavioral responses.
As well, the meditation group demonstrated greater reduction in physiological arousal and had quicker recovery of their sympathetic nervous system when presented with tasks to induce stress.
Participants of the training group also showed increases in positive affect, such as compassion, when responding to images of suffering individuals, and showed greater ability to recognize facial expressions of emotions in others.
This study offers intriguing finding in support of the efficacy of different meditative techniques when it comes to emotional awareness and regulation. There isn’t necessarily any one type of meditation better than another. If you are of a more mystical bent, try Transcendental Meditation or take a class in Yoga. Herbert Bensen has a classic book, “The Relaxation Response,” which teaches a simple type of meditation. Mindfulness Meditation is also great.
Implementing meditation as a supplement to other mental health techniques can be a helpful and applicable practice, and there may be no better time to begin recognizing how meditation can be a perfect intervention to help people cope with the fast paced, technologically advanced society we live in today.
22 Dec
I came across this quote from Albert Einstein, and it really inspired me.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” -Albert Einstein
It made me wonder if I am letting my knowledge (or desire for knowledge) stifle my imagination, and therefore inhibit my creativity? I definitely don’t want that to happen. So as a reminder to myself I created a graphic that might make a cool poster some day:

I came across this quote while reading an article about creative thinking. This really got my creative juices going.
It was really powerful for me, so I thought I’d share it here. I hope it inspires and provokes you to go out and create something. Forget what you know, and dream bigger.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
21 Dec
try 2 MA and 5 MA
How to manage my time effectively ?
Train myself to accept discipline, simple life, peace at heart, hard work, focus and perseverance.
Sleep by 10.45pm.
now is eternity
Focus - no distraction
control GERD
Memorise One Bible verse per day.
Dumbbell curl
Reverse Dips
Free Squat
Leg Raises
patient is the most overlook
christian book on calm and expect less
Qigong breathing exercise all the times
No Gossip, No meddle on other people business
做一个心平气和的人 - Live in Peace, not excitement
More choices
Positive self talk
gamblers lost money due to increasing the betting amount, because the probability is always the same, so cannot have poor money management, money management is most vital, don't suddenly up the bet, no logic.
learn from Uncle Lim more, but don't follow blindly, use my creativity to create new method.
Now is eternity, so focus on Now, how to fully utilise now, explosive. creativity and imagination is more important than knowledge.
how to be creativity ???
value, what value you can offer, what value people see in you, what value people attract to you. to avoid disappointment, don't expect too much from others.
How to increase your value ? how to add value to yourself ? you must do it, Yes I can.
Focus on Your Dream.
I am doing very important task now, Forex !
How to find a motivation factor ?????
want perfection ? stupid, no perfection in this world, looking for stress and trouble, open the heart and accept anythings, be kind to yourself and others, be open don't sad and angry, take it easy.
love come from heart, feeling, don't come from talk, feel the love.
Emotion must use heart to feel not by speech
don't expect too much from others, lower your expectation on others. but have to set very high standard for myself. then I will strive hard to achieve it. because I can't control others, but I can control myself.
in Forex when a sharp trend stop, careful and run.
no patient is my weakness in Forex, be slow and patient, wait for the right time to trade. wait for the trend to stop then trade.
“Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will”
forgot about magic numbers or trend or streak, it is totally randomly independent, if you believe in it, it will destroy you.
in Roulette, if the luck is bad, stop after one loss, then try again, if lose again, stop again, try third times if lose again, stop again. don't force.
Discipline & Self Control
One block
my strategy is (stop after any lose)
bet $10 each on Roulette, if win (65% winning chance) +10
bet $10 each on Roulette, if win (44% winning chance) +10
bet $20 on baccarat if win (50% winning chance) +20
bet $20 on baccarat if win (25% winning chance) +20
when win $100, stop.
then start another block again, this time the target is lower to $50. If have time (weekend, Holiday), third target is $30.
struggle for long period, up down within a range, then wait for a big break.
not worth to hang on the contract for short term scalping trade, have profits must run.
no profits must hold.
must find money magt method for casino and forex, examples:
$10 x 2 = $20, then roulette bet $10 x2 and baccarat bet $20 per bet,
if roulette bet $20 x 2 = $40, then baccarat bet $40 per bet
for forex must find a trading amount, per how many contracts for every trade , what amount to take profits ???? when to run ???? must decide with strategy.
don't assume, just follow the chart.
follow long term plan better.
forex, don't rush in with additional contracts, wait for the right time, must study and learn and find out the timing to enter ????? don't rush in ????
for scalping, don't greedy.
which one is better, baccarat or roulette ????base on odds ?
baccarat, study the the money mgt and betting amount and betting frequency ????
draw lines for top middle and bottom, then bet accordingly. high range sell, middle trade, bottom buy.
Soros renamed his fund...Quantum Fund, in tribute to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. That principle asserts that it is impossible to predict the behavior of subatomic particples in quantum mechanics, an idea that meshed with Soros's conviction that markets were always in a state of uncertainty and flux that it was possible to make money by discounting the obvious, and betting on the unexpected.
try 2 MA and 5 MA
How to manage my time effectively ?
Train myself to accept discipline, simple life, peace at heart, hard work, focus and perseverance.
Sleep by 10.45pm.
now is eternity
Focus - no distraction
control GERD
Memorise One Bible verse per day.
Dumbbell curl
Reverse Dips
Free Squat
Leg Raises
patient is the most overlook
christian book on calm and expect less
Qigong breathing exercise all the times
No Gossip, No meddle on other people business
做一个心平气和的人 - Live in Peace, not excitement
More choices
Positive self talk
gamblers lost money due to increasing the betting amount, because the probability is always the same, so cannot have poor money management, money management is most vital, don't suddenly up the bet, no logic.
learn from Uncle Lim more, but don't follow blindly, use my creativity to create new method.
Now is eternity, so focus on Now, how to fully utilise now, explosive. creativity and imagination is more important than knowledge.
how to be creativity ???
value, what value you can offer, what value people see in you, what value people attract to you. to avoid disappointment, don't expect too much from others.
How to increase your value ? how to add value to yourself ? you must do it, Yes I can.
Focus on Your Dream.
I am doing very important task now, Forex !
How to find a motivation factor ?????
want perfection ? stupid, no perfection in this world, looking for stress and trouble, open the heart and accept anythings, be kind to yourself and others, be open don't sad and angry, take it easy.
love come from heart, feeling, don't come from talk, feel the love.
Emotion must use heart to feel not by speech
don't expect too much from others, lower your expectation on others. but have to set very high standard for myself. then I will strive hard to achieve it. because I can't control others, but I can control myself.
in Forex when a sharp trend stop, careful and run.
no patient is my weakness in Forex, be slow and patient, wait for the right time to trade. wait for the trend to stop then trade.
“Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will”
forgot about magic numbers or trend or streak, it is totally randomly independent, if you believe in it, it will destroy you.
in Roulette, if the luck is bad, stop after one loss, then try again, if lose again, stop again, try third times if lose again, stop again. don't force.
Discipline & Self Control
One block
my strategy is (stop after any lose)
bet $10 each on Roulette, if win (65% winning chance) +10
bet $10 each on Roulette, if win (44% winning chance) +10
bet $20 on baccarat if win (50% winning chance) +20
bet $20 on baccarat if win (25% winning chance) +20
when win $100, stop.
then start another block again, this time the target is lower to $50. If have time (weekend, Holiday), third target is $30.
struggle for long period, up down within a range, then wait for a big break.
not worth to hang on the contract for short term scalping trade, have profits must run.
no profits must hold.
must find money magt method for casino and forex, examples:
$10 x 2 = $20, then roulette bet $10 x2 and baccarat bet $20 per bet,
if roulette bet $20 x 2 = $40, then baccarat bet $40 per bet
for forex must find a trading amount, per how many contracts for every trade , what amount to take profits ???? when to run ???? must decide with strategy.
don't assume, just follow the chart.
follow long term plan better.
forex, don't rush in with additional contracts, wait for the right time, must study and learn and find out the timing to enter ????? don't rush in ????
for scalping, don't greedy.
which one is better, baccarat or roulette ????base on odds ?
baccarat, study the the money mgt and betting amount and betting frequency ????
draw lines for top middle and bottom, then bet accordingly. high range sell, middle trade, bottom buy.
Soros renamed his fund...Quantum Fund, in tribute to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. That principle asserts that it is impossible to predict the behavior of subatomic particples in quantum mechanics, an idea that meshed with Soros's conviction that markets were always in a state of uncertainty and flux that it was possible to make money by discounting the obvious, and betting on the unexpected.
20 Dec
How to Quickly Boost Your Testosterone for Increased Performance
Wow... I'm getting old.
It's a disturbing thought, one that usually hits after an unexpected physical challenge. Maybe you've been unable to maintain your usual workout levels, or recovery is taking a lot longer than it used to. Perhaps fixes to the house are just a bit more difficult, or you find yourself feeling tired more often.
What's most startling about this realization is that you don't normally "feel old" but, nevertheless, you know you're not the man you used to be.
And the issue? It could be a decrease in your testosterone.
Most people don't realize that testosterone is a vital hormone for maintaining overall good health. An article from the Lance Armstrong Foundation's site, noted that when testosterone levels start to decline, men experience a gradual reduction in muscle density, size and strength. Testosterone stimulates the use of stored body fat for energy and keeps you looking lean, but when your levels decrease fatigue can set in from the breakdown of muscle tissue and poor energy production. The article adds, "You also see an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and other age-related illness that occur as testosterone levels slowly decline with age. Lower testosterone levels are associated with increased obesity, diabetes, fatigue, lower cognitive abilities, depression and heart disease."
Testosterone replacement therapy is one possible way of handling the situation, but it must be done through a doctor and research is mixed on whether or not it actually works. The real trick is getting the body to safely start producing more testosterone on its own, and one of the most exciting approaches has been developed by a group of scientists working at a leading Cambridge, Massachusetts nutraceutical company.
This team developed a safe and effective supplement that actually triggers the body to raise free testosterone levels naturally. It’s called Test X180 and it’s now available to the public. Test X180 relies on well-researched natural testosterone boosting ingredients such as Testofen®, which can significantly pump up a person’s free testosterone levels.
The product has no harmful side effects and has been shown to deliver improvements in strength and endurance in just days. In fact, the company states that results of Test X180 include enhanced physical performance and stamina.
What kind of a difference can a testosterone boosting supplement like this make?
According to users of the product, it’s nothing short of spectacular. From increased muscle definition and quicker recovery times, to increased feelings of alertness and greater endurance, these users are reporting virtual transformations as a result of safely boosting their free testosterone with Test X180.
Test X180 is manufactured under the strictest quality standards and is available at GNC stores across the nation.
Best of all, right now, the company that manufacturers Test X180 is giving away samples of the products to qualifying customers who request them online.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
19 Dec
The Secret and Beyond . . .
The Five Most Common Mistakes in
Mastering the Law of Attraction
The Five Most Common Mistakes in
Mastering the Law of Attraction
Did you love the movie The Secret? Have you been trying to practice what you learned from it? Do you experience any frustration or confusion about how to effectively manifest your dreams? If so, then read on. The tips in this article will help you bring more of the secrets behind the law of attraction out into the open.
Due to the popularity of The Secret, many new books, CDs and programs have been marketed to help people put these ideas into practice. People such as Esther Hicks (a.k.a. Abraham), Jack Canfield, Bob Doyle and countless others have offered their own spin on the principles of The Secret.
Many of you may have purchased these in an attempt to master the law of attraction and bring the things you truly want into your life. In this article you'll discover solutions for the five most common mistakes made when people first begin practicing the law of attraction.
Law of Attraction Mistake #1
You don't practice what you know. It may sound silly, but many people who watch The Secret think it's a great idea but then continue doing exactly what they've always done.
Solution: Pick at least one idea from The Secret and practice it every day. As soon as that one starts becoming habit, pick another one.
Law of Attraction Mistake #2
Getting attached to one particular outcome. Many people focus on one particular thing they want to manifest in their life and lose sight of the bigger picture. They end up blind to all the other good things that are actually happening in their lives because they're only looking for that one outcome that they initially imagined.
Solution: Things don't always come in the exact form that we expect. Focus instead on the underlying importance of what you want - the essence of it - and see the bigger picture too. Be open to experiencing the variety of miracles that come as the result of your efforts.
Law of Attraction Mistake #3
Sending yourself mixed messages. You have probably heard how important it is to focus your attention on what it is that you want. Often, people think they're concentrating on what they want, but they're actually complaining about what they don't have. They say things like: "I want more money because I'm sick of being so broke" or "I'm going to find the person of my dreams as soon as I lose some weight." All these mixed messages make it very challenging to manifest what you truly want.
Solution: Becoming conscious of the fact that you're sending mixed messages is the first step to focusing on what you want. Write a list of all the things that you want to manifest. Make sure it is totally free of anything about what you don't want. Then make it a game to see how many times you can catch yourself mixing your messages when you speak or think about these things. Every time you catch yourself, restate what you've just said the way you wrote it on your list.
Law of Attraction Mistake #4
Creating expectations that you don't really believe are possible. We see it all the time: someone gets very clear about what they want, like getting an 80 foot yacht by next month. Then they start practicing the principles of the law of attraction, but they don't really believe they can get what they want. The problem is that past experiences can limit what you believe is actually possible for you, and if you don't truly believe something can happen, it's almost guaranteed not to.
Solution: Let go of any expectations that are beyond what you can allow yourself to truly belive are possible. When you do pick something, trust it will come to you at the perfect time for you to accept it. Every success you have will increase your ability to believe that greater things are possible for you.
Law of Attraction Mistake #5
Focusing only on future returns. Gratitude is an essential component to manifesting your dreams. Very often, people seem to plan on being grateful in the future for all the things that will manifest in their lives. The big car, the great house, the perfect partner... the list goes on and on. But it is your day-to-day experiences that capture your attention - and what you focus your attention on grows. So, unless you can find things to be grateful for right now - in your daily experience - you'll end up focusing on what you don't have instead of what you really want.
Solution: Learn to cultivate gratitude in your daily life. Each morning, survey your life. Pinpoint at least 3 things you can be grateful for right now. Once you get the hang of this, it becomes easer and you'll begin noticing many more things for which you are grateful.
These solutions are just some of the techniques that you can use as you develop the ability to manifest your dreams. If you'd like more tips and practical advice for creating and living the life you really want, sign up for our thought-provoking and motivational Weekly Action Tips eMail series.
Each tip offers unique self-help skills and personal growth techniques to help you focus on the things that are most important to you. Sign up today!
Remember that finding happiness is a choice that you can make for yourself.
And for more great relationship tips, visit our
Become A Hedgehog A Set The Power of the Law of Attraction Into Motion
Become a hedgehog today. Focus in on a single goal or mission. Keep your energy concentrated and focused don’t let it be diffused and weaken your life.
The Law of Attraction
Embracing The Power of Focus
Recently the power of focus and the law of attraction has been a key driving force in my life. Daily I’m reminded to keep focused on my goals and to use my gifts as creative expressions in my life.
Even to show me what I’ve been out picturing in my life and holding as a resonant frequency my daughter has begun to become effected by my thoughts.
She has shown me what it’s like to set the law of attraction in motion and then to suddenly change your mind.
She’ll ask for something like cereal and I’ll get up and go make it for her and then she’ll change her mind and not want it. She’ll ask for a glass of soy milk so I’ll go get it for her and before I start pouring it she’ll change her mind. Over and over this was happening.
Then just the other day it hit me, “This is what I’m doing with my life.” I thought to myself.
I’ll start something and then abruptly change my mind. I’ll set the power of the law of attraction in motion and just as the ball starts rolling in my life I’ll change my mind. Effectively getting me no-where and just frustrating all those people in my life who are hoping for my best and want to see me succeed.
Focus & the Law Of Attraction
Well this has all changed now. Daily I focus in on my targeted goals and anything that does not bring me closer to them get’s dropped out of my life.
Over the last few weeks, my life has become like a laser as I focus in on my chief goal, and do everything in my life to bring that dream into reality.
I’m becoming focused and as a result of that focus my power has increased 100 fold and the Law of Attraction has kicked into overdrive into my life.
So this process that has unfolded in my life has reminded of a concept that I first read in Jim Collins’amazing book Good To Great.
In it he proposes that there are two types of companies, hedgehogs or foxes, and it’s the hedgehogs that move to ultimate success, blowing there competition out of the water.
The Law of Attraction – Are You A Hedgehog of A Fox?
In his famous essay “The Hedgehog and the Fox,” Isaiah Berlin divided the world into hedgehogs and foxes, based upon an ancient Greek parable: “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”
Good to Great, by Jim CollinsAre You a Hedgehog or a Fox?
Chapter 5, pages 90–91
The fox is a cunning creature, able to devise a myriad of complex strategies for sneak attacks upon the hedgehog. Day in and day out, the fox circles around the hedgehog’s den, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. Fast, sleek, beautiful, fleet of foot, and crafty—the fox looks like the sure winner. The hedgehog, on the other hand, is a dowdier creature, looking like a genetic mix-up between a porcupine and a small armadillo. He waddles along, going about his simple day, searching for lunch and taking care of his home.The fox waits in cunning silence at the juncture in the trail. The hedgehog, minding his own business, wanders right into the path of the fox. “Aha, I’ve got you now!” thinks the fox. He leaps out, bounding across the ground, lightning fast. The little hedgehog, sensing danger, looks up and thinks, “Here we go again. Will he ever learn?” Rolling up into a perfect little ball, the hedgehog becomes a sphere of sharp spikes, pointing outward in all directions. The fox, bounding toward his prey, sees the hedgehog defense and calls off the attack. Retreating back to the forest, the fox begins to calculate a new line of attack. Each day, some version of this battle between the hedgehog and the fox takes place, and despite the greater cunning of the fox, the hedgehog always wins.Berlin extrapolated from this little parable to divide people into two basic groups: foxes and hedgehogs. Foxes pursue many ends at the same time and see the world in all its complexity. They are “scattered or diffused, moving on many levels,” says Berlin, never integrating their thinking into one overall concept or unifying vision.Hedgehogs, on the other hand, simplify a complex world into a single organizing idea, a basic principle or concept that unifies and guides everything. It doesn’t matter how complex the world, a hedgehog reduces all challenges and dilemmas to simple—indeed almost simplistic—hedgehog ideas. For a hedgehog, anything that does not somehow relate to the hedgehog idea holds no relevance.Princeton professor Marvin Bressler pointed out the power of the hedgehog during one of our long conversations: “You want to know what separates those who make the biggest impact from all the others who are just as smart? They’re hedgehogs.” Freud and the unconscious, Darwin and natural selection, Marx and class struggle, Einstein and relativity, Adam Smith and division of labor—they were all hedgehogs. They took a complex world and simplified it. “Those who leave the biggest footprints,” said Bressler, “have thousands calling after them, ‘Good idea, but you went too far!’ ”3To be clear, hedgehogs are not stupid. Quite the contrary. They understand that the essence of profound insight is simplicity. What could be more simple than e = mc2? What could be simpler than the idea of the unconscious, organized into an id, ego, and superego? What could be more elegant than Adam Smith’s pin factory and “invisible hand?” No, the hedgehogs aren’t simpletons; they have a piercing insight that allows them to see through complexity and discern underlying patterns. Hedgehogs see what is essential, and ignore the rest.
Law of Attraction: Focus on the ''What'' Not the ''How''
Our minds are a pretty amazing thing. They can be our biggest liberator or our greatest oppressor. It has been my experience that our thoughts and feelings play a massive role in creating our reality and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise. We all have our unique desires, things that we believe will make us happy. Unfortunately, those things often have not appeared in our life yet. In many instances, we do not even attempt to manifest them. We stop before we can even start because our logical minds cannot ‘’figure it out,’’ a compulsion that does not serve us well when it comes to creating the life we want for ourselves.
We view the things we desire most as something in the realm of fantasy; we conclude that they can never really be ours. We look at our current circumstances and we just cannot see how it would be possible to break free of them and move towards what we actually want. We have a very limited view of what life is supposed to be like and we settle for very little. We think we are just mean to be ordinary and we view people who have done extraordinary things as super humans, but they are just like us in many ways, they just think differently.
When it comes to really making significant changes in our lives and getting what we really want, there is one key rule that we must adopt, no exceptions. We need to focus on the ‘’what’’ and release the ‘’how.’’ The ‘’how’’ is something we cannot even begin to figure out logically. There are a million different ways we can manifest the things we want, there are a million different opportunities, a million different people or situations we can encounter; there is no way for us to conceive of all of them in this moment.
When I talk about this type of stuff, I am not just talking about awe-inspiring encounters that shake up your very foundation and how you look at the world, I am talking about seemingly non-spectacular events, like simply getting an urge to visit a particular website you never have before and it contains a piece of information that helps you reach your goal, or meeting a friend of a friend who happens to know of a job opening in the exact field you are looking for.
Letting go of the ‘’how’’ also unblocks your mind and allows ideas and solutions to flow to you. These epiphanies will often appear obvious and glaringly simple, and you will wonder how you did not think of it before; but when our minds are clogged with worry, fear and limited thinking, even the simplest solutions cannot get through. You will be inspired to do certain things and these inspired actions will open doors that you could not have even imagined. You will find that even though you are doing many of the things in the same way as you always have, you may be getting better results. For example, maybe you are a freelance writer and you seem to be getting a lot more jobs than you were previously.
Our heavy reliance on logical thought and the need to figure things out can make this extremely difficult, believe me I know! I still struggle with it, particularly in certain areas of my life. The good news is, you do not need to be in this zone 24/7 to make progress, though it will be to your benefit to tip the scales in favor of feeling good rather than feeling badly. Just get clear on your vision, what you want out of life, without judgment or censoring. As I have heard it said many times before, the ‘’how’’ is none of your business!
We view the things we desire most as something in the realm of fantasy; we conclude that they can never really be ours. We look at our current circumstances and we just cannot see how it would be possible to break free of them and move towards what we actually want. We have a very limited view of what life is supposed to be like and we settle for very little. We think we are just mean to be ordinary and we view people who have done extraordinary things as super humans, but they are just like us in many ways, they just think differently.
When it comes to really making significant changes in our lives and getting what we really want, there is one key rule that we must adopt, no exceptions. We need to focus on the ‘’what’’ and release the ‘’how.’’ The ‘’how’’ is something we cannot even begin to figure out logically. There are a million different ways we can manifest the things we want, there are a million different opportunities, a million different people or situations we can encounter; there is no way for us to conceive of all of them in this moment.
When I talk about this type of stuff, I am not just talking about awe-inspiring encounters that shake up your very foundation and how you look at the world, I am talking about seemingly non-spectacular events, like simply getting an urge to visit a particular website you never have before and it contains a piece of information that helps you reach your goal, or meeting a friend of a friend who happens to know of a job opening in the exact field you are looking for.
Letting go of the ‘’how’’ also unblocks your mind and allows ideas and solutions to flow to you. These epiphanies will often appear obvious and glaringly simple, and you will wonder how you did not think of it before; but when our minds are clogged with worry, fear and limited thinking, even the simplest solutions cannot get through. You will be inspired to do certain things and these inspired actions will open doors that you could not have even imagined. You will find that even though you are doing many of the things in the same way as you always have, you may be getting better results. For example, maybe you are a freelance writer and you seem to be getting a lot more jobs than you were previously.
Our heavy reliance on logical thought and the need to figure things out can make this extremely difficult, believe me I know! I still struggle with it, particularly in certain areas of my life. The good news is, you do not need to be in this zone 24/7 to make progress, though it will be to your benefit to tip the scales in favor of feeling good rather than feeling badly. Just get clear on your vision, what you want out of life, without judgment or censoring. As I have heard it said many times before, the ‘’how’’ is none of your business!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
18 Dec
There are four options for those wishing to retire in Belize or to spend extended periods of time in the country. Each has advantages and disadvantages. The four options include a Visitor Permit, Qualified Retired Persons Status, Permanent Residence and Work Permit that can lead to Belizean Citizenship.

This is the easiest, cheapest way to live in the country for a while, and it requires no long-term commitment. On entry, you get a free visitor permit good for up to 30 days. This permit can be renewed for up to three months at US$25 a month, and then for up to nine more months at US$50 a month. If you are staying in Belize for more than three months, you are supposed to have an AIDS test (performed in Belize).
To renew your tourist card, you’ll need to visit a government immigration office in Belize City or Belmopan, or a police station in a district town. You are expected to show that you have sufficient resources to maintain yourself in Belize, at least US$60 a day, but this requirement is rarely enforced as long as you look respectable. If you fail to renew your permit in a timely way, or if you overstay your allotted time, technically you could be in violation of Belizean law and can be deported. At the very least, you will subject to questioning by an official and a possible fine.

The Qualified Retired Persons Incentive Act, passed by the Belize legislature in 1999 and implemented in 2000, is applied by the Belize Tourist Board. The program is designed to attract more retirees to Belize. Interest in the program appears to be fairly high; but, because of the income requirement, inability to work for pay in Belize and other factors, the actual number of retirees under the program in Belize is, as yet, relatively small.
For those who can show the required monthly income from investments or pensions, this program offers benefits of official residency and tax-free entry of the retiree’s household goods and a car, boat and even an airplane. This program also eliminates some of the bureaucratic delays built into other programs. The Belize Tourist Board guarantees action on an application in no more than three months, but we have heard of qualified retirees getting approval for this program in only a few weeks.

Requirements and benefits are similar to those of the Retired Persons Incentive Act. The application process and supporting documents needed are virtually the same as for retired residency.
Here are the main differences: As a regular, permanent resident, you do not have to deposit any particular sum in a bank in Belize. However, you do have to show financial resources sufficient to obtain residency status. You can work for pay in Belize. You must live in Belize for one full year before you can apply for regular permanent residency. During this period, you cannot leave the country for more than 14 consecutive days. It is more expensive to apply for regular, permanent residency than for retired permanent residency.

Citizens of certain countries need to get a visa if they want to visit Belize. A visa is the entrance permit to the country issued by the consular body of Belize. If there is no Belizean consulate in your country, please apply at the nearest British consulate, who will be happy to assist you.
Live and Invest in Belize
By Kathleen Peddicord
As the only English-speaking country in Central America, Belize has been attracting expats in the know from the U.K., the United States, and Canada for decades.
But the fact that folks in these parts speak English (albeit with a twist) is only the beginning of the long list of reasons to give this little country a close look. Belize was a colony of the Crown until 1981, and the British left behind more than their language. They established a stable government, an English-based educational system, secure international business structures, and a legal system tied to the highest court in Great Britain.

The world’s top offshore
haven is also an
adventure-traveler’s playground…
haven is also an
adventure-traveler’s playground…
They also built themselves a banking haven. They looked around at the top banking havens worldwide at the time and cherry-picked the best elements of the banking laws in each case. These elements were incorporated into the banking law for the about-to-become-independent nation to be known as Belize.
The constitution for this new country was based on the Canadian constitution. What does this mean?
That means boring. Boring politics, boring everything. Not much to rock anybody’s boat.
As a result, in the nearly three decades since, Belize has managed to remain largely under the radar. Ambergris Caye drew some attention as the setting for TV’s “Temptation Island.” Otherwise, other than from global divers and sun-seekers, Belize has been really successful at attracting very little attention.
In the past couple of years, the global banking industry has been turned on its head. Used to be, the mention of “banking” brought to mind places like Switzerland or Austria. This paradigm has collapsed. There are dozens of “banking havens” around the world. The truth is, though, very few of them deserve the description right now. Belize is an exception.
Belize remains a true banking haven for two reasons. First, bank secrecy. Belize maintains it. Anyone in the Belize banking industry who violates the country’s bank secrecy laws goes to jail for a minimum of 18 months. Trust me. You don’t want to spend 18 months in a Belize jail.
How has Belize managed to maintain its bank secrecy position while other better-known jurisdictions have all but abandoned the idea?
That’s my point, precisely. Belize is little-known. This country has kept its head down. No one pays it any attention, and Belize is keen to keep it that way.
The second reason Belize stands out among the world’s banking havens right now is liquidity. Thanks to recent events, bank liquidity has become a hot, sexy topic.
Current liquidity among banks around the world is less than 2%.
That’s the average worldwide. What’s the situation in Belize?
Banks in this country maintain liquidity rates of 24%. This standard is mandated by the Belize government. A quarter out of every dollar in a Belize bank must be liquid. If a bank falls below this level of liquidity, the government can take the keys and close the bank.
How did Belize bankers fare during the recent banking crisis? As a banker friend in this country explains, “We sat back and smiled. We knew we didn’t have anything to worry about, and, in fact, not a single Belize bank has failed.”

Own in Belize’s beautiful Cayo
for as little as US$12,000…
for as little as US$12,000…
Belize banks maintain an extraordinarily high standard of liquidity, and they lend only 50% loan-to-value for mortgages. That’s how Belize banks stay healthy.
And it’s not only banks in this country that are healthy right now. The Belize economy in general is doing well. Growth rates over the last six years have averaged 6% a year. Inflation is 1.4%. An economist will tell you that this is the sweet spot, exactly where an economy wants to be. And Belize has been able to stay within this range for six years.
Belize’s three main industries are finance (banking, trust companies, etc.), eco-tourism, and oil. Yes, oil, which has been discovered off the coast in volumes that appear to be as great as those off the coast of Texas. Drilling is under way…in a way so as to preserve the eco-system of the shore and the reef. No oil platforms out in the ocean.
Safe, Easy Banking Off The Radar
You can open a bank account at a bank in Belize with zero dollars. Why? Because, as I’ve been explaining, Belize banks are focused on attracting small- to medium-sized investors. They’re not going after mega-clients. Mega-clients attract attention. Remember, Belize is a low-key jurisdiction, happy to stay off the world’s radar.
Americans and Canadians can open either a personal account or what’s called a structure account. This is the preferred option. It’s an account formed for you by someone else that’s not in your personal name but in the name of a structure–a trust, a company, or a foundation, for example.
Once you’re offshore, you want to do as little in your own name as possible. Put everything possible in the name of a structure.
You don’t have to come to Belize to open your account. In most jurisdictions, including Panama, you must appear in the bank in person to fill out the forms, sit through the interviews, and sign on the dotted line. Not so in Belize. You don’t ever have to step foot in the country if you don’t want to.
But I’d suggest you come have a look. You’ll find yourself in familiar company. This country is attracting the attention of Baby Boomers, who are making their way to Belize in growing numbers. Walk down the street on Ambergris Caye, for example, and you hear the music of the Boomers all around–the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Janis Joplin…
Ah, The Turquoise Caribbean… Warm, Clear, And Alive With Sea Life
“As I gazed out the window of our 15-seater turboprop airplane at the turquoise Caribbean waters below, I could barely contain my anticipation. My husband and I were on the last leg of our trip to Belize, making our way from the mainland to San Pedro, Ambergris Caye…’Temptation Island.’
“I was mesmerized by the sight of the distant waves breaking on the offshore barrier reef that the size of the oh-so-small airstrip barely registered!
“Growing up in Michigan, I’d spent the summers of my youth frolicking in warm inland lakes and local swimming pools. As a Pisces, I’ve always gravitated toward the water. When I moved to San Francisco, I was disappointed to discover that the Pacific Ocean is cold, dark, and dangerous. Still, I learned to scuba dive in my 20s, venturing many times into the wild waters off the California coast. But I yearned to travel to the Caribbean, where the waters were said to be warm, clear, and alive with sea life.
“Finally, I did…and, for me, nothing compares with diving and snorkeling in the Caribbean Sea–the color and clarity of the water and the abundance of life is unparallel…”
– Expat and Correspondent Ann Kuffner on why she and her husband chose to launch their new lives overseas on Belize’s “Temptation Island”…
These folks had a great time in the 1960s…then they got serious about living their lives, raising their children, and building something for themselves and their families.
Meantime, today, the world they worked so hard to create for themselves seems under attack from all sides. They…you…me…we’re all trying to reclaim our footing. In this context, Belize looks seriously appealing.
Bottom line, Belize has what a lot of people in North America are looking for right now. This little country with a long Caribbean coast may be off the global banking radar, but you might do well to put it center of yours, and not only if you’re shopping for a place to do your banking.
Live and Invest Overseas Correspondent Ann Kuffner and her husband are full-time residents of the small village of San Pedro, on Ambergris Caye, off the coast of mainland Belize. Five years ago, the couple took the leap from a high-powered, fast-tracked life in the San Francisco Bay area to a new life in a former fishing village on the sand-fringed shores of an island in the Caribbean Sea…
What? What could they have been thinking?
Ann and her husband were thinking that they were ready to stop working their way up the corporate ladder…and to start living. Today, they walk across the sand from the duplex they built for themselves to the business they’ve also built for themselves. They’re indulging their entrepreneurial inclinations while enjoying the “retirement” of their dreams in their adopted isla paradise.
Before I go any further, let’s back up and remind ourselves where we are. As I’ve explained, unassuming Belize is one of the top offshore and banking havens in the world today, offering safe haven for your money.
But Belize is so much more, as well…
Reef, Ruins, Rivers, and Rain Forest
Belize is also home to the second-longest barrier reef in the world. It’s world-class snorkeling and scuba diving and a fisherman’s paradise. Maybe you saw Matt Lauer’s NBC “Today Show” special that highlighted the beauty and significance of Belize’s reef system.
No Place Is Perfect
What’s not so great about Belize?
You want to avoid some parts of Belize City at night.
This is the Caribbean. That means casual. The Belize approach to living can require an adjustment.
Neither will you be able to find everything you might be looking for just when you want it. If you’re used to running out to Wal-Mart at any time of the day or night for groceries or hardware, for example, life in Belize may seem challenging.
Plus, Belize gets hurricanes. Proper home design and building are vital.
Banking is important in Belize, but it’s not as important as tourism. This is a peaceful, eco-tourist retreat, home to more than 540 species of birds, 4,000 species of flowering plants, and 700 species of trees. Nearly 40% of Belize is protected as parkland and nature preserves.
Belize is home to the world’s biggest concentration of Mayan sites. Two of the most spectacular are Lamanaii, the largest continually occupied city in the Maya world, and ATM (Actun Tunichil Muknal), to the west, in the Cayo District. To reach it, you travel through a forest and then swim through a cave…
Belize is rain forest tours, horseback riding in the mountains, hikes to the 1,000 Foot Falls (one of the largest in Central America), and pristine rivers cascading into shallow pools perfect for an afternoon swim…
True Safe Haven

“Ambergris Caye could be your
affordable retirement paradise…”
A country of but 300,000 people, most of them farmers and fisherman, and home to a large community of Mennonites, Belize is one of the safest places I’ve ever spent time.
I’m not alone in this opinion. “Open Road” travel guide says this country is, “Peaceful and non-meddlesome, blissfully unimportant… Belize rarely merits attention in any foreign newspaper.”
Belize is full of warm, wonderful people. As Correspondent Phil Hahn, who divides his time between Belize and the States, explains, “I’ve felt at home in Belize since my first visit in 2003, and, since then, I’ve worked to make it my second home. I return monthly. When I took my family with me on one of my early visits so they could see what I was so excited about, my children said, ‘Dad, you have more friends here than you do at home.’ They’re right.
“These friends I’ve made in Belize have come from all over the world, and all have fascinating stories. Some are adventurers, others educators or entrepreneurs, some salt-of-the-earth folks looking to make new lives.”
Most people you meet in Belize have two common characteristics. They are hospitable, and they are fiercely independent. The average Belizean–including those who’ve adopted this country as their homeland–would choose to live in a humble home and off the land and sea rather than be beholding to someone. This country operates according to an old-school mentality that many of the world’s more developed nations seem to have forgotten.
Consider Sue, for example. She’s the proprietress of Amigo’s, a popular Belizean watering hole, who came to the country in the early 1980s. She was dating a guy at the time who had decided to check out the opportunities in Costa Rica. He and his dad were at the Miami airport waiting for the flight. After several drinks, they realized they’d missed their plane. So they went to the ticket counter and told the agent to book them on the next flight headed south. A couple of hours later they were in Belize. Shortly after that, Sue was starting her first business in her new country (a sand, gravel, and concrete company). She has been an independent businesswoman ever since. After the concrete business, Sue ventured into agriculture, then into the restaurant/hotel supply business, then, in 2004, she built Amigo’s.
Another expat in this country, Rev. Macarena Rose, who moved to Belize in 2004, describes coming to this country from Florida as “a lateral move.” With its English language, common law tradition, private property rights, and abundant natural attractions, it’s easy to see why people from the United States, Canada, and the U.K. feel so at home here.
Residency That’s Ultra User Friendly And
Super Flexible
Ann Kuffner, our Belize Correspondent, was originally attracted to Belize for its diving. She wasn’t even thinking about retirement when she made her first visit to the country.
But, the better she got to know Belize, the more she came to appreciate the advantages it offers the would-be retiree. Ann and her husband Mike bought a piece of land on Ambergris Caye, built a home, and, eventually, looked seriously at Belize’s residency options, including its resident-retiree program.

And a QRP retiree can be as young as 45 years old!
Today, Ann lives in Belize full-time with her husband. He’s a full-time resident; she’s a QRP. They made their decisions as to which residency option they wanted to pursue independently and, as a result, have been able to take full advantage of the residency benefits Belize has to offer.
Ann and Mike pay no US income taxes on income they earn while living in Belize. Because they’re Americans, they retain a tax obligation Stateside, of course. However, because they’re Americans abroad, residing full-time in Belize, they can earn up to US$180,000 of income each year that is U.S. tax-free. And, Ann is not liable for taxes in Belize, either, since she’s a QRP.
Plus, thanks to their residency statuses, they were able to ship their personal belongings and household goods into the country duty-free…
No Translation Required!
Linda is a professional artist who first visited Belize on a catamaran charter. She and her boyfriend had attended a conference in Panama in 2004. They drove all around Panama and considered settling in that country, but Linda didn’t feel comfortable. The idea of learning Spanish was just too daunting for her. She couldn’t talk to the locals, so she felt unable to connect with them.

But Belize was a different story from the day they first arrived. Every day the couple was able to dive, snorkel, and fish among Belize’s beautiful Caribbean cayes, all the while making friends with the local Belizeans. Linda felt safe and welcome from the start.
After her initial visit, Linda worked out a swap with a resort on Ambergris Caye so she could return. In exchange for free accommodation, she completed a number of paintings for the resort owner. And, during that five-week trip, she made her decision. Belize would be her new home.
Linda returned to her old home in Monterey, California. It took her a year to sell her house and her art gallery and to prepare for the move. Today, Linda is a fully delighted full-time resident of Belize, where she has opened two art galleries. She divides her time between Ambergris Caye and San Ignacio and loves both locations and the wonderfully relaxed lifestyle they afford her…
The Sustainable Life
Belize is also a top choice if you’re interested in a “sustainable life”–an opportunity to live off the grid, completely self-sufficient.
Good friends in this country have been living the sustainable life for more than three decades, since long before it was a fashionable idea.
“What I admire is your honest, tell-it-like-it-is approach. A lot of people have been hurt by nothing but glowing reports about offshore living from various sources. I am sure that your honest, direct approach will be a real service. I don’t know if you will sell as much stuff that way, but certainly will be doing a good work!”– Arlean K., United States
In 1977, Mick and Lucy Fleming traveled from Great Britain to Belize. They had but US$600 in their pockets. For Mick and Lucy and Belize, it was love at first sight. They fell in love especially with the country’s Cayo District, a region of rain forest, rivers, mountains, and Mayan ruins. As soon as they could scrape the money together, Mick and Lucy bought a remote piece of property in the Cayo, on the Makal River. And they lived off the land. The only way in to their property back then was on horseback or by canoe, up the river.
That was more than 30 years ago and, today, Mick and Lucy have developed their Chaa Creek property into the most impressive and most applauded rain forest eco-resort in the country, rated the Best Eco-Resort in all the Caribbean by Caribbean Travel & Life four years straight.
A visit to Chaa Creek qualifies as a luxury experience these days. However, it’s still very possible to have the back-to-basics, off-the-grid experience that first attracted Mick and Lucy to this part of Belize so many years ago.
Today, the Cayo District, is the fastest-growing area in the country. The lush tropical rain forests you find here, the abundant freshwater rivers, the largest underground cave system in the Western Hemisphere, and the fertile Belize River Valley once supported hundreds of thousands of Maya. Today, they support 21st-century adventurers and environmentalists looking to escape to a simpler, sweeter life.
Your Own Piece Of Belize For
As Little As US$20,000
It’s easy to purchase property in Belize, too. And the opportunities on offer are tempting…from deeply discounted beach condos on Ambergris (being offered by highly motivated sellers right now) to emerging-market buys in the Cayo, where you can own in a private riverfront community, for example, for as little as US$20,000.
Not ready to buy? You can rent in the Cayo and elsewhere for as little as US$200 per month.
Meaning you could enjoy a rich and comfortable retirement in one of the world’s most appealing offshore havens today with a retirement nest egg of US$1,000 per month or less…maybe much less…
In Belize, Both You And Your Assets Are Safe
Belize offers two structures specifically designed to help keep your assets safe. The Belize International Business Corporation (IBC) and the Belize Trust are both solid parts of a plan to protect your assets, including from frivolous lawsuits.
“I appreciate everything I learn from you. Some of us poor guys have to get out of the States, before it consumes us.
Keep doing what you’re doing…you are saving lives in the U.S. (well, at least one for sure). Thank you.”
– Ray. S, United States
Furthermore, a Belize IBC is not subject to income, social security, capital gains, withholding, or stamp duty. Nor to gift, death, estate, dividend, distribution, or inheritance tax. And an IBC is not required to file annual returns.
We’re not suggesting you do anything that is not legal or 100% compliant, of course. My point is that you can create a structure in Belize that is fully legal and compliant…and also rock solid.
Entrepreneurs Most Welcome
Savvy investors looking to keep their investments and their assets safe are finding their way to Belize’s shores in growing numbers…
As are entrepreneurs looking for opportunity.
If I had to choose a single word to describe Belize, it’d be “potential.” Belize is a frontier. A land for pioneers.
The Belize government is doing its part to make modern-day pioneers feel welcome. Opening a business in this country is straightforward and relatively red tape-free. As an entrepreneur in Belize, you enjoy significant tax advantages when you structure your business properly.
Remember, all transactions take place in English. Plus, Belize’s no-nonsense legal system is tied to the high court in Great Britain. This gives many investors and business-owners the comfort of familiarity.
As a result, Belize is enjoying an influx of Americans, Canadians, French, Italians, Brits, Irishmen, Jordanians, even East Europeans, all making their way to this country to stake a claim.

One of the best-known among this group is Francis Ford Coppola, the award-winning American movie director. In the early 1980s, Coppola visited Belize and, like so many others, fell in love. Like so many others before him and since, he wanted a little piece of Belize of his own. He purchased the abandoned Blancaneaux Lodge.
“You are so much better than the others out there writing on these same topics. I receive this kind of information from many other sources. None of them compare. They’re all sales letters pitching their next seminars or books or secret stock tips. Anyway, just wanted to let you know you are on the right track. Anyone who makes the comparison between you and the other resources available will choose you.”
– Stephen S., United States
For more than a decade, Coppola used the resort as a family retreat. In 1993, he opened his tropical paradise to the public.
Mr. Coppola was drawn to Belize by the beauty of the country itself. But, in time, he came to appreciate the advantages of setting up a business here. And he continues to invest. Coppola bought a second inn in Belize, this time in Placencia, in 2001. The Turtle Inn, located on a white-sand beach that dissolves into the clear Caribbean Sea, “is a personal joy,” Francis says. “It features any number of original ideas and details, which, I confess, continue to delight me. I made the resort as rustic as I love and as luxurious as I could.”
The open-arms business climate encourages this kind of innovation and imaginative investment.
Where In Belize Might Suit You Best?
Belize is a tiny country, but its geography belies its diversity. Perhaps the biggest challenge as you consider all the opportunities that Belize has to offer is determining where in the country might suit you best.
What part of Belize calls to you?
Are you drawn to the pristine sugar-sand cayes and the aquamarine waters of the Caribbean?…
Or would you feel more at home amidst the lush rain forest, the mountainside waterfalls, and the rivers that meander through ceremonial Mayan caves in the Cayo?…

Maybe the lively and growing communities, both expat and Belizean, of San Pedro Town and San Ignacio would suit you?
Would you prefer a simple, close-to-nature lifestyle, living fullyself-sufficient and off-the-grid?…
Or are you more inclined toward an active, vibrant community in a town that has colorful festivals, trendy restaurants, expat-run cafes, and lively beach bars?
Are you an entrepreneur looking for a niche to fill? Or a would-be volunteer, looking to give back?
Are you seeking a low-cost, easy-to-obtain retirement residency…part-time escape…or a second passport?
All these things and many others are possible in this beautiful little country.
So, again…how do you choose how to make the most of all the opportunity Belize has to offer right now?
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