Saturday, July 5, 2008


First question:

What are my benefits?

Plan for my future.

Larry Ellison: I try to think things through. I try to always ask two questions about my personal policies in life. Are they fair, are they morally correct? And do they work? I try to reason things back to first principles. I try to think about things, and come to conclusions and make my own decisions. If anyone has a logical criticism and can explain to me why what I'm doing is wrong, and they can convince me, I'll change. If they have good reasons, I'll just alter my behaviour. I love it when people point out when I'm wrong, and explain to me why I'm wrong. That's great. I don't want to be wrong. I would love to be right. If I am wrong, I love it when people stop me.








投資唔使大學教授水準,小學畢業已足夠(Keep it simple it). 你聽過LA Gear嗎?八十年代股價曾上升819%。你聽過Conair嗎?九十年代亦曾上升1000%。香港好多二線股名字你可能未聽過,但卻可能勁升(亦有可能勁跌,如睇錯便蝕15%離場,唔傷荷包)。




2008年做個trend-rider及earning-seeker。祝各位聖誕節時pick the right stock。



1 - Research clearly demonstrates that "when broad market indexes go above P/E ratios of 23 or so, investors essentially get no return over the next 10 years".

2 - An important study "showed that an inverted yield curve (when short-term rates are higher than long-term rates) is the single most reliable predictor of recessions. Recessions appear roughly a year after an inverted yield curve."

3 - The Investment Matrix Revelations :
"There are clear patterns of returns relating to the secular bull and secular bear cycles. (....) Once the new period starts, it tends to persist for long periods of time. Though the very long-term returns have been positive and near average, investment horizons of 10 years, 20 years, and even longer aren't long enough to ensure positive or acceptable returns. (...) the charts clearly show the most important thing you can do to positively affect your long-term returns is to begin investing in times of low P/E ratios".

4 - Technical analysis doesn't work :
"Mark Finn of Vantage Consulting has spent years analyzing trading systems. (...) He has a team of certifiable mathematical geniuses working for him. They have access to the best pattern recognition software available. They have run price data through every conceivable program and come away with this conclusion: Past performance is not indicative of future results."

5 - Investors behaving badly :
Gavin McQuill of the Financial Research Corporation (...) focused on six emotions that cause investors to make mistakes.

1. Fear of regret - an inability to accept you've made a wrong decision, which leads to holding onto losers too long or selling winners too soon.

2. Myopic loss aversion - a fear of losing money and the subsequent inability to withstand short-term events and maintain a long-term perspective.

3. Cognitive dissonance - the inability to change your opinion after new evidence contradicts your baseline assumption.

4. Overconfidence - people's tendency to overestimate their abilities relative to individuals possessing greater expertise.

5. Anchoring - people's tendency to give too much credence to their most recent experience and to show reluctance to adjust their current beliefs.

6. Representativeness - the tendency of people to see patterns within random events.

6 - Value Value Value
"Throughout this book, I show how value wins time and again. We have also seen numerous studies that show that buying deep value for the long term is a strategy that works in all types of markets. It is the only thing that works for stocks in a secular bear market cycle.
The essence of Bull's Eye Investing is quite simple. Target your investments to where the market is going, not to where it has been. Steady, stable, sure. Buying something that is undervalued, perhaps grossly undervalued, and waiting for the value to be seen by others is the way to real returns. Buying what everyone else is buying, after it has already risen in value, is why most investors simply do poorly."

Stay away from the crowd, and buy things at a big discount."Michael Price

Focus on my interests. Never affect by outside forces.

Every times, others call me, they want something’s from me, every times I call others, and I want something’s from them.

Every body has their ulterior motives.

Keep a humble exterior, keep a low profile always, keep clam all the times. Silent is golden only apply to when I don’t want others to know too much, when it is times to speak for my right, never hesitate to speak out.

This article was compiled by Yang Huiwen for the Straits Times yesterday. Even though I do not act much on analysts' advice and sometimes even prefer to take a contrarian approach, it is always worthwhile to take note of what these big fund houses are focusing on.

In one of the chapters in your book, you mentioned that none of the popular technical analysis tools have consistently outperformed the stock market over the years – and that the only proven methods to outperform the market have been buying values or trend-following. My own impression (although I have not done any exhaustive research) is that some methods out there do work, such as the Dow Theory, IBD’s CANSLIM method, and the intermediate buy or sell signals from Lowry’s reports. Have you seen any research on these methods and if so, do you regard them as a subgroup of trend-following systems?

What makes a technical trading system work is that it has risk-management. All technical trading systems will work if they have good risk management and if you have the discipline to sell your losers and let your winners ride. So if you manage to catch the trend, it works. There are people that can look at different signals in different markets and they can read it – and they are drawing inferences and it makes sense to them. But most people looking at the same data can’t do it.

So a lot of it is an art form?

Yes, if some technical trading system was proven to work and everybody realizes it, then the next day it would stop working.

While share price growth is set to slow down amid volatility, valuations are still attractive.

Next year, 2008, Singaporeans are getting their bonus and pay rise, BB are planning way to transfer the money to their pockets, it will spread good news to entice retail investors to buy shares, BB will target sectors that still have good selling stories, like marine, banking and construction. So expect STI to ramp up all the way till Chinese New Year, may be will break 3900-4100 points then it will drop back to 3400 in Feb and further down to 3000 by May 2008.

Don’t be suckers and buy shares and property at wrong times, when the BB know negative news and start selling to us. BB have advance news, unlike us, BB will try to unload their assets to us when they anticipate down trend is coming.

Keen to be Businessman, I can buy shares of listed companies, it is the same. Keen to be landlord, I can buy listed property firms. I can collect dividends like collect rentals, because owning a property must pay additional maintenance costs and high income tax as much as 25%.


Every trader should study his own psychology and priorities before he starts committing time and money into trading.

If you don’t take care of yourself, in this world nobody will.

Just focus on having a peaceful life, avoid all unnecessary hassle.

My previous friends and relatives were all close to me for certain benefits and freebies.

Just Focus on making more money from investment and take care of my health (meditation).

Must have the ability to spot danger sighs and able to read characters. Avoid the danger before making any commitment.

When I am poor and sick, nobody help me, must be able to take care of myself financially and physically.

Must devise an investment method that suits my personality.

Be more like a writer, don’t get involve, just observe and write down your thought. Analyze what I see and written down and then act accordingly.

Never be a follower, it is risky.

Silent is Golden. Never tell you investment methods, it should be kept as an absolute secret.

Be independent, never depend on others, learn from my own mistakes, I was too dependent on my mother, just like my mother now, thus become an ineffectual person, I must change.

Don’t give other too much respect; they just want to take advantages of you.

I was a fool previously, trusting other opinions.

This is a zero sum game world, either you win or other wins, always be preparing for battle.

Have independent minds; never trust other, like Rockerfeller said to his children.

The conspiracy theory of the world, the mass media and politicians are always giving the wrong messages and news to the mass majority.

Always be a spectator, watch the world around you carefully and observe their actions, learn from their mistakes and pick up their good strategy.

Stay away from the crowd, this will give you time to think calmly, just like Warren Buffett who still live in Omaha.

臺灣大王王永慶說過,做一件事,觀念非常重要,觀念正確,比較容易貫徹,事情就比較好辦;觀念錯誤,腦筋轉不過來,做什麼事情都是不行的。事實正是如此,致富是一種思維習慣, 你有富人的思維習慣,你就能夠成為富人,你沒有富人的思維習慣,你就只能是窮人。只有擁有致富的思維方式和行為習慣,你才可能真正致富。

順 勢 死 守 好 過 炒 出 炒 入
近 期 最 明 顯 的 轉 變 , 是 美 元 轉 強 , 這 一 點 令 自 己 相 當 不 舒 服 , 甚 至 黃 金 長 倉 也 有 點 擔 心 , 不 過 策 略 一 定 是 死 守 , 頂 多 短 炒 跑 數 去 幫 補 。
美 元 的 強 勢 , 應 是 市 場 在 平 淡 倉 , 因 此 美 股 的 回 升 , 同 樣 極 可 能 只 是 平 倉 盤 所 帶 動 , 並 不 是 升 浪 的 開 始 。 港 股 形 勢 當 然 比 美 股 好 , 可 是 本 地 地 產 股 及 銀 行 股 三 扒 兩 撥 勁 升 甚 多 , 沒 有 理 由 冒 險 高 追 , 中 資 股 氣 勢 只 一 般 , 應 該 有 等 待 的 空 間 。
看 不 透 後 市 之 外 , 時 近 年 尾 也 是 戰 意 下 降 的 主 因 , 今 年 幾 上 幾 落 , 連 場 大 戰 , 身 心 都 相 當 勞 累 , 而 且 在 賽 後 悟 出 一 個 道 理 , 就 是 不 必 過 份 勤 力 , 掌 握 一 些 大 趨 勢 , 回 報 反 而 更 好 。 例 如 美 元 及 商 品 在 8 月 尾 後 根 本 是 單 邊 市 , 只 不 過 順 勢 而 行 是 知 易 行 難 而 已 。 近 來 死 守 黃 金 好 倉 , 便 是 一 個 策 略 上 的 調 節 。

1. Sub primes
2. Oil prices
3. credit crunches
4. Carry trade

我老曹1968年入行,當年並冇走勢分析學,因此最先學嘅係基礎分析,到1971年才學走勢分析,經常發現基本因素與走勢之間嘅矛盾,當年有一位惠嘉證券公司資深分析員(可能佢已忘記我老曹,就係今天獅球嘜花生油公司嘅老闆)。當年請教佢,佢講咗一句話影響我老曹一生。佢話,一旦兩者有矛盾,短期睇走勢長期睇基本分析,最終走勢必臣服於基本分析。就係呢句話,1973年1 月我老曹同林森池兄响人人睇好港股時夠膽睇淡,夠膽同當年老闆持相反意見。理由係雖然勢好,但基本因素卻淡。今年9月金價係勢淡,但基本因素好!近年响公開場合我老曹過分強調走勢,極少強調基本因素。近年分析員大部分都係學走勢分析出身而非學基本分析。結果人人都學曉花拳綉腿缺乏基礎分析做後盾,功夫唔得扎實(一膽、二力、三功夫;打交最先要膽大、力大,最後才講功夫)。

資產泡沫出現嘅客觀環境係通貨膨脹(流通貨幣急升)而引發資產價格上升,令均衡穩定狀態嘅價格遭受破壞,過多貨幣追逐供應不足嘅商品,如唔及時制止(例如將利率提升至CPI增長率之上2厘,令流通貨幣返回金融機制),便會引發理性預期──期望價格進一步上升,繼而吸引投機者加入,漸漸成為非理性預期,引發資產泡沫。一旦出現資產泡沫,便好難逃出Boom & Bust命運.

We've long felt that the only value of stock forecasters is to make fortunetellers look good. Even now, Charlie and I continue to believe that short term market forecasts are poison and should be kept locked up in a safe place, away from children and also from grown-ups who behave in the market like children."- Warren Buffett

Peregrine Falcon = Psychology Focus

Devise my own strategy = Hong Arts of War King = HAWK

Do not be influence my noises

Turtle Trader = mechanical trading method

Do not try to be something you cannot do

be realistic

nobody can predict the future, nobody know what will happen tomorrow- John Henry

focus on my strength

focus on option

don't predict future, don't gamble, only win, don't guess, go for sure win

1. soccer bet draw sure win
2.fundamentals investing sure win
3.mechanical trading sure win
4.trend following on option sure win

No Second Best

trade with my own strategy - the strategy should be simple and easy to execute.

Pound on mistakes of mass investors.

Pound on their weaknesses of fear and greed.

my enemy: mass investors.

think like a hedge Fund, my opponents are the mass investors.

I am the hedge fund, I am Soros.

become like puntfast.

use my very own indicators, simple and easy and not lagging indicators must be one step ahead of other.

Be a contrarian.

do the opposite of the mass investors.

must try very hard to understand the psychology of mass investors.

Think like a hedge funds and act like a hedge funds.

mix with mass investors to understand their pyschologloy.

hedge funds are up again the mass investors; Hedge funds try to mislead the mass investors.

Refelxvicity= market has mismatch info; mass investors make mistakes, be an opportunities and wait to pound on their mistakes.

If index cannot break resistance for 3 consecutive days, is bad sigh, sell. (consult Uncle Lim first.)
Reason: investors exhaust their funds, lacking funds to push up, and correction coming.

How to be 1 step ahead of the Masses?

1.MACD 8/17

2.Stochastic 15/3/3
3.RSI 12

How to buy/sell before the masses?

anticipate what BB will do?
use MACD & Guppy.

Invest using Buffett FA method.
How to earn daily expenses?

Don't use lagging indicators/methods.
search for future indicators.

BB methods:
1. accumulate slowly
2. entice Masses to buy
3. push up prices
4. Masses happy at the appreciation of prices - e.g. me, happy over a stock I bought Price shoot up, hold for longer period then lost again.
5. BB presses the price lower.
6. BB still supports the price
7. BB pushes up again
8. BB distributes

1. Volume
2. price
3. STI

I am too kind and too mild.

I am too naive, think of using other people, actually had been used by people like Sang, Ho Chee Kong and Ken.

Too soft, let people take advantage.

I don't understand how this world works.
This is an unforgiving world, where strong and bad people win.

let people know you are a bastard and you are tough.

Be a tough and bad man.


Dare to Dream
Dare to pursue my Dream
Focus on my Dream
Work hard to reach my Dream


What is my Dream?
To be a Master Investor

How to achieve my Dream?
Learn TA by hard
Learn FA by hard

I am great
I am smart
I will be Rich
I am rich



Rational Zen
Independent Thought
Warren Buffet

Greed Irrational
Act without thought
Fear Panic
Affect by people
Influent by Media
Act too fast

Carl Icahn
Prince Alwaleed

成之於冷靜 敗之於貪念

“股市猶如人生,如果不想背負太多風險,你須學會知足, 不為貪念所動”- 是川銀藏 (日本股神)
“股市裏,見樹不見林的人多的是” - 林山木
“時刻考慮到所有風險,甚至最不可能出現的情況”-Andre Kostolany (德國股神)
“知而不行,是為不知” - 孔子

日本股神 是川銀藏:



Trading is my destiny; I can kill the market sentiment, bully other traders, destroy other traders financially and be myself.


The markets including FX markets, options markets and stock market is a fierce battle field. No mercy, no pity, it is tough. But from outside, it looks peaceful and relaxes. Don't be fool by its exterior; it is bloody & uncompromising place.

Short Strategy

1. Trend trading

How to be a Warren Buffett

1. Confidence in one's analysis
2. Easy to talk but hard to follow (e.g. Uncle Lim)
3. Strong Independent Mind
4. Control Greed & Fear

Long Strategy

1. Use E wave


govt and people have different interests, don't always follow govt.

Focus totally on my tasks, don't care about other things.

Focus on learning to be a Trading Master and I will be OK.

Daily Tasks

1. settle divorce
2. settle home loan

Self Management

Everyday I must do self-management.

1. How to improve my health
2. How to increase my wealth

Betting Strategy

1. Soccer
-bet on one team for draw continually (choose 18 teams)

2. basketball


Days Tasks

1. Watch less TV
2.Surf less Porn sites


Times is short
lives life to the fullest

Never look back, in the past whether good or bad, it has gone, extreme pain or joy I can't recall now.

Focus on my goals.
Ignore all other things.

My goals
1.7 stable incomes
2.marry white girl in condominium
4.master qigong
5.master trader

Never trust anyone. Never trust the Mass Media or government, or other people. No win-win in this world, everybody is my opponents. Govt tend to mislead people to gain the upper hand.

Depend on 7 stable incomes
1. Rental - 1000
2. FSM - 500
3.Soccer Betting -2000
4.Index/option trading - 2000 trading - 2000
6.other sport betting - 2000
7.Casino -2000


Trading is the only thing I can excel in so work doubly hard to be a Trading Master.

My exterior
1.strong and calm
2.shown no emotion and alert




內地A股由2005年年中開始上升,2007年下半年亦踏入第三年,即係已進入令人擔心時刻。我老曹亦曾犯過呢D錯誤,例如响1973年1月恒指見1200點已睇淡,結果三個月內恒指升上1700點,即再升50%。1974年7月恒指見450點便睇好,但大市再跌多半年,1974年12月跌至 150點才改變方向。太早睇淡或太早睇好都係死罪,Timing is everything。  





經濟同政治唔同,政治係大多數嗰一邊贏,經濟卻相反。摩根士丹尼首席分析員羅奇(Stephen Roach)提出五個肥年之後,全球經濟將面對困難。佢認為,八十年代開始嘅經濟全球化已帶來不平衡,未來(2008年)隨着美國消費者消費力下降,各種有形無形貿易障礙將出現,令1980年起全球出口雙位數增長時代結束;

其中最受影響係亞洲區國家。中國GDP增長將由連續五年雙位數(2007年首九個月 11.5%)下降至未來五年8%,令依家過熱嘅中國經濟進入冷卻期。Victor Niederhoffer最近响《紐約時報》批評中國藝術品天價,令人想起1989年日本人用天價競投梵高嘅《向日葵》油畫及1979年原材料高價時澳洲財團奔達出高價購畫事件。今年中國藝術品以天價出售,係咪出貨訊號放完煙花之後就散場

次按危機可以因聯儲局減息一次(或兩次)而消失咩?科網股泡沫爆破後,亦唔係一次或兩次減息可以解決,更何況次按危機樓價可升可跌,主要睇人口增長率及經濟增長率而定。例如日本人口近年增長率接近零,GDP增長率似有若無,便撑唔住過去十七年日本樓價。香港面對 1997年7月亞洲金融風暴兼「八萬五」房屋政策,樓價亦撑唔住;2003年7月中央批准內地人來港自由行;加上2003年9月嘅「孫九招」,本港樓價又再欣欣向榮。美國2007年起進入退休高峰期;加上GDP增長率進入放緩期,美國樓價後市又點睇?  成功嘅投資由你將雞蛋放响邊度決定。1997年7月係放喺海外;2001年係放喺黃金上;2003年下半年重返香港;呢兩年自然最好集中响國企、紅籌股,未來又如何?

在1929年某日,Old Kennedy(已故美國總統甘迺廸之父)眼見連街上的擦鞋小童也給他股票貼士及談論大市,Old Kennedy暗覺不妙,連擦鞋仔也講股市,於是即時沽貨離場,Old Kennedy因而得以避過1929年10月的美國大股災(The Crash of 1929)。




Turn Bad Luck Into Good
Lucky people employ various psychological techniques to cope with, and even thrive upon, the ill fortune that comes their way. For example, they spontaneously imagine how things could have been worse, they don't dwell on the ill fortune, and they take control of the situation.

Maximize Chance Opportunities
Lucky people are skilled at creating, noticing, and acting upon chance opportunities. They do this in various ways, which include building and maintaining a strong network, adopting a relaxed attitude to life, and being open to new experiences.

Listen to Your Lucky Hunches
Lucky people make effective decisions by listening to their intuition and gut feelings. They also take steps to actively boost their intuitive abilities -- for example, by meditating and clearing their mind of other thoughts.
Listen to your gut instincts - they are normally right

Expect Good Fortune
Lucky people are certain that the future will be bright. Over time, that expectation becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because it helps lucky people persist in the face of failure and positively shapes their interactions with other people.
Be open to new experiences and breaking your normal routine
Spend a few moments each day remembering things that went well
Visualise yourself being lucky before an important meeting or telephone call. Luck is very often a self-fulfilling prophecy

F Focus

Hawk Hong Art of War Knowledge


Dare to Dream

Dare to pursue my Dream

Focus on my Dream

Wake up early – reach office by 8am
Talk Less

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