Tuesday, July 28, 2009


小心所有的政客。在学生时代,她最出众的是下课休息时间;从学校毕业以后 ,很少有卓越的事。
  1. 不要让别人影响你--假如每个人都嘲笑你的想法,这就是可能成功的指标。
  2. 专注你所爱--在真正热爱的工作上努力,就会找到你的梦想。
  3. 普通常识并不是那麽普通--大众社会相信的常常是错的,不要盲目听信别人的话。
  4. 将世界纳入你的眼界--保持开放的心,做个世界公民。
  5. 研读哲学,学会思考--训练自己去检验每一个概念,每一个事实。
  6. 学习历史--因为以前发生过的事,以後也还会发生。
  7. 这是中国的世纪,去学中文!--参与一个伟大国家的再现,购买这个国家的未来。
  8. 真正认识自己--了解你的弱点和觉察你的错误,才能找到对的路。
  9. 认出改变,拥抱改变--改变的功能就像催化剂,保持觉知是重要的功课。
  10. 面对未来--看得见未来的人可以累积财富。
  11. 反众道而行--检视事实和机会,不随乌合之众心理起舞。
  12. 幸运女神只眷顾持续努力的人--用功读书,学得越多你才知道你懂得越少。

The Psychology Of Winning By Dr Dennis Waitley

Web sites: http://www.selfgrowth.com/experts/craig_lock.html http://www.myspace.com/writercraig

The Psychology of Winning
by Dr Dennis Waitley

This article is a brief summary of my notes from an excellent motivational, up-lifting and inspiring book 'THE PSYCHOLOGY OF WINNING' by Dr Dennis Waitley. I am sharing the contents of this work in the spirit of encouraging and hopefully even inspiring those people, who really want to "cultivate and grow Seeds of Greatness" in their own lives to read the book...and just GO FOR IT... and surprise yourself by "winning in the game of life"!.

"It's not what you "are" that holds you back; it's what you think you are not. Winners control their self image and change it as they desire. They elevate their self image and enlarge their universe. Winners are especially aware of the tremendous importance of their self image. What you imagine as being real, with frequency, becomes your version of reality. Phantasize about the person they would most like to become.
LISTEN TO educational and inspiring cassette tapes. Read uplifting books, like Dr Waitley's.

Winners are people with a definite purpose in life, like a "homing torpedo". Losers wander aimlessly through life. or self destruct.

"No wind blows in favour of a ship without a destination."

"Where there is life, there is hope.
Where there are hopes there are dreams.

Where there are vivid dreams repeated, they become (there are goals). And goals become the action plans toward success.

We become what we think about most of the time.

Millions of people lead unhappy aimless lives - existing from day to day, year to year, confused, frustrated, in a prison of our own making. About 95 of humanity are ships without rudders, hopelessly adrift and subject to every shift of wind and tide. 5 of people accomplish more in 5 years than the rest accomplish in a lifetime.
Every sea captain, knows his next port of call.
Winners have lifetime goals. What would I want people to say about me after I'm gone? Losers spend their time in low prioritytension relieving, rather than high priority goal-achieving activities.

Most people spend more time planning a party, studying the newspaper or making a Christmas list, than they do in planning their lives. Winners set daily goals the afternoon or evening before. List on paper in priority sequence at least 6 major things to do tomorrow. Establish a clearly defined goal and write it down. dwell on it, as IF YOU'VE ALREADY ACHIEVED IT. Move in the direction of your priority goal, as if it already were a part of your life. We become what we think about most - it's specific. The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.

"One ship sails East, another West, by the self- same winds that blow.
Tis the set of the sail and not the gale, that determines the way they go.
Like the winds of the sea are the ways of time, as we voyage along through life.
Tis the set of the soul that determines the goal;
and not the calm or the strife."

Get behind the helm. Plan the work and work the plan, one day at a time.

"Everything in life
Is what you make it...
it's not what it is that counts
it's how you take it."

Winners practice positive self-discipline. Self discipline alone can make or break a habit. Losing is habit forming; whereas winners simulate winning.

Winners pick themselves up after a loss, dust themselves off and do it all over...better!
Self discipline is the winning edge that achieves goals; it is mental practice

"If I can help you win, then I win. If nature wins, everybody wins.

Become a TOTAL person in the process of personal growth through our failures.

The greatest quality is earning the respect and love of other people.

Winners live each precious golden day, as if it were their last - building for the future, learning from the past.

Winners develop a cherished respect for the value of time.

"There isn't more to life than this - a baby's smile, a loved one's kiss a book, a song, a flower, a friend and just a little time - to spend."

Winners know they can't enjoy the view, unless they climb the mountain.

Learn from the past, plan for the future and live as fully as possible in the present


Conceive + believe = achieve

visualise + internalise = realise
imagination + simulation = realisation

Winners project a warm glow and have a "gut feeling" that they are on the right path.

Just "do the best with what you've got"!

Listeners learn a great deal, while talkers learn nothing.
Winners ask questions, draw the other person out.
Know paying value to others is the greatest communication skill of all.
Winners are service oriented - not self oriented. We communicate by means of over 700000 non-verbal signals!

Have a good attitude: "I'll make him glad he talked with me."

Winners know everybody hears and sees differently.
They practice the KISS principle.

Will Rogers: "I never met a man I didn't like". Rogers found something to admire in everyone.

"Marriage is not looking at each other, but looking in the same direction together."

Feel your own worth and pass it on to others. Talk yourself and others up. Put your goals down on paper and share them with those who can help you achieve them.

Say, "the only limits to my accomplishments in life are self imposed".
Winners phantasize their own scripts - a magificient epic motion picture for which chosen as writer, producer, director and star.
Life is a "do-it-yourself project". Focus on desire, rather than fear. The stresses desire provide energy, propulsion, creativity and magnetic pull.

Set a game plan for your life. Losing is a developed habit, and so is winning.
Earn the respect of other human beings. Do your business to the benefit of others, not at their expense.

"If you want to be loved, be lovable."

Be happy just being the very best person you can be with "loads of" FUN along the journey of life.

Eagle Productions ("Information and Inspiration Distributers, Incorrigible Encouragers and People-builders")

"I'm gonna fly from my cocoon and put my footsteps on the moon All I've ever hoped to be is free to be that person...me!

"Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir your blood to action - make big plans, aim high in work and hope."

"Every man has his own destiny; the only imperative is to follow it, no matter where it leads him." - Henry Miller

"Our Greatest Good is perhaps not to achieve wealth and share our material possessions, our money and 'riches' with others, but through encouragement and faith in other people, to lay the firm foundation of revealing the rich treasure that lies within themselves."
- craig

"And whatever else history may say about me when I'm gone, I hope it will record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears, to your confidence rather than your doubts. My dream is that you will travel the road ahead with liberty's lamp guiding your steps and opportunity's arm steadying your way. My fondest hope for each one of you - and especially for young people - is that you will love your country, not for her power or wealth, but for her selflessness and her idealism. May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will make the world a little better for your having been here. May all of you as Americans never forget your heroic origins, never fail to seek divine guidance, and never lose your natural, God-given optimism. And finally, my fellow Americans, may every dawn be a great new beginning for America and every evening bring us closer to that shining city upon a hill."
- Former US President Ronald Reagan

我的名字叫習慣( 摘錄自丹尼斯魏特利博士Winning For Life)






只要你提出要求, 我還可以用同樣的方法做事。


告訴我你要的是什麼, 在練習幾次之後,我就可以毫不思索地達成目標。




對我放鬆,我就毀了你 ﹔ 對我嚴格,我就會讓你出人頭地。




大前研一(Kenichi Ohmae),麻省理工学院博士。曾任麦肯锡日本分公司董事长,兼任许多跨国公司的管理顾问。1994年7月离开麦肯锡,现任创业者商学院校长和一新塾校长。1996年起任美国加州大学洛杉矶分校教授,斯坦福大学客座教授。被英国《经济学人》杂志评选为“全球五位管理大师”之一,“日本战略之父”。

大前研一,早稻田大学理工系毕业后,获得东京工业大学硕士学位,麻省理工学院博士学位。曾任麦肯锡咨询公司日本分社社长、公司董事、国际著名企业顾问。1994年7月离开麦肯锡,现任创业者商学院校长和一新塾校长,1996年起任加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校研究生院教授,斯坦福大学商学院客座教授。被英国《经济学家》杂志评选为“全球五位管理大师”之一,“日本战略之父”。 他是麦肯锡公司日本公司的董事长,也是最高管理层的顾问和公司的创始者。日本许多非常著名的公司,通常会的制定竞争战略时寻求他的帮助,而他的建议也同样深受到了美国和欧洲跨国公司的欢迎。 大前研一先在在许多行业领域为企业提供了服务。电子设备,办公室设备,摄影设备,机械设备,食品,橡胶,以及化工产品。他能够提出创新性的战略,并提出相应的组织观念去实现这些战略。  


想要了解一个人行为、思维模式、甚至思想深度,最简单易行的途径是通过他经历和著述。大前研一是名日本人,他先是美国化(他的美国同事称他为凯恩),然后是全球化。大前极富天分。他的长笛演奏水平可以参加音乐会,他还是名核物理学家,著作等身的伟大作家,政治家,麦肯锡咨询公司(Mckinsey & Company)长期的业务明星。当他在1995年离开麦肯锡咨询公司前往竞选东京市长时,麦肯锡咨询公司的离别公告将大前研一称为“一名伟大的咨询员,一名使人中魔的演讲者,一名多产到无法思议的作家,一名音乐家和一名摩托车手”。当然,最后一项的成就就不那么明显。





除了著名的《战略家的思想》、《没有国界的世界》外,大前研一著作中有名气的,最起码在西方还有《日本商业:障碍和机会》(Japan Business:Obstacles and Opportunities),《三位一体的力量:环球竞争将要到来的形态》(Triad Power:The Coming Shape Of Global Competition),《超越国界》(Beyond National Borders),《民族国家的尽头》(The End Of the Nation State),《看不见的新大陆》(The Invisible Continent——Four strategic imperatives of the new economy)等。




在《China Impact》一书中,大前研一开篇写道:“中国已经觉醒。”他相信包括东北、京津、山东、长三角、福建、珠三角在内的不同地区已形成六个不同的强大的经济体,它们支持着中国经济的发展,并将对世界产生重要的影响。未来10年,世界最重要的课题就是如何与一个强大的中国相处。他也不断强调,中国的崛起对于世界,尤其是亚洲,首先是一个重大的机遇,而不是什么威胁。


“受到经济浪潮强力的推移,2005年两岸和平统一!中华联邦的新板块,将结合中、台、港,甚至是新加坡,成为一股莫可抵挡的经济旋风。” 这是大前研一在《中华联邦》中的大胆预言。





強盜富豪紛紛落馬, 龐大的實體資產不再可靠。
PC home電腦家庭出版集團發行人詹宏志也觀察到網際網路帶來的經濟革命,根源於網路經濟的特性是:


過去,帶著創意找金主, 現在,捧著鈔票搶人才!

現今的現象是,資金擁有者拚命想敲開知識擁有者的大門。數位聯合科技總經理程嘉君與PC home Online網路家庭總經理李宏麟,近日不斷面對一批批絡繹於途的創投業者與投資者,想爭相投入他們的事業。
有創意、能將創意落實為完整經營模式的人,根本不愁找不到資金。雅虎吸引來自日本軟體銀行的資金,成為今日網路股的天之驕子;資迅人科技吸引了英特爾的資金,是台灣以知識創業的樣板;新浪網吸引了戴爾電腦的資金,為開創華人入口網站的企圖再添一道助力。去年十二月,出身網景技術副總裁的McCue所開創的Tellme Network,首次招募創投基金,就吸引矽谷最知名的Benchmark與 Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers等創投公司一舉投入4700萬美元,提供他們進軍互動媒體服務所需的資金。他們的網頁上,就有一幅公司員工共舉裝滿香檳的塑膠杯,相互祝賀的圖片。

嘴上無毛、身無學位沒關係, 網上工夫、美西關係更值錢!

看準網路與智慧財產產業的高成長與獲利契機,國內最大的電腦集團宏碁,不僅集資百億以投資百家網路公司,並將組織結構重新調整,成立宏智、宏網兩個次集團。全球知名的安達信顧問公司(Andersen Consulting),甘冒被指責將造成利益衝突的大不諱,集資十億美元,成立創投,將在未來五年,投資網際網路公司。
網路新貴能在短短時間裡,累積百億美元身價,自有他們過人之處。何薇玲一語道出網路新貴的特徵:「嘴上無毛、身無學位、網上工夫、美西關係」。網路新貴創業時固然多半身無分文,但他們普遍呈現創業的企圖、熱情、膽識,最重要的是:他們憑藉知識所構思的經營模式。獲得創投青睞的Tellme Network,經營模式是透過該公司的加值服務,用戶可以利用傳統電話以語音上網,讓用戶享有網上的「內容、通訊與商務,」創辦人McCue宣稱。

想變成智價致富的金領階級嗎? 看看大前研一是怎麼走過來的

即使知識掛帥,網路新貴一樣得經歷創業的艱辛付出。資迅人在師大旁被笑稱為狗窩的破舊公寓起家。雅虎楊致遠在租來的拖車裡通宵建立網路搜尋引擎。創辦網上網(Abovenet)的段曉雷,創業初期連房租、律師費都付不出來,只好以股票權充,創造了兩個借他錢的意外富翁。網景(Netscape)創辦人克拉克(Jim Clark)形容網景開發領航員(Navigator)瀏覽器軟體時,工程師們連續數個月辛苦工作的情景:「一切發展正順利的進行,日以繼夜的工作,常常深夜到丹尼餐廳(美國連鎖平價餐廳、通常開在汽車旅館附近)吃早餐。」



工作逐漸模糊 趁早培養核心才能

Sunday, July 12, 2009

INSIDER BUYING: Abterra, Oceanus, Design Studio

*ABTERRA: General Nice Resource (HK) is the parent company of Abterra.

Abterra, a supply chain manager of resources and minerals, said recently that it is likely to benefit from rising coking coal prices. Reuters reported on 28 June that China's steel production is soaring way over estimates and the country had paid for a shipment of coking coal at a price higher than the benchmark price.

The Jiaozhong coking coal mine of Abterra.
Abterra is on track to become a sizeable player in the cking coal industry. Its CEO, Jaffe Lau, said in a press release: “We have set ambitious targets and have the resources to deliver on those targets. The target of the Group is to continue to make strategic acquisitions of coking coal mines to grow our production capacity to 5million tonnes per annum in the next 2-3 years.”

In another announcement, in early June, Abterra said it had entered into a share swap agreement with a HK strategic partner.

The noteworthy point is that Abterra will swap 255 million Abterra shares at 12.3 cents apiece – significantly higher than the market price then and currently of 5.5 cents - in exchange for 385 million of LeRoi Holdings at HKD 43.5 cents.

The two companies will explore investment opportunities together in the coking coal, coke and iron ore mining industry.

One of the abalone meals at Ah-Yat-Oceanus joint-venture restaurant chain in China.
* OCEANUS: Prior to the emergence of Capital Group of Companies as a substantial shareholder, Oceanus had obtained direct funding of S$73.5 million from two private equity firms.

They are Ocean Wonder International Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of AIF Capital Asia III L.P, and Hupomone Capital Partners Singapore Pte Ltd and strategic investors.

Dr Ng Cher Yew, Executive Chairman of Oceanus, commented, “During this difficult time of the financial crunch and economic uncertainty, we are pleased to announce that the investment interest in this financing exercise was overwhelming.”

Oceanus is the world’s largest land-based producer of premium quality Japanese abalones.

Various aspects of the apartments at The Reflections @ Keppel are installed by Design Studio.
DESIGN STUDIO FURNITURE MANUFACTURER: The leading premier furniture manufacturer, product and interior fitting-out specialist in Singapore reported a record net profit of S$4.3 million in 1Q2009 ended 31 March 2009, a 153.2% surge from that of 1Q2008.

Net cash flow from operating activities remains strong at S$3.3 million.

Cash balance of S$33.0 million as at 31 March 2009 translates to cash per share of S$0.13.

Wong Swee Chun, 71, is the founder of Straits Construction Co. Pte Ltd, a builder of HDB flats. Mr Wong not only has a direct interest of 4.57% in Design Studio but also a deemed interest in the 51.98 million shares (20.47%) held by Straits Construction.

Residential leasing - the laws of demand and supply

RENTS of private residential property have been correcting since August last year, in line with the weak economy. While the traditionally busy period in April saw a surprise 2 per cent spike in rental values, the question is whether a more sustainable recovery is in sight. To get an answer to this, we have to look at the supply-demand dynamics in the residential market.

A quarter of Singapore's 4.84 million residents are foreigners, and this is the group that drives the leasing market. This is because Singaporeans generally don't rent, choosing to live with their parents until they can buy their own homes.

Employment in the services sector grew by over 30 per cent in 2007, especially in financial and professional services, according to numbers from the Ministry of Manpower. This is a major factor accounting for the surge in the expatriate workforce. Foreign employment stood at 1.06 million, or 35 per cent of the total workforce of 2.95 million.

The profile of the expatriate workforce has evolved through the years. Expatriate employment is no longer limited to top management posts and now includes middle management and executive functions. There is a wider variety of expatriates as well -from Europeans and Americans to other Asian nationalities; and from singles to couples with teenage kids. Depending on demographics and employment status, their accommodation preferences vary.

For expatriates, location is a key consideration. They would prefer to stay 1) near transportation and amenities (MRT station, malls, even expatriate clubs), 2) near schools, and 3) close to the workplace. Residential projects that meet these criteria will generally see steady demand which means they can command good rentals.

Expatriate packages
Expatriate packages have been revised with the changing times. It is rare today to see the typical full expatriate relocation package that covers housing, car, club and school costs. With tighter budgets, mid-management expatriates are now mostly offered a package under localised terms that covers accommodation costs. Or it may be a hybrid package that offers a mix of benefits.

The expat housing terms usually fall into three categories. The first, a corporate lease, allows the landlord to deal directly with the employer. It is most commonly adopted for a full expatriate or hybrid relocation package.

The other two forms of leases, namely 1) corporate lease with personal indemnity and 2) personal lease, are usually signed under a package with localised terms. Under these terms, the employee is responsible for the expenses under the lease. The only difference is that under a personal lease, the leasing contract is between the employee and the landlord. Under a corporate residential lease with personal indemnity, the employer signs the leasing contract with the landlord while the personal indemnity is borne by the employee.

Under the latter two leases, the tenant bears the burden of any additional cost in a lease should it exceed the allocated budget. If the rent is below the allocated budget, the tenant who takes up a personal lease enjoys the savings. For the tenant who uses the corporate residential lease with personal indemnity, any savings on rent is split between the company and the tenant. This burden of costs/savings will have a major impact when it comes to rental negotiations.

A collective sale frenzy in 2006 and 2007 saw a slew of prime residential projects taken off the market for redevelopment, especially in districts 9, 10 and 11. There were close to 100 such developments transacted in the two years, which reduced the leasing inventory by about 6,000 units.

In the interim, the impact of this large withdrawal has been greatly felt. Of course, this removed stock will eventually return to the market as new supply. While this will give tenants more choices, landlords will face greater competition, especially if the economy doesn't improve and demand remains muted.

There are an estimated 4,000 prime residential units due to be completed by 2011. These include both luxury (usually with larger units) and typical prime units. Following the popularity of luxury units during the property boom, there are a few such projects scheduled to come into the market in the next two years. They include The Marq (66 units), The Hilltops (241 units), Ritz Carlton Residences (58 units), Ardmore II (118 units), Grange Infinite (68 units) and Orchard Residences (175 units).

This does not include the projects sold en bloc to developers for redevelopment into luxury condominiums which have yet to get their sales licences. As such, the names or number of units in these developments are not known. Among these projects are Ardmore III (Wheelock Properties), Pin Tjoe Court (Pontiac Land Group), Anderson 18 (joint venture between Wing Tai and City Developments), The Ardmore (SC Global), Lucky Tower (City Developments), Beverly Mai (HPL Properties) and Grangeford (OUE).

Rents are expected to come under severe pressure when ample new supply comes onstream at a time when market demand is weakening.

Overview and outlook
With the dampened sentiment in the corporate sector, housing budgets have seen cuts of 10-20 per cent. Expatriates, especially those on personal lease or corporate residential lease with personal indemnity, will be motivated to downsize or be on the lookout for discounted rents as they seek greater savings.

The softening demand and the new supply of some 2,000 non-landed units in the first quarter have put further downward pressure on rents. Some large completed projects include Rivergate (545 units), The Suites at Central (157 units) and the remaining City Square Residences (estimated at 439 units). In addition, there were about 1,600 previously en bloc units that have been released back into the rental market as short-term leases at much discounted rental rates.

These are the main reasons for the major rental correction of about 18 per cent over the past few months. Any recovery of the leasing market in April 2009 can be attributed to the following factors. Traditionally, the months from April to July are the seasonal highs in lease take-ups and renewals. Leases are usually signed to coincide with the summer break in international schools.

Islandwide demand has remained fairly stable as the retrenchment of the expatriate workforce in the financial sector was offset by new hires in other industries such as R&D and biomedical science. In addition, there has been restructuring of some financial institutions where business units in Europe and the US have been relocated to Singapore to tap into Asia's growing wealth.

A recent survey of five large, Singapore-based moving companies by the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore has shown that inbound shipments rose more than 10 per cent from 2007 to 2008 and outbound shipments increased nearly 8 per cent from 2007 to 2008. However, they are expected to drop by 2 per cent in 2009.

As a cautionary note, there could be a delay in the correction of expatriate demand as most expatriates today hold personal employment passes (PEP). Under this scheme, PEP holders do not need to re-apply for a new employment pass when changing jobs. They also can stay for up to six months here without any valid employment compared to only two months previously. Should the employment market remain weak, we may begin to see a delayed exodus of these expatriates if they do not get re-employed soon.

Leasing demand may also soften as more expatriates weigh the attractions of buying their own home as opposed to leasing it. With the current low interest rates and discounted housing prices, it is possible that expatriates who have been living in Singapore for some time may seek a more permanent accommodation and residential status.

Having said that, supply remains limited this year, especially for larger luxury units. Existing projects such as The Claymore, Claymore Point, Four Seasons Park, Ardmore Park, The Colonnade, Regency Park, and Yong An Park are enjoying high occupancies. As such, renovated units in these older developments are still commanding high rentals.

Similarly, supply of quality residential projects in prime districts remains limited this year. The spillover demand for luxury projects will likely benefit these sub-markets. Residential projects in the prime districts are still the preferred choice for many expatriates.

But with more completions in the pipeline, impending supply remains the biggest concern for the market. Unless the global economy picks up and expatriate inflows increase, prospects for the leasing market here will be bearish, particularly in the luxury segment.

Tips for investing in property

REAL estate is among the world's safest investments in that it cannot be lost, stolen or carried away. If managed with reasonable care, its value can be maintained or even enhanced. In Singapore, a property cycle typically lasts four to seven years.

As such, a property investor should have a similar investment horizon to ride out any market vagaries so as to best enjoy rental and capital appreciation over time. Empirical evidence has shown that the longer the investment horizon, the greater the likelihood of making a profit, and higher profits at that.

For example, a unit at Ardmore Park which was bought for $4.4 million in 2005 was sold in May this year for $6.2 million, representing a healthy profit of about 40 per cent. This has yet to take into account rental income that may have been earned over the period.

Rental yields are an attractive enticement for property investors, giving them a steady stream of cashflow in good times and bad. Typically, gross residential rental yields stand at 3-5 per cent, depending on the location, project and tenure of the property.

Investors seeking rental yields should note that while residential yields have improved markedly since property prices declined from their peak in mid-2008, rents are now correcting, and are likely to continue their slide till year's end at least.

There was a recent spike in rental yields, which is due to rents falling at a slower rate than prices. According to Q1 2009 data released by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), property prices islandwide have declined by some 21 per cent from the peak while rents have come off some 14 per cent.

High-end residential yields have risen from a low of 2.8 per cent in Q4 2007 to 3.5 per cent in Q1 2009. However, they are expected to stabilise around the long-term average of 3- 3.4 per cent in the near- to mid-term. This is on the expectation that prices will moderate their decline from here while rents remain weak in the face of strong new housing supply this year.

However, residential prices have shown recent signs of consolidation, supported by opportunistic home purchases at discounted prices, introduction of the interest absorption scheme as well as pent-up demand in certain areas.

Positive carry, which is the difference between the cost of financing the property and rental income, looks set to shrink further on falling rents. This is an important factor for investors who look to pay off their mortgages with rental income. But a positive carry still exists and it can be particularly rewarding for those who can finance their properties with a larger portion of equity or a lower loan-to-value ratio.

This is made possible by the current low interest rates - Singapore's three-month interbank rate has steadied near an all-time low of 0.69 per cent since the beginning of the year. This represents an excellent opportunity for property investors to take advantage of relatively low borrowing costs to maximise their return on equity (ROE).

Take for example a studio apartment that costs $400,000, a borrowing cost of 2 per cent per annum and an 80 per cent loan-to-value ratio. In this case, a yield of 4 per cent would lead to an ROE of 1.76 per cent. By bringing down the loan-to-value ratio to 60 per cent, ROE would improve to 3.1 per cent. This rate of return is higher than the savings and time deposit rates today.

Taking potential capital appreciation into consideration, ROE could be even higher. Extending the above example, an investor's ROE would rise to 25 per cent on the assumption of a loan-to-value ratio of 60 per cent and capital appreciation of 10 per cent. So, with proper use of leveraging, one can maximise returns.

Location, location, location
Location, location, location is the mantra of those looking to invest in property. It seems easy enough to say 'Let's buy in Orchard Road' or 'Let's buy East Coast' just because these are well-established residential locations. But what are the factors that make a good location? Why do people want to own or rent a property in a given location? These are the demand drivers that we need to understand.

What makes living in Orchard Road attractive? Beyond the glitz of the shopping belt, it is the proximity to international schools, the Central Business District, the up-and-coming Marina Bay Sands integrated resort (IR) as well as the excellent road and rail connectivity to other parts of Singapore.

The future development of the area is also important. The impact of the up-and-coming IR on residential property is probably best demonstrated by the prices fetched by The Sail @ Marina Bay. In 2004, six months before the IRs were confirmed, the price for the first residential tower was launched at $900 per sq ft (psf).

About a year later, about six months after the IR was given the green light, the second tower was launched at $1,080 psf. After that, resale prices escalated to more than $2,000 psf at the peak of the market.

More recently, the government has focused on building up Singapore as a leading R&D hub in Asia and earmarked areas like one-north in Buona Vista for development.

One-north is a 200-hectare project designed to house Singapore's growing biomedical, infocomm and digital media industries. As such, condominiums in the vicinity like one-north Residences have been well received, with many investors buying for potentially good rentals.

In times of economic uncertainty, it pays to be prudent. One should be careful not to borrow too much. Maintaining a debt service ratio of 25-30 per cent of income is ideal as it allows some buffer for any rise in mortgage rates.

Savills' affordability index showed that the average household's ability to service its monthly mortgage repayment has improved. From a peak of 40 per cent in Q3 2007, the debt service ratio has dropped to 26 per cent as at Q4 2008, following the steep price declines.

It is important to be familiar with property prices in the vicinity to ensure that one does not overpay. Generally, when buying a new property from a developer, you have greater certainty that banks would be able to match the valuation. In the secondary market, buyers would do well to get a bank valuation on the property before committing, to avoid overpaying.

Going by past transactions, prime properties - though more volatile - offer better potential for capital appreciation as investors in this segment are perceived to be less price sensitive.

The recent bull cycle saw the average price of residential properties in our basket for Districts 1, 4, 9, 10, and 11 rise from $1,250 psf in Q1 2005 to $2,400 psf in Q4 2007. Since then, the average price has slipped about 30 per cent to $1,640 psf as at Q1 2009. Given a reasonable investment horizon, there is potential for peak prices to be regained again.

When is it a good time to buy? That's a question many buyers ask. Everyone wants to land a good deal given that property is a big-ticket investment. In some instances, just waiting a few months can mean saving tens of thousands of dollars.

However, the reverse is also true - one may end up paying more if the market suddenly turns up. It's never easy trying to call the bottom of a market as one often only knows it in hindsight.

Property market continues riding on buying mood

PROPERTY market activity continued in the first week of last month as more private homes were launched - or re-launched - to ride the buying momentum.

Bukit Sembawang Estates said yesterday that it has sold 50 of the 78 units at Luxus Hills, a 999-year leasehold landed development at Ang Mio Kio, in a preview. Intermediate terrace homes were sold for an average of $1,085 per sq ft of land area, while corner terraces went for an average of $980 psf.

BT understands that agents have also started to market prime projects, including GuocoLand's 272-unit freehold Sophia Residence, City Developments's 85-unit project on the former Garden Hotel site and Wing Tai's 346-unit Ascentia Sky in Alexandra Road.

For Sophia Residences, asking prices range from $1,400-$1,600 psf. For CityDev's project, agents are quoting $1,800-$2,000 psf. At Ascentia Sky, a limited number of units have been released at prices ranging from $1,150- $1,350 psf.

Other developers are re-launching projects. CapitaLand is believed to have re-launched Latitude in the River Valley area last week. Asking prices range from about $1,600-$1,900 psf, a significant decline from $2,600 psf fetched for the 11 units sold from September 2007 to April 2008. Far East Organization re-launched Silversea a few weeks ago, selling some units at $1,250-$1,400 psf.

Developers can be expected to expedite new launches and continue promoting already-launched projects over the next two weeks as the Hungry Ghost month - which is traditionally slow for property sales - draws near.

Sales at recently launched projects have continued apace. 'We visited show flats for a few mid and prime projects last weekend,' said DMG & Partners Securities analyst Brandon Lee in a July-6 note. 'More developers are now offering additional price discounts of 2-5 per cent during soft launches to incentivise buyers.'

Prices rose 4.8 per cent quarter-on-quarter in Q2, Mr Lee said. 'Along with a flat stock market performance, we believe this has led to a less fervent show-flat turnout. However, sales volumes remain healthy.'

In an update, Far East Organization said yesterday that it has sold 130 apartments at its 280-unit Vista Residences at Thomson.

Separately, Credo Real Estate yesterday released for sale by tender a cluster of 18 shophouses at Joo Chiat/Onan Road. The properties are owned by a family trust, which is seeking offers in the region of $25 million to $30 million. The freehold site is 35,440 sq ft and the total gross floor area of the shophouses is 62,489 sq ft.

Making sense of housing loans

SENTIMENT seems to have made a 180-degree turn in the property market in recent months with buyers coming out in force as the economic outlook stabilises. Sellers have been known to up asking prices by 10 per cent or more. Some home buyers who were taking a wait and see attitude a few months ago rushed in to buy properties.

But before you join the rush, remember that buying a property is a long-term commitment. Make sure you can comfortably service your mortgage by capping your debt-service ratio at 35 per cent of your gross income. On top of that you should set aside enough funds to service at least six months of your housing loan instalments. This would provide some buffer should you suffer a pay cut or job loss.

Home buyers might also want to take note that supply of homes should be ample, going forward. Between 2009 and 2013, a total of 55,838 condo units are expected to be completed, according to numbers from the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA). The supply more than meets the average demand of about 8,000 units a year.

Some developers are offering an interest absorption scheme (IAS), where the developer helps the buyer pay the interest on the housing loan while the property is under construction. Of course, such a scheme typically raises the sale price by 2 to 5 per cent, so there really is no free lunch.

Also, note that housing loan packages tied to the IAS generally charge higher interest rates. The difference can be 0.5 per cent or more. And because the IAS is offered by a single bank, taking it means losing the freedom to shop around for the best loan package. So you could forgo savings in interest of several thousand dollars.

Under the IAS, only the interest is paid while the principal outstanding is not reduced. Thus, when your property is completed, your housing loan outstanding will be higher than that of someone who has been making progressive payments.

Lastly, should the developer get into financial difficulties, the buyer is still liable to the bank for the interest on the housing loan.

Short loan tenor vs long loan tenor

Some people choose to pay off their housing loan as quickly as possible to save on interest payments. On the other hand, there are people who want to stretch the loan repayment period to the maximum so they have smaller monthly cash outflows.

Instead of going to either extreme, you could consider matching the loan tenor to your intended retirement age. For instance, if you're 40, you can take up a 20-year loan that will be paid off by the time you retire at 60.

Interest rate outlook

Sibor or the Singapore Interbank Offered Rate is the average interest rate at which banks lend or borrow local dollars from one another in Singapore. The two main factors that affect Sibor are the United States Federal Reserve rate and liquidity, or availability of funds, in the local banking sector.

The US Federal Reserve has maintained interest rates at 0.25 per cent, a historical low. Sibor has stayed slightly below 0.7 per cent in the past six months and is likely to remain there as long as US interest rates are low and liquidity here is ample.

If you want certainty of interest rates for the next few years, then go for a fixed-rate housing loan, which can be as low as 1.5 per cent for the first year.

So what is the difference between Sibor and SOR? The latter stands for the Swap Offer Rate, which comprises the Singapore Interbank Offer Rate plus market reserve costs. It represents the average cost of funds used by banks in Singapore for commercial lending.

Swap also accounts for the exchange rate of the US$ vs S$. Thus, SOR tends to be more volatile than Sibor. If you want lower volatility, go for a loan pegged to Sibor rather than SOR.

Should you aim to be debt free as soon as possible?

Most personal finance books recommend that you should aim to be debt free as soon as possible. In my opinion, as long as you have not overborrowed, you can plan to pay off your housing loan by the time you retire.

If you think about it, a housing loan is the cheapest loan on the market. In Singapore, the interest rate on a housing loan is currently about 2 per cent, while a car loan is about 4 per cent, a renovation loan 7 per cent and a credit card 24 per cent!

So it is difficult for people to fail to beat housing loan interest rates. Why? Imagine that you know nothing about investing. Just putting money into endowment savings plans gives you annual returns of about 4 per cent over a 20-year period.

Say a person has a $200,000 housing loan to be repaid over 20 years. Assuming an interest rate of 4.5 per cent on the loan, the total interest paid over 20 years is only $105,515.

If he has $200,000 in cash or CPF savings and uses this money to earn a yield of 3.5 per cent, in 20 years, he would have earned $168,453!

Most people forget that interest on a housing loan is calculated on a reducing balance basis while savings compound (interest is added on interest).

Thus, you can get ahead financially if you focus on making your cash or CPF funds work harder for you than by trying to pay off your housing loan as soon as possible.

To get an unbiased view of the housing loan packages offered by banks, you can talk to an independent mortgage broker. After all, bank officers can only offer packages from the bank they work for.

Typically, the service offered by a mortgage broker is free as they are paid separately by the banks.