Tuesday, October 30, 2007



當期指結算後,目的已達,市況才能真實反映市場上的資金情況。周三晚FOMC會公佈議息結果,市場大部份分析員皆認為一定會減1/4 厘,若然到時減半厘的話,大市仍有機會再放多一次煙花。


Friday, October 19, 2007



















Sunday, October 14, 2007

Nash equilibrium :A Beautiful Mind - blonde girl example

(These comments apply to the film - I haven't read the book.) You'd think they'd have covered the concept of Nash Equilibriuma a little more accurately, since it's the concept that bears his name. In the film, the 'inspiration' for his discovering it occurs when Nash and three pals are drinking in a bar. Four women enter, led by a blonde who is clearly the pick of the bunch. Nash reasons that if they all go for the blonde, at most one of them will end up with her, and they won't then stand a chance with the other three. But if they divide the women amongst themselves first, they all have a chance of ending up with one.
There are two problems with this example; one technical, one presentational. The technical one is that (assuming the 'rules' are as described) there are of course multiple Nash equilbria here (even disregarding mixed strategies) where each is assigned a different girl. Each of them has a slightly different payoff for each player, depending on who is assigned the blonde. The problem is that the concept doesn't tell you WHICH Equilibrium will end up being played - so the whole blonde problem hasn't actually been solved. They could agree among themselves to co-ordinate in a certain way, but this isn't shown in the film, and is in fact a further game theory problem of its own, since they would each like to be the one with the blonde. It's disappointing a better example wasn't used.
The presentational problem is that film implies Nash Equilibrium is just a way of co-operating in a socially useful manner, when in fact it's almost the opposite (a set of individual best responses). There's no necessary reason why co-operation is the outcome in this situation. The blonde could have been so attractive it would have been worth a 25% shot at her rather than a certain go at one of the plainer girls, which would lead to a competitive outcome.
A much better example would be one where there was a DIFFERENCE between the individual and the social optimums. Let's say there was one girl being hit on by two men. Neither wants to be the one to leave the group and buy the drinks, because he'd lose his (50%) chance with her. It's individually best for them both to keep talking to her. But because neither has bought her a drink, she gets fed up and goes home. So what was the best decision for the individual was worse for the group. I'm sure there's any number of better examples which would have explained N.E. more effectively than the misleading one they use in the film.

Too mild

I am too kind and too mild.

I am too naive, think of using other people, actually had been used by people like Sang, Ho Chee Kong and Ken.

Too soft, let people take advantage.

I don't understand how this world works.
This is a unforgiving world, where strong and bad people win.

let people know you are a bastard and you are tough.

Be a tough and bad man.

14 Oct 07 - Uncle Lim seminar

1.Freight Link - MA 2 cross MA 8
3.YJZ - explode in Jan 2006
6.Baker Tech

Hot money flows into Asia
Hot money will flows around
now looks like 1987 sideways for awhile and then gap up again
close relationship between Hot money and exchange rate
hot money will flows back to US next year





一、 关于价值人类财富史上有文字记载的最早的财富交换发生在古巴比伦和古埃及国王之间。交换的财富包括布匹、香料、家具、青铜器、珠宝和黄金。这样大规模的财富交换无疑蕴含着价值判断的逻辑在内。而对价值的判断恰恰是价值投资的前提、基础和核心。价值投资,简而言之,就是在一家公司的市场价格相对于它的内在价值大打折扣时买入其股份。内在价值在理论上的定义就是一家企业在其余下的寿命史中可以产生的现金的折现值。但是问题来了,一家企业余下的寿命史到底有多长?能产生多少现金?这本身就充满了玄念,以这个充满了玄念的现金流为基础而形成的判断有多大的可信度呢? 再有,折现率该如何确定?在不同的时点、不同的投资人会有不同选择,据以计算的价值必然是失之毫厘、差之千里。如果不能做到精确的价值评估,又怎能知道应该在什么价位购买股票呢?如果说这是价值投资人最大的困惑所在,当不为过。
二、 关于安全边际老巴曾在他的老师、现代证券分析创始人、人称华尔街教父的格雷厄姆那里学到两条投资规则:第一条:永远不要亏损;第二条:永远不要忘记第一条。那么,如何才能做到不亏损呢?格雷厄姆自己给出的答案是:“我大胆地将成功投资的秘诀精炼成四个字的座右铭:安全边际。”作为为价值投资的核心概念,如果说安全边际在整个价值投资领域中处于至高无上的地位,并不为过。它的定义非常简单而朴素:实质价值或内在价值与价格的顺差,换一种更通俗的说法,安全边际就是价值与价格相比被低估的程度或幅度。根据定义,只有当价值被低估的时候才存在安全边际或安全边际为正,当价值与价格相当的时候安全边际为零,而当价值被高估的时候不存在安全边际或安全边际为负。价值投资者只对价值被低估特别是被严重低估的对象感兴趣。安全边际不保证能避免损失,但能保证获利的机会比损失的机会更多。凡事喜欢精确的同志可能要再次失望了:原来与内在价值一样,所谓的安全边际也是一个模糊的概念,比如仅从定义我们不能确定实质价值或内在价值与价格的顺差达到什么程度才能说安全边际就是足够,就可以买入股票。与内在价值一样,对安全边际的理解与应用也仍然是一个需要艺术掌握的东西。巴非特指出:“我们的股票投资策略持续有效的前提是,我们可以以具有吸引力的价格买到有吸引力的股票。对投资人来说,买入一家优秀公司的股票时支付过高的价格,将抵消这家绩优企业未来十年所创造的价值。”这就是说,忽视安全边际,即使买入优秀企业的股票,也会因买价过高而难以盈利。这一点,对于当今的中国股市,尤具警醒作用。可以说,安全边际在理念上与传统的“富贵险中求”投资观念是截然相反的。它告诉你:如果你想要谋发达你一定不要冒风险。在每次做投资决策或投资活动中,我们一定是希望我们的风险降到最小,同时希望每次投资活动中都能取得收益的最大化。如果想要的安全边际迟迟不来怎么办呢?那么只有两个字:等待。在我们一生的投资过程中,我们不希望也不需要每天都去做交易,很多时候我们会手持现金,耐心等待,由于市场交易群体的无理性,在不确定的时间段内,比如三至五年的周期里,总会等到一个完美的高安全边际的时刻,换句话说,市场的无效性总会带来价值低估的机会,那么这个时候就是你出手的时候。就如非洲草原的狮子,它在没有猎物的时候更多的是在草丛中慢慢的等,很有耐心的观察周围情况,直到猎物进入伏击范围才迅疾出手。如果你的投资组合里累计了很多次这样的投资后,从长期看,你一定会取得远远超出市场回报的机会。所以安全边际的核心就在把握风险和收益的关系。从防御角度说,对安全边际的掌握更多是一种生存的艺术。投资如行军打仗,首先确保不被敌人消灭掉是作战的第一要素,否则一切都将无从谈起。这一点在牛市氛围中,在泡沫化严重的市场里,显得尤为重要。安全边际并不是孤立的,它是以“内在价值”为基础的,在“内在价值”的计算中,预期收益率是最有弹性的参数,预期收益率的上升和安全边际的扩大都趋向了一个结果,那就是相对低的买入价格。而就操作的层面而言,阶段性的仓位比例控制也可以视为运用安全边际的辅佐手段。格雷厄姆和巴菲特这两个大师级的人物之所以都非常强调安全边际原则,之所以都要求一定的安全边际,其根本原因就在于,影响股票市场价格和公司经营的因素非常庞杂,而相对来说,人的预测能力是非常有限的,很容易出现预测失误。而安全边际则是对投资者自身能力的有限性、股票市场波动巨大的不确定性的一种预防和保险。有了较大的安全边际,即使我们对公司价值的评估有一定误差、市场价格在较长时间内仍低于价值、公司发展受到暂时的挫折,都不会妨碍我们投资资本的安全性以及保证我们取得最低程度的满意报酬率。这就是安全边际原则的精髓所在。

三、 价值投资和市场波动早知道波动总是难免的,又何必劳心伤神。“市场从来不是一台根据证券的内在品质而精确地客观地记录其价值的计量器,而是汇集了无数人部分出于理性(事实)部分出于感性(理念和观点)的选择的投票器。”这就是市场波动的由来。格雷厄姆在去世前几个月的时候指出:“如果说我在华尔街60多年的经验中发现过什么的话,那就是从来没有人能够成功地预测股市波动。”市场的状态是事实和想象的统一体。股价也是这样。资金量的大小是决定股价的重要因素。巨量资金流动的背后是理念和观点在刺激人们的想象,而且会达到疯狂,而过分脱离事实的想象和疯狂会造就悲剧。




”巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)分析师孟原(Isaac Meng)证实,从8000元到超过20个亿,林园的年均复合回报率在98%以上,远远超过了沃伦•巴菲特的22.1%。我们有理由相信,林园是有史以来最成功的股票投资者。








Saturday, October 13, 2007











Who's Jordan Belfort? I'll Tell You Exactly Who He Is

Jordan Belfort is the biggest Wall Street crook you've never heard of. He was the king of funny business (not in the ha-ha way) during the bull market of the '90s, nicknamed "The Wolf of Wall Street." I profile Belfort on "Business Nation" this month, and you'll learn how he created a brokerage called Stratton Oakmont which functioned like a cult.
Belfort hired young, hungry brokers. Some hadn't even graduated from high school. All they had to do was swear loyalty to him, read his scripts over the phone while cold calling, and everyone would get rich. It was a classic pump and dump scheme where brokers would drive up the price of stocks, and then Belfort would dump the large chunks he and his partners controlled, cashing out. Then the stock prices would collapse.
And everyone at Stratton Oakmont did get rich. And then they all did a lot of drugs, drank a lot of expensive wine, bought a lot of outrageous toys, and threw outrageous parties populated by a lot of hookers. You have to hear this guy tell his own story to me. More details are in his new book "The Wolf of Wall Street," which has now been optioned for a movie, naturally. Leonardo Di Caprio is interested!
To me, the most amazing part of Jordan Belfort's story was his insane personal life. He says he flew his own helicopter while high, sank his 167-foot yacht (once owned by Coco Chanel) in the Mediterranean while high, drove with his 3-year-old daughter unbuckled beside him though a garage door while high. Belfort says at the height of his drug problem, he was taking 22 different medications: 20 quaaludes a day, balanced out by cocaine, the morphine, xanax, valium, etc. You name it, he abused it. I said to him, "Even if half of this is true (skeptical as always) how are you alive?" He says he was just really good about balancing it all out.
Belfort was finally arrested and convicted. And, in keeping with the insanity of it all, his cellmate turned out to be Tommy Chong, of Cheech and Chong fame. Chong was apparently serving time for selling bongs over the internet (I guess you can't do that sort of commerce across state lines). You'll hear from Chong in my report as well. He inspired Belfort to write the book.
By the way, my favorite part of the book is when Belfort goes to rehab. I actually laughed out loud during his tale of tortured redemption. Still tortured, though, and not laughing, are the people he ripped off to the tune of $200 million. You'll hear from one of them--Bill Moison, a successful real estate investor who got taken for $200,000.

I spent a lot time with Jordan both on Long Island, where he committed the crimes, and in Manhattan Beach, where he now lives to be close to his kids (he's divorced). He's charming, in a way. He tells hilarious stories, and yet he still impresses me as something of a desperate salesman, the short kid from Queens who wants fame and fortune.


Larry Swedroe的任务是拯救投资者,需要的话一次一人。

为了传播这一福音,Swedroe撰写投资方面的书籍,他还是位于圣·路易斯州Buckingham资产管理公司的董事。但他传教士性质的工作并不局限于那里:他是个电子预言家,为像Index Funds和Vanguard Diehards这样的网站传达信息。他的信词:忘记华尔街、媒体和共同基金的宣传;财务上通往长期成功的最佳路径是低成本消极投资,例如指数基金和外汇交易基金。

Swedroe 这个月有一本书上:今天成功的投资者:投资时必须了解的14条准则。他说:“我写这本书最基本的前提是投资者经历的数量极多的损失是可以避免的,而这根选择入市的时间是没有关系的。那些灾难都是可以避免的,人们能抱怨的只有他们自己或者他们的顾问。”















Monday, October 8, 2007





希望各位blog友都會是聰明人,不要持著自己年青,就隨便進行投機活動,特別是嶺南爆光 ,記得你在回應我的網誌中講過,「我覺得係我這個廿幾歲的年齡, 投機未嘗不可」,其實如果認同其他人行過的都是成功之路的話,何不早日踏上這條路上呢? 光靠勇氣,勉強去開創另一條路,到頭來辛苦的只會是自己。


think in other people shoes.

thinks ahead and be prepare.

think of what hedge funds and syndicates will do before think of my own strategy.

宋鸿兵 said beware of the hedge funds, the hedge funds have not act yet. Once they act it will be nightmare for masses.

Hedge funds is waiting for their opportunities to attacked China just like they attacked Japan and South east Asia 10 years ago.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

7 Oct 2007 - Uncle Lim seminar

If index cannot break resistance for 3 consecutive days, is bad sigh, sell. (consult Uncle Lim first.)
Reason:investors exhaust their funds, lacking funds to push up, correction coming.

How to be 1 steps ahead of the Masses ?
use MACD 8/17 & Stochastic 15/3/3

How to buy/sell before the masses ?

anticipate what BB will do ?
use MACD & Guppy.

Invest using Buffett FA method.
How to earn daily expenses ?

Don't use lagging indicators/methods.
search for future indicators.

BB methods:
1. accumulate slowly
2. entice Masses to buy
3. push up prices
4. Masses happy at the appreciation of prices - e.g. me, happy over a stock I bought Price shoot up, hold for longer period then lost again.
5. BB press the price lower.
6. BB still support the price
7. BB push up again
8. BB distribute

1. Volume
2. price
3. STI

1. Yong Nam- TP $0.55
2. CSC
3. LantroVision
4. CES
5. Freight Links
6. HG
7. Alantac - can keep
8. YZJ

Friday, October 5, 2007


Skeptics of EMH argue that there exists a small number of investors who have outperformed the market over long periods of time, in a way which is difficult to attribute luck, including Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett, George Soros, and Bill Miller.These investors' strategies are to a large extent based on identifying markets where prices do not accurately reflect the available information, in direct contradiction to the efficient market hypothesis which explicitly implies that no such opportunities exist.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Peregrine Falcon = Psychology Focus

Devise my own strategy = Hong Arts of War King = HAWK

Do not be influence my noises

Turtle Trader = mechanical trading method

Do not try to be something you cannot do

be realistic

nobody can predict the future, nobody know what will happen tomorrow- John Henry

focus on my strength

focus on option

don't predict future, don't gamble, only win, don't guess, go for sure win

1. soccer bet draw sure win
2.fundamentals investing sure win
3.mechanical trading sure win
4.trend following on option sure win

No Second Best

trade with my own strategy - the strategy should be simple and easy to execute.

Pound on mistakes of mass investors.

Pound on their weaknesses of fear and greed.

my enemy : mass investors.

think like a hedge Fund, my opponents are the mass investors.

I am the hedge fund, I am Soros.

become like puntfast.

use my very own indicators, simple and easy and not a lagging indicators, must be one step ahead of other.

Be an contrarian.

do the opposite of the mass investors.

must try very hard to understand the psychology of mass investors.

Think like a hedge funds and act like an hedge funds.

mix with mass investors to understand their pyschologloy.

hedge funds is up again the mass investors, Hedge unds try to mislead the mass investors.

Refelvicity= market has mismatch info, mass investors make mistakes, be an opportunities and wait to pound on their mistakes.

Monday, October 1, 2007



FATA Trading

Goals, Style and Strategy

Risk and return are highly correlated. The higher the potential return, the higher the potential risk. For stocks, the highest potential returns (and risk) center around growth industries with stock prices that exhibit high volatility and high price multiples (PE, Price/Sales, Price/Hope). The lowest potential returns (and risk) come from stocks in mature industries with stock prices that exhibit relatively low volatility and low price multiples.

My goal is income and safety, buying or selling at extreme levels (overbought/oversold) is an unlikely style. My goals center on huge profits, high returns and low risk, bottom picking strategies and gap trading is my style.
My Styles is looking to capitalize on long-term macro economic trends. I use a host of possible combinations including position traders, aggressive growth investors, value investors and contrarians. Position traders for 2-10 week trades and value investors for 1-2 year trades.
Not only will your style depend on your goals, but also on your level of commitment. I pursue a patient style with low activity levels. The goals would be focused on less trades, huge profits and very big stop-loss levels. End of day charts would be used to provide timely entry and exit points. A high level of commitment, focus and energy would be required.
Position traders are likely to use daily end-of-day charts and pursue 1-8 week price movements. The goal would be focused on short to intermediate price movements and the level of commitment, while still substantial, would be less.

Having the sense to pick the right investment propositions - and walk away from the others - is key to preserving as well as growing your capital.So I decided to tap their collective wisdom and posed a question to all of them: Whatare the key prerequisites to making it big in investment? Intelligence? Capital? Network?The first guy picked intelligence, network, hunger and discipline as the most importantfactors.'Capital, you can build it up slowly,' he said. He went on to recount the story of someone he knows who trades the market for a living. The guy was caught wrong-footed by the market and lost everything. Not willing to admit defeat, he borrowed $300,000 fromhis mother in 2001 as seed capital to start afresh. And today, his net worth is $40 million.I did a simple calculation on how one can grow the money so fast. Here's what I found:You'd have to grow your pot 23 per cent every quarter to achieve what this persondid in six years. In the bull market of the past three or four years, the prices of somestocks have appreciated 10 times or more in as short as three months.In such a market, picking the right stock and riding with it can be very rewarding.But to make his money grow as fast as it did, the person must have had the guts tomake big bets. Assuming a constant 23 per cent return a quarter, he would have had tostake all his capital and accumulated profits all the time.On the topic of limited capital, a financial market veteran who now manages his own fund had this advice. 'When you have limited capital, you have to increase the velocity of your capital. In other words, you have to go in and out very fast. Always make your money work hard.'How does one then identify the stocks or investments that have a high chance of yielding fast bucks?This is where network and intelligence comes in. One can, of course, observe
developments in the market and try to anticipate what will happen next. This requiresintelligence.For example, a couple of my friends constantly monitor the big picture for theirnext investment idea before the whole world wakes up to the opportunities.A case in point. As soon as it was known that an integrated resort would come up at
Marina Bay. Marina Bay, they reckoned, would be a desirable address in the years to come. They checked out the most iconic project there - The Sail@Marina - and compared prices there with those in other global cities. Their conclusion: Relative to other cities, The Sail@Marina was cheap. So these friends bought several units at The Sail@Marina in 2005. Today they are sitting on very handsome profits. NetworkAnother friend of mine ranks network above intelligence. 'Singapore is an insiders' market,' he said. 'If you know the right people you'll get to invest in the pre-IPOmarket, take up placement shares, etc.' In the past few years, pre IPO’s have beenalmost a sure bet, with very lucrative returns.It even applies to properties. Only the privileged are invited to pre-launches andgiven the opportunity to make an easy $200,000 or $300,000 in just two or threeweeks by simply flipping the units. So knowing the right people is an importantfactor.But my take is that you still need intelligence to make the most of a network.Obviously, if you have the money you will receive a lot of investment propositions.Having the sense to pick the right ones - and walk away from the others - is key topreserving as well as growing your capital.One friend's approach is to get information from various sources - read network. He then puts everything together to form his own go or no-go decision. For example, if a company's numbers look good and people in that industry tell him the management iscapable and trustworthy, and the company is executing plans to take advantage of anindustry upswing, and he notices that some very smart money has just gone into thecompany, chances are he will put his money into it.Entrepreneur spottinganother friend, a financial market veteran who has headed foreign investment houses,
says that identifying up-and-coming entrepreneurs is tremendously rewarding -financially and in terms of satisfaction.His boss took a bet on Li Ka-Shing when the latter was still selling plastic flowers, hesays. There are many opportunities up for grabs. But if you are not hungry, and are contentto just sit back and relax, your wealth is not going to grow fast.Hunger need not be for money. It can be hunger for an intellectual challenge, forthe satisfaction of getting it right and the recognition of being astute.With hunger, you are more diligent when looking for opportunities, more willing todo a little more research and think through more thoroughly the probabilities of successand failure and the likely outcome. Often times, wealth will be a natural by-product.Discipline, meanwhile, is about going through the same rigors for every investment, about admitting mistakes, cutting your losses and moving on.It is also about properly managing risks, not over-gearing yourself and making capitalpreservation a major goal. For the lazy and uninitiated, the stock market is a dangerous place.And finally, you should not downplay the role of luck. The first guy said he has always been lucky. In the previous bull market, his colleagues complained about how their clients' statements and transactions were processed very slowly because backroom staff was so overloaded with work. He lingered to chat with the backroom staff. During the conversation, he found out that they had to handle so many new account openings. 'Grandmas and pops and even blind men are opening accounts,' he was told.That sounded an alarm. The next morning, he went into the office, told his colleagueswhat he had heard and asked them to clear their positions. But nobody listened. He took his own advice and sold everything he had. The market continued to run a bit more - then took a sudden south turn. His colleagues couldn't sell fast enough and suffered significant losses. He emerged unscathed.Concluding thoughtsAfter speaking to and observing many successful investors, I believe you need all the above - intelligence, hunger, capital, network, discipline and luck - to succeed ona sustained basis.With intelligence and hunger, and that little bit of luck, you can amass capital. Discipline and network can send that capital on the next phase of growth - this time, with a steeper trajectory.Some people go for value, invest for the long term and allow the compounding effect to work. Some trade in and out, creating a lot of velocity with their capital. A few are constantly on the lookout for arbitrage opportunities - almost risk-less propositions with near-guaranteed profit - present in mergers and acquisition deals.You have to find a style that suits your temperament and situation.

For most of us with day jobs, the first option is the most viable. And it's not any less of an option. Pure and simple analysis of a company's financial statements, plus an understanding of its business can - without any access to privileged information - earn you just as good a return as any trader or fund manager.There are a lot of opportunities, especially in the last few years and in the coming years as China and India develop and billions of consumers enter the marketplace. Enormous wealth will be created.
Fundamental analysts believe that a business' fair value will eventually be reflected by the market. This allows investors to gain from the market mispricing. Investors may use fundamental analysis within different portfolio management styles.

Buy and hold investors believe that latching onto good businesses allows the investor's asset to grow with the business. Fundamental analysis lets them find 'good' companies, so they lower their risk and probability of wipeout.
They may use fundamental analysis to correctly value 'good' and 'bad' companies. Even 'bad' company's stock goes up and down, creating opportunities for profits.

Contrarian investors distinquish "in the short run, the market is a voting machine, not a weighing machine". Fundamental analysis allows you to make your own decision on value, and ignore the market.

Value investors restrict their attention to lower valued companies, believing that 'its hard to fall out of a ditch'. The value comes from fundamental analysis.

Top-down and Bottom-up
Investors can use either a top-down or bottom-up approach.
The top-down investor starts his ananlysis with global economics, including both international and national economic indicators, such as GDP growth rates, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, productivity, and energy prices. He narrows his search down to regional/industry analysis of total sales, price levels, the effects of competing products, foreign competition, and entry or exit from the industry. Only then does he narrow his search to the best business in that area.
The bottom-up investor starts with specific businesses, regardless of their industry/region.

The analysis of a business' health starts with financial statement analysis that includes ratios. It looks at dividends paid, operating cash flow, new equity issues and capital financing. The earnings estimates and growth rate projections published widely by Thomson Financial and others can be considered either 'fundamental' (they are facts) or 'technical' (they are investor sentiment) based on your perception of their validity.
The determined growth rates (of income and cash) and risk levels (to determine the discount rate) are used in various valuation models. The foremost is the discounted cash flow model, which calculates the present value of the future dividends received by the investor, along with the

eventual sale price.
earnings of the company, or
cash flows of the company.

The simple model commonly used is the Price/Earnings ratio. Implicit in this model of a perpetual annuity (Time value of money) is that the 'flip' of the P/E is the discount rate appropriate to the risk of the business. The multiple accepted is adjusted for expected growth (that is not built into the model).
Growth estimates are incorporated into the PEG ratio but the math does not hold up to analysis. Its validity depends on the length of time you think the growth will continue.
Computer modeling of stock prices has now replaced much of the subjective interpretation of fundamental data (along with technical data) in the industry. Since about year 2000, with the power of computers to crunch vast quantities of data, a new career has been invented. At some funds the manager's decisions have been replaced by proprietary mathematical models.

Selection criteria for fundamental stocks (in order of preference): 1. Potential to be a multi bagger (share price can double, triple, etc)2. NTA is at a significant discount to current market price. NTA to me is cash and Singapore properties. This gives a good margin of safety.3. Strong cash flow with conservative accounting.4. It is in a growth industry and has good competitive advantage. The business is scalable. It is not a professional type business.5. Its products can command a premium. It has a brand name or a unique product. It is not a commodity.6. It has strong recurring income.7. Credible management (e.g., no talking up stocks, false promises or creative accounting).

Once the goals have been set and preferred style adopted, it is time to develop a strategy. This strategy would be based on your return/risk preferences, trading/investing style and commitment level. Because there are many potential trading and investing strategies, I am going to focus on one hypothetical strategy as an example.

First, the goal would be a 20-30% annual return. This is quite high and would involve a correspondingly low level of risk. Because of low risk, I would allot all my CPF money and high percentage (50%) of my cash portfolio to this strategy.

Although I like to follow the market throughout the day, I cannot make the commitment to day trading and use of intraday charts. I would pursue a position trading style and look for 1-8 week price movements based on end-of-day charts. Indicators will be limited to three with price action (candlesticks) and chart patterns will carry the most influence.
Part of this style would involve a prudence money management scheme that would limit losses by imposing a stop-loss immediately after a trade is initiated. An exit strategy must be in place before the trade is initiated. Should the trade become a winner, the exit strategy would be revised to lock in gains. The maximum allowed per trade would be 40% of my total trading capital. If my total cash portfolio were 100,000, then I might allocate 50,000 (50%) to the trading portfolio. Of this 50,000, the maximum allowed per trade would be 20,000 (50,000 * 40%).

1. Focus on only a few stocks2. Identify a tipping point for each stock (e.g. building a MRT station next to its key property)3. Buy slowly into any stock (as my timing is usually not good)4. My investments are long term (This is money I can afford to leave under the pillow for years) 5. Low liquidity is OK (I am a collector and have no intentions of selling early)6. Have an exit price for each stock (but be prepared to sell when prospects are not as rosy or when the entire market is on a bearish mega trend)
The trading strategy is to go long stocks that are near support levels and short stocks near resistance levels.
To maintain prudence, I would only seek long positions in stocks with weekly (long-term) bull trends and short positions in stocks with weekly (long-term) bear trends.
In addition, I would look for stocks that are starting to show positive (or negative) divergences in key momentum indicators as well as signs of accumulation (or distribution).
My indicator arsenal would consist of two momentum indicators (MACD and Slow Stochastic Oscillator) and one volume indicator (Accumulation/Distribution Line).
Even though the MACD and the Slow Stochastic Oscillator are momentum oscillators, one is geared towards the direction of momentum MACD and the other towards identifying overbought and oversold levels (Slow Stochastic Oscillator) to enter a trade.
I pursue a conservative (low-risk) strategy for trading with a big portion of my portfolio and a relatively conservative (capital preservation) strategy for investing with the bulk of my portfolio. The bulk for investing, the equity swings should be lower and the emotional strains less.

Sniper Trading

Goals, Style and Strategy


Borrow money from bank at an average interest rate of 7% to speculate for short-term gains.
The higher the potential return, the higher the potential risk.
For stocks, the highest potential returns (and risk) center around growth industries with stock prices that exhibit high volume, high volatility and high price multiples (PE, Price/Sales, Price/Hope).

The expected return is 20% and desired risk and cut loss point is 10%. If your goal is income and safety, buying or selling at extreme levels (overbought/oversold) is an unlikely style.
My goals center on quick profits, high returns and high risk, bottom picking strategies and gap trading is my style.
My style is aggressive day trading looking to scalp 20% gains to looking to capitalize on medium-term macro economic trends. Combinations including swing traders, position traders, aggressive growth investors, value investors and contrarians. Swing traders might look for 1-5 day trades, position traders for 1-8 week trades and value investors for 1-2 year trades.
Day traders are likely to pursue an aggressive style with high activity levels. The goals would be focused on quick trades, small profits and very tight stop-loss levels. Intraday charts would be used to provide timely entry and exit points. A high level of commitment, focus and energy would be required.
On the other hand, position traders are likely to use daily end-of-day charts and pursue 1-8 week price movements. The goal would be focused on short to intermediate price movements and the level of commitment, while still substantial, would be less than a day trader.

Once the goals have been set and preferred style adopted, it is time to develop a strategy. This strategy would be based on your return/risk preferences, trading/investing style and commitment level. Because there are many potential trading and investing strategies, I am going to focus on one hypothetical strategy as an example.

First, the goal would be a 20% return per trade. This is quite high and would involve a correspondingly high level of risk. Because of the associated risk, I would only allot a small percentage (50%) of my portfolio to this strategy. The remaining portion would go towards a more conservative approach.

I like to follow the market throughout the day; I can make the commitment to day trading and use of intraday charts. I would also pursue a position trading style and look for 1-8 week price movements based on end-of-day charts. Indicators will be limited to three with price action (candlesticks) and chart patterns will carry the most influence.
Part of this style would involve a strict money management scheme that would limit losses by imposing a stop-loss immediately after a trade is initiated.
An exit strategy must be in place before the trade is initiated. Should the trade become a winner, the exit strategy would be revised to lock in gains.
The maximum allowed per trade would be 20% of my total trading capital. If my total portfolio were 100,000, then I might allocate 50,000 (50%) to the trading portfolio. Of this 50,000, the maximum allowed per trade would be 10,000 (50,000 * 10%).

STRATEGY: 1. Stop loss at 5 - 10%.2. Take winnings at 10 - 20%3. Top active counters mainly4. Don't hold longer than 1 week (otherwise, it is likely to become an unwanted baby)5. Trust no one but yourself (don't trust gossips)
1. Go long stocks that are near support levels and short stocks near resistance levels. Use Elliott Wave Theory as a reference. To maintain prudence, I would only seek long positions in stocks with weekly (long-term) bull trends and short positions in stocks with weekly (long-term) bear trends.

2. Look for stocks that are starting to show positive (or negative) divergences in key momentum indicators as well as signs of accumulation (or distribution).

3. My indicator arsenal would consist of two momentum indicators (MACD and Slow Stochastic Oscillator) and one volume indicator (Accumulation/Distribution Line). Even though the MACD and the Slow Stochastic Oscillator are momentum oscillators, one is geared towards the direction of momentum MACD and the other towards identifying overbought and oversold levels (Slow Stochastic Oscillator).

4. As triggers, I would use key candlestick patterns, price reversals and gaps to enter a trade.

I pursue an aggressive (high-risk) strategy for trading with a small portion of my portfolio and a relatively conservative (capital preservation) strategy for investing with the bulk of my portfolio.

Attributes of a successful investor
I am sure we all hold different views on what makes an investor successful. After having gone through the ups and downs of investing over the past 20 years, I think some of the key attributes are:1. Foresight. Above everything else, a successful investor must have foresight. He must be able to successfully look into the future and predict correctly.To develop foresight, an investor should have the experience of running successful and not so successful businesses. I think one of the reasons Warren Buffett did so well in his investments is because he had a bad time trying to turn around the original business such that in the end, he sold it. Hence, I see investing as the next step after entrepreneurship. But one needs to be an entrepreneur first to understand the issues that SMEs face in the real world. After all, most of our investments are in real world SME companies and what we are trying to do is to identify the high flyers of the future.
2. Ability to understand the fundamentals behind a company, especially, the financial statements. This is where those trained in accountancy may have an upper hand. However, this attribute is not that difficult to pick up. One of the first stops for any fundamental investor must surely be the annual report. Successful investors have an ability to read in between the lines of a financial statement such that he can foresee many of the issues that may surface in the years ahead.
3. Ability to appreciate technical analysis. This will help time your purchase and sale of shares. 4. Ability to control fear and greed. This one, we all agree and hence, no need for elaboration.