Sunday, July 14, 2013


Forex is also a form of Gamble,
do it carefully,
set target discipline is a must,
follow gamble rule,
set fixed contract per day, per trade
Make big, lose small, (2 to 1, lost $10 and make $20)
when target is met, close it, no greedy

1, Daily  = Master guide
2. 30 Mins = Trade (Main Focus)
3. 5 Mins = reference only for second confirmation
4. 4 Hrs = see the overall limt & reisistence

1. Daily movement
see the chart 5am
Up ?
Down ?

draw upper and lower limit

determine the strength of the upward & downward movement

Action - open or close contracts
1. If break 8MA & 14MA
2. when touch 8MA, act, otherwise wiat for big profits
    alternative, wait for the price to touch target
3. when 8MA 14MA cross ,act
4. after cut loss/take profits, do the opposite immediately

1. 8MA & 14MA meet or getting closer, be careful, but don't act

1.the steepness = the strength of the movement
2. steepness not sharp, dont expect big movement

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