Monday, July 29, 2013


God is my best friend,
 he does not hate me, he does not hurt me, he love me, he encourage me, he help me, he is my best counsel, he is always there with me everyday.

Jesus is my Savior and my Lord; He is also my special Best Friend! Perhaps you are thinking, "Why do you say that Jesus is your special Best Friend?" I was hoping that you would ask that question! Let me tell you why He is my special Best Friend.
Jesus knows me
Jesus is my special Best Friend because He knows me better than anyone else. He is God, and He knows all about me. He even knows my thoughts!
I am very important to Jesus! I may not be important to some people, but Jesus really cares for me. He even knows how many hairs I have on my head. He has them all numbered! He said, "...the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Matthew 10:30).
Jesus loves me

A best friend is one who loves you just the way you are, and yet helps you to be all you can be. Jesus is my special Best Friend because no one has ever loved me as He does. He loved me so much that He gave His life for me. And He loves me today just as much as He did then. Jesus said, "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"(John 15:13).
The Lord Jesus loves me just the way I am, but He loves me too much to leave me the way I am. He is living in me and He is making me more like Himself day-by-day. He knows about my faults, but He loves me, and He will never take His love away from me.
Jesus wants the best for me
Jesus is my special Best Friend because He wants only what is best for me. He will guide me in making decisions if I will ask for His help and trust Him.
In His Word, the Bible, the Lord Jesus tells me the things I should do, like obeying my parents and teachers. He also tells me things I should not do, like telling lies and saying hurtful things to others.
What about things that are not mentioned in the Bible? In this case I should ask, "Would Jesus like to see me do this?" If I think that He would not like to see me do it, I must NOT do it!

by Amanda Rawlings
A third-grade teacher gave her class an assignment to write a report about a "special person." Amanda wanted to tell her classmates about Jesus, so she chose Jesus as her "special person." She was able to read her report to the class. Here is what Amanda wrote:
He is special because He is God's Son Jesus. He is special because He is always there when I need Him.
I talk to Him a lot. My special Person is nice and forgiving. He came to be special to me when I went to church and learned about Him.
I felt even more love for Him when I read my Bible in my room. I chose Jesus as my special Person because He is the most important Person in my life.
I always put Him first in my life. I always trust Him to lead my path. If I am ever in trouble, He can always help me.
I really love Him and He loves me even more. I cannot imagine ever living without Him. I never go to bed alone, I never am alone because Jesus is always there.
Have you ever felt like you are alone? Have you ever been afraid? You don't have to be afraid and you don't have to feel alone because Jesus is always there. He is truly my special Best Friend!
Jeus is truly my special Best Friend!
Jesus always has time for me
Jesus is my special Best Friend because He always has time for me. I can talk to Him at any time. I can talk to Him in any place. No one cares for me like Jesus. He wants me to come to Him about everything that concerns me.
Jesus never changes

Jesus is my special Best Friend because He is always the same. In the past I have had friends, and somehow they changed and we were no longer friends. But Jesus never changes! The Bible says, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).
The Lord Jesus is always the same wonderful Person who loves me with all His heart. He is always there to listen to me, to help me, to encourage me. He is truly the best Friend I could ever have.
Jesus and I are "Best Friends forever," but I must never forget who He is. He is my Savior, My Lord, and my God, and I treat Him with respect and reverence. I do not call Him "the Man upstairs."
Three things to remember
Being a child of God is the most wonderful thing in all the world, but let me tell you a secret: Your life here on earth as a child of God will not always be easy. Jesus said,
"In the world you shall have tribulation [many troubles]; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).
I will have many trials and troubles as I travel to my home in Heaven, but I do not need to be afraid. The Lord wants me to remember three things:

Jesus is always for me

Jesus has all power in Heaven and in the earth, and He is always for His believers. Every moment, there on the throne, He is thinking about me. He wants me to tell Him everything that concerns me. He wants me to bring all my problems and burdens to Him. He wants me to tell Him all that is on my heart.

Jesus is always with me

The Lord Jesus Himself is in Heaven, seated at the right hand of God the Father, but He also lives in the hearts of His believers by His Spirit. The apostle Paul said,"Christ lives in me!" You and I can say this too. Jesus promised that He will never leave us. He said, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5b).

Since Jesus is always with me, I must ask myself some questions: Is the Lord Jesus pleased when I am around those who are using bad language? No, He is not.
Is Jesus pleased when I am watching a TV show or movie with bad stuff in it? No, He is not. Does Jesus enjoy listening to music that has dirty words in it? No, He does not.
This means that I must not hang around those who use bad language. I must not watch bad stuff, and I must not listen to music with dirty words.
Wherever I go, the Lord Jesus goes with me. Whatever I watch, the Lord Jesus watches it with me. Whatever I listen to, the Lord Jesus listens to it also. If I truly love the Lord Jesus, I will not want to do anything that displeases Him.

I can always enjoy Jesus

Jesus is not a "force"; He is a Person! He wants me to love and appreciate Him. He wants me to enjoy Him, the way best friends enjoy each other.
The way to enjoy a person is to love that person. The more you love Jesus, the more you will enjoy Him. When you fall in love with Jesus, you will be a happy child of God.
The Lord Jesus is the most wonderful Person in all the universe. God tells me to rejoice in Him—who He is and what He has done for me. No matter what happens, I can always rejoice in Him. The Bible says, "Rejoice in the Lord always..." (1 Thessalonians 4:4).

Sunday, July 21, 2013

甲状腺功能亢进 - 治疗方法

硫脲嘧啶类药物的品种:临床选用顺序常为,甲硫咪唑(他巴唑,MMI)、丙基硫氧嘧啶(PTU) 、卡比吗唑(甲亢平)和甲基硫氧嘧啶。PTU和甲基硫氧嘧啶药效较其它小10倍,使用时应剂量大10倍。

甲状腺功能亢进 - 疾病预防


甲状腺功能亢进 - 是否遗传


甲状腺功能亢进 - 营养健康

5、限制食物纤维,应少吃糠麸、卷心菜、苹果、胡萝卜等含食物纤维多的食物。甲亢患者常伴有排便次数增多或腹泻的症状。    1

甲状腺功能亢进 - 预防甲亢

2.调畅情志:精神刺激是本病发生的常见诱因,常因忧虑、情绪不安、精神紧张而症状加重。因此,甲亢病人要注意调畅情志,修身养性,要遇事不怒,静心休养,常听优美   动听的音乐,养成种花、养鱼、养鸟等习惯,以怡情养性,安静神志,逐渐消除精神症状。家人及同事也要同情安慰、理解关心,避免直接冲突。


Hyperthyroidism, sometimes referred to as thyrotoxicosis or Graves' disease, is a disorder of the thyroid gland that results in an overproduction of thyroid hormones in the body. According to Phyllis Balch in her book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," too many thyroid hormones leads to an overactive metabolic state and all of the body's processes speed up as a result. Symptoms that commonly ensue include irritability, nervousness, increased sweat, insomnia, fatigue, feeling overheated or intolerant to heat, constipation, weakness, hair loss, rapid heartbeat, infrequent menstruation, decreased menstrual flow, hand tremors and, in some extreme cases, protruding eyeballs. If you suspect that you may have hyperthyroidism, talk to your health-care practitioner for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

According to the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, or CSNN, a high stress lifestyle and excess iodine intake can both contribute to hyperthyroidism. CSNN encourages daily stress management techniques and recommends avoiding foods that are high in iodine such as salt, kelp, seaweed, seafood and vegetables grown near the ocean. CSNN says that iodine stimulates the production of thyroid hormones in the body, which can ultimately lead to hyperthyroidism. Ensure that any supplements you may be taking do not contain iodine.

Certain foods are thought to naturally suppress the production of thyroid hormones, and Balch recommends consuming plenty of them. These foods include sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, peaches, rutabagas, soybeans, spinach and turnips. Balch also recommends avoiding stimulants such as nicotine, tea, refined sugar, coffee, cocoa, soft drinks and all other sources of caffeine. She says that the body is already overstimulated in individuals with hyperthyroidism and consuming these substances will only aggravate symptoms.

CSNN recommends consuming six small meals a day and not going longer than three hours without eating to compensate for an increased metabolism. In addition, the consumption of cold-water fish or a fish oil supplement containing 1 to 2g of combined EPA and DHA is encouraged because these essential fatty acids are required for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Malabsorption and depletion of nutrients is common with hyperthyroidism, and it is therefore extremely important that you eat a healthy, well-balanced, whole foods diet to prevent nutrient deficiencies, says Balch. Processed and refined foods should be eliminated because most have few nutrients, and their consumption puts an increased strain on your body. Also, CSNN recommends taking a bone health formula with calcium in it because excess thyroid hormones depletes mineral stores and may increase the risk for osteoporosis.

Finally, high levels of thyroid hormones have been correlated with free-radical damage to the body's tissues, and antioxidant-rich nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and beta carotene are needed to counteract this damage. CSNN recommends eating a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables and taking a mixed antioxidant formula supplement to provide these antioxidant nutrients.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

4 ways to recover from an intense workout

Imagine if you did a thousand pushups in an hour? Would you be stronger at the beginning of those thousand pushups or at the end?

Quite clearly, you would be completely wiped out after the thousand pushups, and would only receive the benefits of the exercise after you had recovered from the training.

That is why when a new personal training or fitness bootcamp client at Genesis Gym asks me "how many times should I train" my answer is that it depends on what you can recover from.

More training is, in general, better since it means you can progress further. But more is not better if your exercise program is an added burden above and beyond the usual stresses of work, family, social commitments and environmental pollutants. A person under such a stress load needs to train a little "less" and focus more on recovery.

So, here are 4 things you can do to help your body recover from a hard workout. Please note, that hard, intense workouts are those which you put lots of effort into i.e. a hard run, or strength training workout. Reading a magazine for 10 minutes while pedaling on a stationary bike does not count.

1. Take in good nutrients in adequate quantities
These include:

Protein at about 2g per kg of body weight per day. For most men it means about 6 palm size servings per day, and for ladies, 3-4 servings. Trying to recover from exercise without protein is like trying to build a house without bricks. It is just not going to happen.

Carbohydrates after training, which refuel muscles and helps lower stress hormones post-workout. A good choice is ripe bananas with brown spots on their skin (they have less fructose and more glucose), rice, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes. Bad choices are artificially sweetened drinks and processed pastries and snacks. The only exceptions for this "carbohydrates" suggestion are those who are close to diabetes, or are very overweight. Just stick to protein post workout then.

2. Manage physical stress levels
The critical ingredient for this is sleep, and achieving good sleep quality. Sleep is probably the most under-used recovery method out there. Check out my sleep article for some tips.

Natural nutrients that can aid sleep and manage stress include - Magnesium, phosphatidyl serene, valarian root from herbs or in tea form, inositol, taurine and glycine. Ask your health care provider to suggest dosages for you. The good thing about these nutrients is that they are non-addictive and you wake up with a refreshed feeling rather than the "oh, somebody just punched me" feeling of a hangover, or a sleeping pill.

Other physical stress management methods include - sauna, stretching (hold each position for 30 sec), massage of any kind, and sunlight exposure (which has emotional benefits too!).

3. Manage emotional and environmental stress levels
Stress is a "total" body response. Your body does not care if its from the recent "haze" causing pollutants to enter your nose, or of its from a stressful project deadline or nagging boss. The response of your body is quite similar.

So you need to manage these stresses by doing your best to negate them or remove yourself from them. Water filtration and using non toxic personal care products is a good start.

In addition, family time, service to others and your community, prayer, writing a journal, and having positive relationships with people around you are good choices for lowering emotional stress.

4. Plan your training properly
Nobody, not even the most gifted olympian, can train super hard, super long, all the time. The body needs time to recover to be at its best. In a month, our clients often do some weeks with more/harder training, and some weeks with less/easier training to help avoid injury and increase the speed of progress.

A sample month would be:
Week 1: Light training - get used to a new workout, learn new exercises etc
Week 2: Medium training - increase milage/number of sets/speed/total weight lifted etc...
Week 3: Hard training - all out effort, train till you push your limits, try to break your previous records
Week 4: Medium training - similar to week 2
Repeat week 1.

There are many ways to adjust training, but the above sample is a simple one that keeps most people motivated and injury free.

There we have it 4 ways to recover well, stay strong, lean, healthy and injury free!

Sunday, July 14, 2013


1. STI = Master
2. 8MA & 14MA = Trade - Main Focus
3. MA
    crossover = confirm action (act right away, no hesitation)
4. DJ = Reference

overall uptrend, in between has up or down, stay calm

Down is good - up happy, down happy
Don't fear down trend, when down = win big
Buy $1, down to $0.90
8/14MA cross  = sell
8/14MA cross = Buyback at $0.45 at double qty
When it go up to $0.55, overall loss because profits
Increase the qty = increase the total dividend

Dividend Strategy
Buy one month before dividend payout, sell one day before ex-date
CCT one quarter dividend = $40
by one month period
yearly payout become 16%

Long term line  = widen = supply less, demand more
Red line widen = long term not selling
Blue line join together = to buy

Up widen = up trend stopping
Down trend widen = down trend stopping soon
trendline meeting together = agreement in price
trendline widen = disagreement in price

don't chase the waves
Act when wave is confirm


Forex is also a form of Gamble,
do it carefully,
set target discipline is a must,
follow gamble rule,
set fixed contract per day, per trade
Make big, lose small, (2 to 1, lost $10 and make $20)
when target is met, close it, no greedy

1, Daily  = Master guide
2. 30 Mins = Trade (Main Focus)
3. 5 Mins = reference only for second confirmation
4. 4 Hrs = see the overall limt & reisistence

1. Daily movement
see the chart 5am
Up ?
Down ?

draw upper and lower limit

determine the strength of the upward & downward movement

Action - open or close contracts
1. If break 8MA & 14MA
2. when touch 8MA, act, otherwise wiat for big profits
    alternative, wait for the price to touch target
3. when 8MA 14MA cross ,act
4. after cut loss/take profits, do the opposite immediately

1. 8MA & 14MA meet or getting closer, be careful, but don't act

1.the steepness = the strength of the movement
2. steepness not sharp, dont expect big movement



Friday, July 12, 2013


What does it mean to live fully in the present moment? It means that your awareness is completely centered on the here and now. You are not worrying about the future or thinking about the past. When you live in the present, you are living where life is happening. The past and future are illusions, they don’t exist. As the saying goes “tomorrow never comes”. Tomorrow is only a concept, tomorrow is always waiting to come around the corner, but around that corner are shadows, never to have light shed upon, because time is always now.

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” – Buddha

Why living in the present will change your life.

If you’re not living in the present, you’re living in illusion. That seems to a be a pretty good reason to live in the present, doesn’t it? But how often are we worrying about things that have yet to come, how often do we beat ourselves up for mistakes that we’ve made, no matter how much time has passed? The answer is too much. Not only will living in the present have a dramatic effect on your emotional well-being, but it can also impact your physical health. It’s long been known that the amount of mental stress you carry can have a detrimental impact on your health. If you’re living in the present, you’re living in acceptance. You’re accepting life as it is now, not as how you wish it would have been. When you’re living in acceptance, you realize everything is complete as it is. You can forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made, and you can have peace in your heart knowing that everything that should happen will.

“If you worry about what might be, and wonder what might have been, you will ignore what is.” -Unknown

Start living, stop conceptualizing.

The worst part about living in the past or the future is that you’re giving up your personal power. If you’re not living now, you’re giving up your life. You’re surrendering your power to create. If there are changes you’d like to make in life, it’s best to do it now. If you’re living in the past, you can’t do anything about it, it’s gone. If you’re worrying about the future, you’re living somewhere that doesn’t exist. It hasn’t happened yet. If you want to change your life, the only place you can do it is in the present. But first you need to accept life as it is. When it comes down to it your mind is the only thing keeping you from living in the present.

“There is no distance on this earth as far away as yesterday.” ~Robert Nathan

Why is it difficult to live in the present?

There are many people that can give you their opinion or their advice on why it is difficult to live in the present. Some will say it is because we live in abstraction, we live in the world of symbols. Some might say it is because we have awareness of the passage of time, or the illusion of time, it produces anxiety because we can look at the past and predict the future. I think all of these answers are partially true. Though the biggest reason we don’t live in the present is because we don’tshut up. That is, we constantly talk to ourselves. As Alan Watts aptly put it, “if we are talking all of the time, we never hear what anyone else has to say. In the same way, if we are talking to ourselves all the time, we are never listening, we have nothing to think about other than thoughts, and are never in relationship with reality”.

As humans, we love to create stories. We love to listen to other people stories and compare them with our own. This is beautiful. In a way we could say that the entire universe is based on one collection of stories, a cosmic story. The problem is when we feel the need to create a story about everything, we are living entirely in the world of symbols. We confuse the world as it is, with the way we think about it, talk about it and describe it. Reality though, is not a concept. When we realize this we are able to return to a state of peace and stillness.

A new way, 5 ways to start living in the present:

In order for us to live in the present, does this mean we have to give up our innate desire to write our personal story and share it with others? No, we shouldn’t trade one extreme for another. What we really want, is to find balance. If you follow these simple tips you can start living in the present, and start experiencing reality as it is.

1. Don’t try to quiet your mind

The hardest thing to do when living in the moment is, or trying to simply witness life, is to not have the urge to try to quiet your mind. When we try to quiet the mind, we just disturb it all the more. Instead, simply witness your thoughts as if they are pure sound. Don’t try to judge your thoughts, there are no good thoughts or bad thoughts. Simply witness them as if they were noise.

2. You are not your thoughts

Too often we identify ourselves with our thoughts, we actually believe we are the dialogue inside our mind. However, we are much more than just our thoughts, we are the force that moves through our mind, spirit and body. Knowing this helps us overcome our fear of quietness and silence, we can have peace knowing that when our minds are quiet, we are not losing touch with ourselves.

3. Breathe, you’re alive

For a moment I’d like you to stop reading and simply pay attention to your breath. I’ll wait…

As you focus your attention on your breath, you’ll notice that your breath is neither voluntary or involuntary. It is something that you do, but at the same time something that “does you”. When you focus your attention on your breath, you come back into relationship with reality, because like breath, reality is both something you do and something that “does you”. It is co-creative. Practice conscious breathing to bring your mind back to the present.

4. Music for meditation

There is a lot of great music made to assist with meditation. My personal favorite though is Stan Richardson’s Japanese flute music. Every time I play it I can feel it’s peaceful energy wash over me. Music made for meditation can help us bring our attention back to the present and clear our mind.

5. Practice mindfulness

This isn’t so much of a tip as it is a staple in living in the present. Practicing mindfulness means we practice our awareness in all our actions. Whether we are washing dishes or tying our shoes, our mind is focused on whatever we are doing. We are not thinking about the bills that we have to pay, or the phone call we need to make when we get to the office. We are simply living in the moment.

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any more tips or insight into how to improve mindfulness and awareness of the present, please leave your comment below. Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013



每次見到我呆坐窗前眺望着天邊發白日夢,她都會走到我身邊柔聲說:「亞 D,你又在發夢喇,唔怕,趁細個發晒啲夢,到肚餓你就會識得夢醒 o架啦!」見到她來了,我當然馬上夢醒,因為我知道她一定會為我們帶來好吃的東西。那個時候我常常飢腸轆轆,她那句「肚餓你就會識得夢醒 o架啦!」從此深深烙在我心頭上。
我們圍着她吃東西時,她會對我說:「亞 D,到你大個仔就唔好再發夢喇,讀好書、練好功夫就出去闖世界,如果只係識得等夢境成真,咁就一世渾渾噩噩 o架啦!」二叔婆是第一個提醒我發夢害處的人。
後來我到了香港,認識一個家境不錯、穿著打扮得官仔骨骨看來一表人才的先生,他令我想起二叔婆那句「肚餓你就會識得夢醒 o架啦!」的說話。那位先生從來都不用捱餓,因而永遠都在發夢,一生渾渾噩噩。後來他自圓其說的話說得多了,更令人愈來愈討厭他。
終日發夢的人,有多少會有這個台山朋友的悲慘下場,不少吧?因此二叔婆常常提醒我:「亞 D,大個仔就唔好再發夢喇!」我也算幸運,我時常捱餓,一肚餓我便回到現實,「肚餓你就識得夢醒 o架啦!」這句話真的一點不錯。
這樣的夢猶如令人遐想的理論,都是用來講給入世未深的年輕人聽的。聽了這些理論他們會好興奮,但這種興奮跟吸大麻帶來的 high沒有什麼兩樣;兩者都是幻覺,都是將現實視為一大堆理論假設而已。不,年輕人需要的是想像力而不是白日夢。發白日夢解決不了問題,想像力卻可以為我們提供解決困難的辦法。






黎:我12岁在深水埗福荣街当童工,当时有一位负责看守仓库的老人家,他从前是做老师的,退休后便替工厂看守仓库,也会帮忙看一些英文信件及英文契约。那时我很想学英文,我发现但凡骂人的、「威水」的人都会说英文,他们见到鬼佬也会说hello。哗,我觉得不懂英文不行!有一天,那位看守仓库的老人家跟我说:「喂,你买些书本回来,我有时间便教你英文。」于是我买书回去,「a pen、a man、a pen and aman」这样地开始读起来。他也教我查字典,教了几个月后,我便开始自己查字典学英文。其实他教我多少并非最重要,最重要是给了你信心,知道当你不懂的时候可以去问他,这样让你有心机去学习。如果那时我有不懂的地方而没有人可以问,那么学习的过程便会像个黑洞,你无法find out甚么是对的、甚么是不对的。后来有一个时期我想上夜校,便在长沙湾找了一间夜学,可是做工厂常常要开夜车,根本没时间上课,于是后来主要就得靠自学了。那时学英文关乎到自己将来「搵唔搵到食」,因此motivation很大。那时没甚么机会见到外国人,遇到懂英语的人便问一下,也不害羞。




黎:我会看书,例如ATaleofTwo Cities、Pride & Prejudice。


黎:我21、22岁时身在纽约,寄住在一对犹太人夫妇的家里。有一晚,我跟他们到一个律师家中聚会,整晚我都在骂共产党,那时骂起来没甚么知识。骂完了,那个律师送了一本The Road to Serfdom给我,作者是Friedrich Hayek。我回家看了四、五天,只是看了几页。这本书很难明白,当中用到的字汇艰深,句子又长。


黎:我没想到那个送书给我的律师会在几天后来电话,约我周末到Central Park骑单车。他问我书看得如何,我告诉他自那天离开后我只看了四页。他没有surprise,着我要用心读下去,且说若有甚么不懂的地方,可以每星期踏单车时问问他。我就是从那时开始看一些难懂的书;在那之前,我看书都是为了发达,例如怎样去make a million、怎样炒股票以及富豪的自传等等。但当我看完Hayek时,我知道自己改变了。情况就好像在下大雨的时候,你的脑袋处于车子之内,然后突然间有水拨拨清你的脑袋,所有事情都清楚了起来。从前我并无法将事物put together,但那刻开始却发现原来不同的事物是可以交织在一起的。


黎:对。它差不多kick off了我对 intellectual的pursue。Hayek、Karl Popper的书这些年来我反复地看了三、四次,它们都是很难、很难看的书,但我就是会读很多次。The Road to Serfdom更被我翻到其中一些页数都甩了出来。




黎:我一定查,为甚么不?有好些生字我已查了几十次,但就是不记得它的意思。现在当我看书遇到不明白的地方,看到我本来应该懂但又不能准确掌握的东西,我也一定会去查字典。我不能忍受去lay down一些自己不认识的事情。因此,我看书的速度并不快。我会把一些经常查过了字典然后又忘记的生字抄下来。我不可以形容自己「好学」,但我是一个很自爱的人,我不会让自己做事做得不好。我很着紧自己做事有否竭尽全力。我现在还随身带一具电子辞典,因为方便;虽然很多字它都查不到。而且我还使用手机写文章,当我想不起某些中文字时,便会用英文来翻出那个中文。



梁:说回TheRoad to Serfdom,你最初读了几天也才看了四页,是甚么时候一下子都贯通的呢?

黎:第一次我看不懂,但还是由头读到尾。直至第二次,还是不太明白;到了第三次、第四次才终于了悟。我现在读书也常常这样读几次,因为很多书要读第二次才能完全明白。好像最近在看Michae Polanyi的 Personal Knowledge,我足足读了三次,因为他的思想逻辑跟我完全不同。但我还是买了他所有的书来看。很多人害怕反复读同一本书,他们要看得快,但我却没有这个心态,我是要明白那本书。我看书跟别人不同的是,很多人买书看就像买cut flowers一样,我不是这样的。我希望将那个作者的想法变成我backyard的 garden,我想买个garden回来,而不是cut flowers。因此我会看同一作者的所有著作,还要读数次,期望将他所有的学问、知识、想法都接收了,become the garden in my backyard, instead of just cut flowers。我要吸收这个人的想法、逻辑和学问,让它成为我思想的一部分,这样才有用。横竖我看书又不是为了考试。




黎:我很少看朋友没看过的书。我有一群朋友,他们都是饱学之士,我会请他们介绍某一个范畴的大师、他的哪本书最好。他们看了认为哪本书好,我才会看。只要你看大师著作的一个chapter,便会很快明白了当中的道理,连以前看不明白的同类书籍也会霍然贯通。好像Personal Knowledge那本书,便是一位很有名的美国神父给我的,他说我会喜欢这本书。哗!我看了第一次感到很muddle、看第二次还是很muddle,直到第三次我才慢慢明白过来。当你知道这个大师之后再没有大师,你便会慢慢捱下去。




黎:是要凭斗志。好像最近读John Rawls的Atheory of justice,我看到一半便give up了,很不开心。因为他是「左仔」,我是「右仔」,我很难理解他的logic,虽然我知道他是大师。但他十分左倾,我跟他完全合不来,都已经看了大约三分之二了,还用铅笔在书中写了很多东西,可最后还是放弃了。

梁:其实是你太右了,John Rawls顶多也只是个左倾的自由主义者。不过话说回来,你好像只喜欢看学术书籍。

黎:我不看小说,也不看中文书。这是bias,说出来一定会被人骂 ─我觉得过去那二百年并没甚么突出的中文thinkers能够像西方的Hayek、Karl Popper、Huntington一样。即使出现了一些中文的thinkers,他们的thinking也都是西方的思想,只是换了中文来写,很难令人看得明白。此外,我不怎么看闲书。有时贪过瘾,晚上睡前不想脑袋太「实」,便看一下人物传记,看那些神神怪怪的东西。好像张大春常常送书给我,甚么《棋王》的,他跟我说好正、一定要看,我不好意思跟他说我没看过。因为我看书的schedule太赶,我那群海外朋友想我读完他们介绍的书之后尽快给feedback。我也不会浪费自己的emotion在文学和电影里头;例如《大红灯笼高高挂》,戏中有女人说没月事来,我立即跟妻子说在lobby等。一旦有恐怖的事情出现,我便看不下去。






黎:我很少看。因为我是一个不尊重历史的人,我不觉得历史会repeatitself,我不觉得会在其中学到些甚么。有些人可以在历史里学到很多东西,但我是一个永远向前望、向前走的人。这对我来说是一件很natural的事,小时候在街边生活,很多事情你不想回头望。你这样卑微的开始,经历了被人「遭质」、被日子蹂躏,你是不会想回头的。所以我习惯了,I never look back。




黎:不。我看喜剧,我喜欢笑。虽然廿年来看过的电影不超过两三套,但我会看电视剧,例如Cheers、Seinfeld等等,都是「笑到痴线」的东西。我不喜欢看很heavy的东西,我情愿heavy in the way of understanding, not in the way of sentiment or emotion。但是我会读许多艺术方面的书籍。过去到博物馆欣赏画作的感觉明显会较现在逊色,现在当我站在画作前,会发现整个人都被吸引住了,这是过往无法感受的。

梁:你刚才提及Michael Polanyi时说想看他所有的作品,这就好像做功课一样?

黎:对啊。但对我来说这很interesting。好像 Polanyi,他的思想跟我们这些conservatives、自由派人士所想的是一样的;但at the same time他思考的方式跟我们完全不同,这件事情很interesting。


黎:从前是有的,但现在我的看书时间已大为减少。从前我会清晨三点起床,第一件事是做运动,五点左右起看两、三小时的书,然后再看报纸。其实现在也会看书,不看会有guilty feeling。只是现在有太多事情要做,有时要看看别的东西,不像以前般有一个consistent的时间去看书。但加起来我每天阅读的时间还是不少于四小时。






黎:不会,我通常只把自己当读者。例如《忽然1周》,我会翻翻看,若对某些访问感到兴趣便会读一下。要是某些文章过于沉闷,便会给一点意见。假如你常常都在谈环保,那便太沉闷了,我们不是搞social service的呀!




黎:第一个圈子是之前跟你提及的那位律师,他的朋友和一些Jewish的intellectuals,他们常常介绍书给我看。回港后,我慢慢有了另一个圈子的朋友,主要是作家。例如一个在英国长大的Australian作家George Hicks,他写过一本书名叫The comfort women;此外还有Perry Link,慢慢地开始了一个network。朋友们会推介一些书给我,我看完了再写一点东西介绍给其他人。


黎:对,这个读书会已办了很多年,朋友都是来自世界各地的,大多教书。最近有人送了本近日很流行的TheBlack Swan给我看。我立即send email问朋友是否值得看,朋友说不值得:「don’t even look at it」,那我就不花时间了。


黎:我认为是需要的。不是说这群人一定要有学识;老实说,长期看书的人怎样也会变得有学识吧。最重要是有个shared value,这群人都share一个比较conservative的value。如果圈子内有些人比较liberal、有些人比较conservative、有一些人左倾、另一些人右倾,那对你看书的冲击会很大。我看书不像其他人要看两边的arguments,我只看一方。我觉得这个世界只有true或者not true。无论怎样我也不信「左仔」的argument。


黎:我肯定也看过那些我不喜欢的作者,只是觉得那些 arguments进不到我的脑子。我很反对任何立场的书都看,然后好像甚么都懂。我觉得一个人不应该是这样的,一个人应该有一条line、有个argument与logic去follow。


黎:但那些argument恐怕不用看也会懂的。近来我在Wall Street Journal看过George Steiner的文章后,觉得很棒,便将其著作统统买下,他就好像甚么都懂得似的。直到有一天,我看到他谈经济,便知道他其实不懂经济,那就到此为止。我已买了他的十多本着作,可是现在我都不想要了,若你想要我可以全送给你。George Steiner是一个很好的例子,他无疑是聪明绝顶,可是,我觉得他过于show-off。当他谈论不同的事情时,每每喜欢东拉西扯。Hey,you don’t need to

do that.You don’t have to do that!你用不着一下子将不同的事物全都堆到我面前去,使我原本能够清清楚楚的都变成不清不楚了。




黎:知识的世界这么大,我们必定会有所错失的,那么何不令自己处于一些能够好好掌握的事物之中?如此,当别人向你发问时,你才能够有反应,至少你会在一个school of thought里,能够有一个 solution。但若你甚么都懂,便不可能有反应了。




黎:我不需向别人说这些。不过,in a way,也许我也show-off了,因为当任何人坐下来跟我聊时,对方并不会觉得我「无料到」。当他谈到任何subject时,我都不会搭不上嘴。只是我并不觉得需要透过show-off来获得安全感。


黎:没有。根本没时间让你想这个事情,因为要「搵食」,而且我很容易「搵到好多食」,于是便更加不需要了。我一向不太相信只有在学校才能学习,比起许多由学校里出来的人,我觉得自己有过之而无不及。不过,要是你问我有没有因为没上过学而自卑,那肯定是有的。In the back of my mind,当我有了这个自卑感,我便会努力一点,不看一些无谓的书,不浪费自己的时间。


黎:若是说与工作相关的,也许是我最初所读的那些吧,像How to Make a Million Dollars,不过很快你便会觉得它们很「戆居」,它们都是胡说八道。它们的唯一意义就是能够激励你的野心,让你心里有一份「cando-ism」;既然作者都能够赚到onemillion,那么我也同样可以。或许对年轻人来说这样很有用处吧。


我很少看。因为我是一个不尊重历史的人,我不觉得历史会repeat itself,我不觉得会在其中学到些甚么。有些人可以在历史里学到很多东西,但我是一个永远向前望、向前走的人。这对我来说是一件很natural的事,小时候在街边生活,很多事情你不想回头望。你这样卑微的开始,经历了被人「遭质」、被日子蹂躏,你是不会想回头的。所以我习惯了,I never look back。

Monday, July 1, 2013

1 July 2013

5.00 am - 7.00 amPass motion
Drink water

7.00 am - 9.00 am

9.00 am - 11.00 am
No Cold drink or Food

11.00 am -12.00 am

12.00 pm - 1.00 pm

3.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Drink 500 cc water

5.00 pm - 7.00 pm

7.00 pm - 9.00 pm

9.00 pm to 11.00 pm
Qi Gong

11.00 pm - 1.00 pm

1.00 am - 3.00 am

3.00 am - 5.00 am

Be Master Forex Trader

Time Master effectively ?

Sleep Master by 10.45pm.

Focus Master - no distraction

control GERD

patient is the most overlook

christian book on calm and expect less

Qigong breathing exercise all the times

No Gossip, No meddle on other people business

做一个心平气和的人 - Live in Peace, not excitement

Positive self talk








吐氣時宜慢且長而且不要中斷。做完幾次前述方式後,不但不會覺得難過,反而會有一種舒暢的快感。實際上測定呼吸時的腦波, 可以知道在吸氣時屏住氣息的瞬間則大鳴大放,而且在吐氣時α波也持續出現。

QiGong :
Practice before sleep .











Use Guppy

Buy and hold for bull run

use stochastics to see high low price


Use EMA 2, 8, 24, 80, 200

Never follow Herb instinct,

independent thinking