Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak; and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid; one who will be pround and unbending in honest defeat and humble and gentle in victory.
Build me a son whose wishes will not take the place of deeds; a son who will know Thee -- and that to know himself is the foundation stone of knowledge.
Lead him, I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort, but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenge. Here let him learn to stand up in the storm; here let him learn compassion for those who fail.
Build me a son whose heart will be clear, whose goal will be high, a son who will master himself before he seeks to master other men, one who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past.
And after all these things are his, add, I pray, enough of a sense of humor, so that he may always be serious, yet never take himself too seriously. Give him humility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, and the meekness of true strength.
Then I, his father, will dare to whisper, "I have not lived in vain!"
Sunday, December 29, 2013
2013 年將要淘汰的八種人
胡適 先生說:人與人的區別在於八小時之外如何運用。
思想觀念40% +人際關係40% +專業能力20% = 成功
1+1= 2叫數學,1+1= 11叫經濟學、一根筷子易折斷,十雙筷子難折斷。
IQ是智商高可以找一個好工作, EQ是高可以有未來,AQ是逆境商可以變成登峰造極的人。
世界上15%的人見了困難能迎刃而解的人 - 是成功人。
1.有能力有脾氣的人 - 懷才不遇
2.有能力沒脾氣的人 - 春風得意
3.沒能力有脾氣的人 - 一事無成
4.沒能力沒脾氣的人 - 貴人相助
台灣前政壇知名行政院長孫運璿,生前曾給他兒子寫過一封信,這封信最近才流傳出來,並很快的傳送於各大網站,很多身為做父親的,看後感觸很深,其實此信更適合所有人看!『下輩子,無論愛與不愛,都不會再見』---- 孫運璿送給兒子的備忘錄 我兒:寫這備忘錄給你,基於三個原則: (一)人生福禍無常,誰也不知可以活多久,有些事情還是早一點說好。 (二)我是你的父親,我不跟你說,沒有人會跟你說這些事! (三)這備忘錄記載的,都是我經過慘痛失敗得來的體驗,可以為你的成長省不少冤枉路。 以下,便是你在人生中要好好記住的事: (一)對你不好的人,你不要太介意,在你一生中,沒有人有義務要對你好,除了我和你媽媽。至於那些對你好的人,你除了要珍惜、感恩外,也請多防備一點,因為,每個人做每件事,總有一個原因,他對你好,未必真的是因為喜歡你,請你務必搞清楚,而不必太快將對方看作真朋友。 (二)沒有人是不可代替,沒有東西是必須擁有。看透了這一點,將來你身邊的人不再要你,或許失去了世間上最愛的一切時,也應該明白,這並不是什麼大不了的事。 (三)生命是短暫的,今日你還在浪費著生命,明日會發覺生命已遠離你了。 因此,愈早珍生命,你享受生命的日子也愈多,與其盼望長壽,倒不如早點享受。 (四)世界上並沒有最愛這回事,愛情只是一種霎時的感覺,而這感覺絕對會隨時日、心境而改變。 如果你所謂的最愛離開你,請耐心地等候一下,讓時日慢慢沖洗,讓心靈慢慢沉澱,你的苦就會慢慢淡化。不要過分憧憬愛情的美,不要過分誇大失戀的悲。 (五)雖然很多有成就的人士都沒有受過很多教育,但並不等於不用功讀書,就一定可以成功。你學到的知識,就是你擁有的武器,可以白手興家,但不可手無寸鐵,謹記! (六)我不會要求你供養我下半輩子,同樣地,我也不會供養你的下半輩子,當你長大可以獨立時,我的責任已經完結。以後,你要坐巴士還是賓士,吃魚翅還是粉絲,都要自己負責。 (七)你可以要求自己守信,但不能要求別人守信,你可以要求自己對人好,但不能期待人家對你好。你怎樣對人,並不代表人家就會怎樣對你,如果看不透這一點,你只會徒增不必要的煩惱。 (八)我買了十多二十年的六合彩,還是一窮二白,連三獎也沒有中,這證明人要發達,還是要努力工作才可以,世界上沒有免費午餐。 (九)親人只有一次的緣分,無論這輩子我和你會相處多久,都請好好珍惜共聚的時光,下輩子,無論愛與不愛,都不會再見。 |
Thursday, December 12, 2013
How to Combat Your Fear of Rejection
Our fear of rejection is so powerful, it’s stops most of us in our tracks -- whether we realize it or not. It prevents us from moving forward in our professional and personal lives. As a result, we’re afraid to set goals. We’re unwilling to take risks.
I admit it -- it’s hard not to take rejection personally. We all long to feel accepted, and the same goes for our professional projects. When you pour your heart and soul into something, it feels like an extension of yourself. But it’s also true that rejection is inevitable. And when one door closes, another one opens. So, how can you make the best of rejection? How can you turn your fear into motivation?
I have received the dreaded “No” so many times that I think I could wallpaper my entire house with rejection letters. But the good news is, although you can’t control when or how often your ideas will be rejected, you can control your reaction. Learn to how to manage your fear and make the most out of rejection with the following advice.
Plan ahead.
Always have a Plan B and a Plan C. If you do, you’ll feel less desperate, and as a result, less affected by rejection. If you have other options, you’ll be able to think more critically about why your idea failed this time. After all, as the saying goes, it’s not wise to put all your eggs in one basket. Accept that no project or idea is perfect so you can start thinking, where were the flaws? Where were its weaknesses? You need to embrace these realities -- not ignore them. Analyzing your idea from different perspectives will help you understand rejection and how to combat it.
Always have a Plan B and a Plan C. If you do, you’ll feel less desperate, and as a result, less affected by rejection. If you have other options, you’ll be able to think more critically about why your idea failed this time. After all, as the saying goes, it’s not wise to put all your eggs in one basket. Accept that no project or idea is perfect so you can start thinking, where were the flaws? Where were its weaknesses? You need to embrace these realities -- not ignore them. Analyzing your idea from different perspectives will help you understand rejection and how to combat it.
Ask why.
If your idea is turned down, ask why. This advice is so simple I’m surprised more people don’t follow it. Politely ask whoever rejected you if they have a few minutes to explain to you why your idea didn’t work out. Don’t get emotional or continue to sell them on your idea. If they are willing to explain to you why it wasn’t a good a fit for them, listen very, very closely. This insight is priceless. You may be able to address their objections later; now is not the time to respond to them. Yes, it’s hard not to argue, but just listen. This is crucial information you don’t want to miss a minute of. You’ll be surprised at what you learn.
If your idea is turned down, ask why. This advice is so simple I’m surprised more people don’t follow it. Politely ask whoever rejected you if they have a few minutes to explain to you why your idea didn’t work out. Don’t get emotional or continue to sell them on your idea. If they are willing to explain to you why it wasn’t a good a fit for them, listen very, very closely. This insight is priceless. You may be able to address their objections later; now is not the time to respond to them. Yes, it’s hard not to argue, but just listen. This is crucial information you don’t want to miss a minute of. You’ll be surprised at what you learn.
Turn that knowledge into power.
The more information you have about why your idea was rejected, the more you will be able to modify it accordingly. Often, though, I think that rejection results from lack of understanding. If your idea isn’t a good fit for a company, they are going to reject it -- and that doesn’t have any bearing on how good it is. What you learn may help you pitch your product differently to that company in the future, or it may help you realize you should be approaching an entirely different company.
The more information you have about why your idea was rejected, the more you will be able to modify it accordingly. Often, though, I think that rejection results from lack of understanding. If your idea isn’t a good fit for a company, they are going to reject it -- and that doesn’t have any bearing on how good it is. What you learn may help you pitch your product differently to that company in the future, or it may help you realize you should be approaching an entirely different company.
I have found that starting a dialogue with a company is a great way to earn respect. In the past, I’ve taken to heart a company’s qualms and come back to them with a revised product. They understand that I’m serious about what I’m doing and am really thinking about their needs.
I like to say that entrepreneurship is a numbers game: Simply put, you’re going to receive a certain number of “no’s” before you receive a “yes.” It’s nerve-wracking and scary, but the sooner you get used to being rejected, the better off your business will be. When I’m nervous, I know I’m alive! If you can turn rejection into an opportunity to improve your business, you are well on your way to success.
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