髮常梳 將手掌互搓36下令掌心發熱,然後由前額開始掃上去,經後腦掃回頸部。早晚做10次。頭部有很多重要的穴位。經常做這動作,可以明目袪風、防止頭痛、耳鳴、白髮和脫髮。 頭常搖 雙手叉腰,閉目,垂下頭,緩緩向右扭動,直至恢復原位為一次,共做6次。反方面重覆。這動作經常做可以令頭腦靈活,防止頸椎增生。不過,注意要慢慢做,否則會頭暈。 面常洗 (a)搓手36下,暖手後上下掃面。 (b)暖手後雙手同時向外圈。這動作經常做,可以令臉色紅潤有光澤,同時不會有皺紋。 目常運 (a)合眼,然後用力睜開眼,眼珠打圈,望向左、上、右、下四方;再合眼,然後用力睜開眼,眼珠打圈,望向右、上、左、下四方。重覆3次。 (b)搓手36下,將發熱的掌心敷上眼部這動作可以強化眼睛,糾正近視和懶視。 耳常鼓 (a)手掌掩雙耳,用力向內壓,然後放手,應該有卜一聲。重覆做10下。 (b)雙掌掩耳,將耳朵反摺,雙手食指扣住中指,以食指用力彈後腦風池穴10下,卜卜有聲。這動作每天臨睡前後做,可以增強記憶和聽覺。 齒常叩 口微微合上,上下排牙齒互叩,無需太用力,但牙齒互叩時須發出聲響。輕輕鬆鬆慢慢做36下。這動作可以通上下顎經絡,幫助保持頭腦清醒,加強腸胃吸收、防止蛀牙和牙槽骨退化。 漱玉津 玉津即津液、口水。 (a)口微微合上,將舌頭伸出牙齒外,由上面開始,向左慢慢轉動,一共轉12圈,然後將口水吞下去。之後再由上面開始,反方向再做一下。 (b)口微微合下,這次舌頭不在牙齒外邊,而在口腔,圍繞上下顎轉動。左轉12圈後吞口水,然後再反方向做一次。吞口水時,盡量想像將口水帶到下丹。從現代科學角度分析,口水含有大量酵素,能調和荷爾蒙分泌,因此經常做這動作可以強健腸胃,延年益壽。 腹常揉 搓手36下,手暖後兩手交叉,圍繞肚臍順時針方向揉。當自己的身體是一個時鐘。揉的範圍由小到大,做36下。這動作可以幫助消化、吸收、消除腹部鼓脹。 腰常擺 身體和雙手有韻律地擺動。當身體扭向左時,右手在前,左手在後,在前的右手輕輕拍打小腹,在後的左手輕輕拍打「命門」穴位。反方向重覆。最少做50下,做夠100下更好。這動作可以強化腸胃、固腎氣、防止消化不良,胃痛、腰痛。 攝穀道 即提肛。 吸氣時提肛,即將肛門的肌肉收緊。閉氣,維持數秒,直至不能忍受,然後呼氣放鬆。這動作無論何時都可以練習。最好是每天早晚各做20至30下。相傳這動作是十全老人乾隆最得意的養生功法。 膝常扭 雙腳並排,膝部緊貼,人微微下蹲,雙手按膝,向左右扭動,各做20下。這動作可以強化膝頭關節,所謂「人老腿先老、腎虧膝先軟」。要延年益壽,要由雙腳做起。 腳常搓 (a)右手擦左腳,左手擦右腳。由腳跟向上至腳趾,再向下擦回腳跟為一下。共做36下。 (b)兩手大拇指輪流擦腳心湧泉穴,共做100下。常做這動作,可以治失眠、降血壓、消除頭痛。腳底集中了全身器官的反射區。經常搓腳可以強化各器官,對身體有益。 常散步 挺直胸膛,輕鬆地散步。最好心無雜念,盡情欣賞沿途景色。民間有個說法,「飯後走一走,活到九十九」。雖然有點誇張,不過,散步確實是有益的運動。 |
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Prayer is the best weapon to fight your battles
Hello! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, today is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Amen! I thank for His amazing Grace and deeper Revelation I have been receiving day by day. Today’s message is “Prayer is the best weapon to fight your battles or challenges.”
The quote I received from the Lord is “If you are busy to pray it is easier to fail”
Most of us find hard to pray but easier to watch television, talking on our phones all day, listening to music, be on facebook and twitter.
Prayer should be second after reading and living the word. We always want to overcome battles. Be it addictions, struggling with sin, spiritual problems, financial problems, educational problems, marital problems, etc. Are we doing what is right to overcome that?
Jesus and Prayer
Mark 1:35-42
35 And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. 36And Simon and those who were with him searched for him, 37and they found him and said to him, “Everyone is looking for you.” 38And he said to them, “Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out.” 39And he went throughout all Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and casting out demons.
40 And a leper came to him, imploring him, and kneeling said to him, “If you will, you can make me clean.” 41Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, “I will; be clean.” 42And immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean
This scripture is pointing to us how we should value prayer in our lives as Christians. If the Messiah Himself prayed before going out to preach the gospel in synagogues and casting out demons, How more us? Jesus prayed Himself in the morning with prayers for the battles He will be facing during the day. Mark 1:40-42 tells us how He healed a man suffering from leprosy when He came to Him. He was able to do this because He has already prepared for the battles ahead through prayers.
Luke 6:12-19
12 In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God. 13And when day came, he called his disciples and chose from them twelve, whom he named apostles: 14Simon, whom he named Peter, and Andrew his brother, and James and John, and Philip, and Bartholomew, 15and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon who was called the Zealot, 16and Judas the son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor. 17And he came down with them and stood on a level place, with a great crowd of his disciples and a great multitude of people from all Judea and Jerusalem and the seacoast of Tyre and Sidon, 18who came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. And those who were troubled with unclean spirits were cured. 19And all the crowd sought to touch him, for power came out from him and healed them all.
Luke tells us in chapter 6:12 Jesus Goes to the mountains these days to pray and all night He prayed to His Father (God). Jesus new the best way to talk to His Father (God) and also prepare Him for greater things was through prayers. Verse 17-19 tells us the kind of miracles He did after His prayers, He healed the sick, the unclean become clean, because there was so much power in Him and came out of Him the crowd sought to touch Him and they receive their healing. How amazing is that!
Power can come out of you to fight your challenges if you constantly prayer just as Jesus did.
Mark 9-28:29 (ESV) and when he had entered the house, his disciples asked him privately, “Why could we not cast it out?” 29And he said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” In your own time when you read Mark 9:14-29 where Jesus Healed a boy from unclean spirit, the disciple came to him and asked Him (Jesus) how He was able to do that? Jesus told them it is through prayer and not else. We need prayers to fight our battles.
How can a soldier overcome His enemies if you do not use the weapon to attack the enemy? Definitely the soldier will fall.
Most Christians fall victim to this, we have the power to pray (Luke 10:19) and turn things around for our good (Romans 8:28) but we have chosen not to just as the soldier who fails to use his/hers weapon to attack the enemy to overcome his/hers battle. That is why we are struggling with our battles because of our poor prayer life.
Philippians 1:19 (ESV)for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance. If we do continue to pray as philippians1:19 says the Spirit of Jesus Christ will deliver you out of your troubles or challenges.
Colossians 4:12 (NIV)
Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.
Jesus is wrestling for you in prayers so that you do not fall but stand firm in the will of God, matured and fully assured. Please do your best in prayers to make this battle a victorious one (Revelation 12:11). Amen. God bless you.
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兩位男主角為《激戰》傷痕纍纍,林超賢由衷感謝:“這部戲如果沒有他們,就算作為導演的我再有創作衝動,都絶對拍不出來。” 在此前的全國院綫經理的看片會上,現場收集的一百多份調查問卷顯示,超過九成的院綫經理認為該片“5分,非常好。”《激戰》劇組將在8月初在全國多個城市舉辦看片會,屆時,張家輝們還將帶着他們這身貨真價實的肌肉去跟觀衆進行面對面的交流。
Saturday, August 24, 2013
“勇敢梦、做自己”林书豪台北布道会见证: 听主声音做自己
Sunday, August 18, 2013
How To Let The ‘Fear Of Failure’ Drive You!
I don’t know about you, but success has never been a thing that I have ever been scared of. The one thing I fear most is failure! I know I have amazing potential, yet I am afraid to share my dreams because of the voice in the back of my head that says ‘but what if you fail?’.
If you are anything like me, you are very protective of your goals.
Maybe it is because I am pursuing a different path than that of the majority of my friends and family, but I rarely ever talking about my blogging or online business.
Now it’s not that I am afraid of being called a nerd. I’m passed that – in fact I am embracing it! I recently got some Clark Kent style glasses which might make an appearance when I get around to doing a video – so it definitely isn’t that. What I have come to realise is that I am afraid of not achieving my goals and having all my 8-5 friends say, ‘ I knew you couldn’t do it – just get a job!‘
If you are anything like me, you are very protective of your goals.
Maybe it is because I am pursuing a different path than that of the majority of my friends and family, but I rarely ever talking about my blogging or online business.
Now it’s not that I am afraid of being called a nerd. I’m passed that – in fact I am embracing it! I recently got some Clark Kent style glasses which might make an appearance when I get around to doing a video – so it definitely isn’t that. What I have come to realise is that I am afraid of not achieving my goals and having all my 8-5 friends say, ‘ I knew you couldn’t do it – just get a job!‘
But the problem with no one knowing your goals is that you start to put everything on cruise control – and that is where I found myself over the last month!
I was just going about business like usual – but I had hit a plateau! And for me…. plateau’s are EVIL.
So here are the steps that I have taken to smash forward towards my main goal:
Of having a location independent family, funded by my online assets.
I hope that it will encourage you to let your own fear of failure push you higher!
Step 1: Set Specific Goals!
I am a massive believer in SMART goal setting and I knew that to get to a new level and to break free from this plateau, I needed some specific goals with a time limit!
So I sat down with my wife and said:
Let’s set my job exit criteria! What levels do I need to be at to start doing this full-time?
Here is what we set: (and this is where my fear of failure kicks in!)
To be making $,5000/month PROFIT
Online Income must be TRENDING UP
Have $10,000 in SAVINGS
Oh, and the time limit we set was JULY 2011!
Ok, so I am semi-comfortable with these goals – so time for step 2!
Step 2. Make Your Goals Uncomfortable!
The problem with comfortable goals is that most of the time they never get achieved! Because people start off thinking they have a heap of time to achieve them – so they don’t do anything. And then their time limit sneaks up on them and by then it is too late -and they fail.
That is why one of my all-time favourite quotes is:
“It is better to aim for the stars and hit the moon, than to aim for the trees, and hit the ground.”– Suzanne Oggenfuss
It is in our discomfort that we are spurred into action – and I don’t know if my wife knew that, but she has definitely made my goals a lot less comfortable. Let me explain.
We are only a newly married couple (14 months) and when we arrived back in Australia from 3 months in Canada (September last year), it just so happened that my parents were looking for a new place to rent at the same time we were -so to save money we found a big 5 bedroom house between us.
Just last month we signed another 6 month lease to end in March – with the goal of going our separate ways (my parents and us) at the end of the lease.
And my wife throws out an innocent suggestion…
Let’s go overseas for 6 months from March – instead of waiting until July.
Now I know she was just thinking logically, because that would mean we wouldn’t have to try and find a short term rental lease , and don’t get me wrong – I love the idea! But cutting my goal by three months has definitely kicked me into gear!
Now our goals are the same as before, but now by March 2011!
Talk about a wake up call! But just in case that still wasn’t enough to drive me… here is step 3.
Step 3. Make Your Goals Public!
Setting SMART goals is great, making them uncomfortable is even better, but as soon as you release your goals into the public domain – man your productivity increases!
If you are feeling flat with where you currently are, then there is nothing like the fear of failure to kick you up the bum!
Where To From Here?
Obviously now that I am starting to get a large amount of drive, I need to channel that drive.
So I looked at my current projects and as you can see from my weekend discussion post, I am looking at making some changes to StandOutBlogger.
And as well as that, I am channeling a lot of my focus at the moment into a new project WebsiteBuildr – which is quickly taking shape (get ready for a big post about that one!)
Over To You?
Are you starting to hit a plateau with your online business?
Why not follow my lead and set some SMART goals, refine them to make them uncomfortable and then make them public!
Let the ‘fear of failure’ drive you a new level!
But the problem with no one knowing your goals is that you start to put everything on cruise control – and that is where I found myself over the last month!
I was just going about business like usual – but I had hit a plateau! And for me…. plateau’s are EVIL.
So here are the steps that I have taken to smash forward towards my main goal:
Of having a location independent family, funded by my online assets.
I hope that it will encourage you to let your own fear of failure push you higher!
Step 1: Set Specific Goals!
I am a massive believer in SMART goal setting and I knew that to get to a new level and to break free from this plateau, I needed some specific goals with a time limit!
So I sat down with my wife and said:
Let’s set my job exit criteria! What levels do I need to be at to start doing this full-time?
Here is what we set: (and this is where my fear of failure kicks in!)
To be making $,5000/month PROFIT
Online Income must be TRENDING UP
Have $10,000 in SAVINGS
Oh, and the time limit we set was JULY 2011!
Ok, so I am semi-comfortable with these goals – so time for step 2!
Step 2. Make Your Goals Uncomfortable!
The problem with comfortable goals is that most of the time they never get achieved! Because people start off thinking they have a heap of time to achieve them – so they don’t do anything. And then their time limit sneaks up on them and by then it is too late -and they fail.
That is why one of my all-time favourite quotes is:
“It is better to aim for the stars and hit the moon, than to aim for the trees, and hit the ground.”– Suzanne Oggenfuss
It is in our discomfort that we are spurred into action – and I don’t know if my wife knew that, but she has definitely made my goals a lot less comfortable. Let me explain.
We are only a newly married couple (14 months) and when we arrived back in Australia from 3 months in Canada (September last year), it just so happened that my parents were looking for a new place to rent at the same time we were -so to save money we found a big 5 bedroom house between us.
Just last month we signed another 6 month lease to end in March – with the goal of going our separate ways (my parents and us) at the end of the lease.
And my wife throws out an innocent suggestion…
Let’s go overseas for 6 months from March – instead of waiting until July.
Now I know she was just thinking logically, because that would mean we wouldn’t have to try and find a short term rental lease , and don’t get me wrong – I love the idea! But cutting my goal by three months has definitely kicked me into gear!
Now our goals are the same as before, but now by March 2011!
Talk about a wake up call! But just in case that still wasn’t enough to drive me… here is step 3.
Step 3. Make Your Goals Public!
Setting SMART goals is great, making them uncomfortable is even better, but as soon as you release your goals into the public domain – man your productivity increases!
If you are feeling flat with where you currently are, then there is nothing like the fear of failure to kick you up the bum!
Where To From Here?
Obviously now that I am starting to get a large amount of drive, I need to channel that drive.
So I looked at my current projects and as you can see from my weekend discussion post, I am looking at making some changes to StandOutBlogger.
And as well as that, I am channeling a lot of my focus at the moment into a new project WebsiteBuildr – which is quickly taking shape (get ready for a big post about that one!)
Over To You?
Are you starting to hit a plateau with your online business?
Why not follow my lead and set some SMART goals, refine them to make them uncomfortable and then make them public!
Let the ‘fear of failure’ drive you a new level!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Quotable Quote
Tony Robbins
No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.
“If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.”
― Jim Rohn
No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.
“If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.”
― Jim Rohn
Monday, August 12, 2013
What food to avoid for hyperthyroid?
Margarine and other hydrogenated fats
refined salt, Table salt
Chlorinated Water
MSG - Mono Sodium Glutamate
Hormones - MILK
Food additives
Sugar, cane sugar, corn syrup, chocolate and other foods containing simialar concentrated sweeteners
refined oils
baking powder
hard and dry bovine milk cheese
Junk foods (hamburgers, pizza, hotdog, nachos, …)
fried, smoked, grilled foods
Chlorinated Water
MSG - Mono Sodium Glutamate
Hormones - MILK
Food additives
Sugar, cane sugar, corn syrup, chocolate and other foods containing simialar concentrated sweeteners
refined oils
baking powder
hard and dry bovine milk cheese
Junk foods (hamburgers, pizza, hotdog, nachos, …)
fried, smoked, grilled foods
Soft drinks - Coca Cola, Pepsi, Soda pop
Alcohol drinks
Cook with Olive or coconut oil. Use honey for sweatners. Grow your own fruit and vegetables. Peaches and apricots are good. brocolli, spinach and brussel sprouts. If you don't like spinach you will love spinach torilla's. even kids guts those down.
Alcohol drinks
Cook with Olive or coconut oil. Use honey for sweatners. Grow your own fruit and vegetables. Peaches and apricots are good. brocolli, spinach and brussel sprouts. If you don't like spinach you will love spinach torilla's. even kids guts those down.
Foods High in Iodine
Iodine is a chemical element essential for the production of thyroid hormones that regulate growth and metabolism. Diets deficient in iodine increase risk of retarded brain development in children (cretinism), mental slowness, high cholesterol, lethargy, fatigue, depression, weight gain, and goiter: a swelling of the thyroid gland in the neck. Please note that both too much and too little iodine can cause hypothyroidism, for more information, see the section on hypothyroidism.
Photo of sushi nori. The outer seaweed wrap is an excellent natural source of iodine. |
What foods are naturally high in iodine? Iodine is a component of almost every living plant and animal. No standard measurements of iodine in food exist because iodine concentrations vary across the world. In general, foods from the sea contain the most iodine, followed by animal foods, and then plant foods. Of all foods seaweed, like kelp, is the most famous and reliable source of natural iodine, however egg and dairy products can also be good sources.
Select Food Samples for Iodine Content
Please note that other than dried seaweed and fortified salt the concentrations of iodine in these foods can vary widly and this table should be taken as a rough guide.
Please note that other than dried seaweed and fortified salt the concentrations of iodine in these foods can vary widly and this table should be taken as a rough guide.
Food | Serving Size | Iodine |
Dried Seaweed (Buy from Amazon.com) | 1/4 ounce | >4,500µg (4.5 mg) (3000% DV) |
Cod | 3 ounces* | 99µg (66% DV) |
Iodized Salt (Fortified) | 1 gram | 77µg (51% DV) |
Baked Potato with peel | 1 medium | 60µg (40% DV) |
Milk | 1 cup (8 fluid ounces) | 56µg (37% DV) |
Shrimp | 3 ounces | 35µg (23% DV) |
Fish sticks | 2 fish sticks | 35µg (23% DV) |
Turkey breast, baked | 3 ounces | 34µg (23% DV) |
Navy beans, cooked | 1/2 cup | 32µg (21% DV) |
Tuna, canned in oil | 3 ounces (1/2 can) | 17µg (11% DV) |
Egg, boiled | 1 large | 12µg (8% DV) |
Source: Linus Pauling Institute Article on Iodine
How much iodine do I need? In your entire lifetime you will need less than a teaspoon of iodine to ensure good health, however, your body cannot store iodine so you have to eat a little bit every day. You only need 150 micrograms (or 20,000th of a teaspoon) to meet your daily requirement.
If iodine is in most plant and animal foods how can anyone be deficient? According to the World Health Organization iodine deficiencies exist in 54 countries as of 2003.
Map provided by the World Health Organization
There is no exact answer as to why iodine deficiencies occur, however, two theories exist:

There is no exact answer as to why iodine deficiencies occur, however, two theories exist:
- People live in a part of the world with low levels of iodine in the soil or sea.
- People eat high amounts of refined foods that lose their iodine content during refinement. Refined sugar, for example, has no iodine.
Beware: Too much iodine can be bad for you. Over consumption of iodine can be toxic and just as damaging as a deficiency. As little as 1000 micrograms of Iodine in a day causes irritations like burning of the mouth and throat, nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, and even coma. Like under-consumption, too much iodine prevents proper production of thyroid hormones leading to goiter.
Is there Iodine in Breast Milk? New mothers should be aware that their breast milk contains iodine for their new born children. The amount of iodine in breast milk will depend on the mother's diet. A 1984 sample of women from the United States found the average concentration of iodine excreted in breast milk to be 114µg per day.4 This more than meets the adequate intake requirement of 110µg per day for infants ranging 0-6 months, but falls a little short of the 130µg per day requirement for infants ranging 7 months to 1 year. This should not necessarily be taken as a cause to eat a lot more iodine on the part of lactating women, as too much iodine can also be harmful.
I don't eat salt, meat, or seaweed, where can I get iodine? Your options are to consider supplements, buy foods enriched in iodine, or ensure that the plant foods you consume come from parts of the world where the soil is rich in iodine.
I have hypothyroidism, can I consume iodine foods, or take iodine supplements? Worldwide, iodine deficiency is the number one cause of hypothyroidism, however, iodine deficiency rarely causes hypothyroidism in the U.S. The only time you should consume iodine is if the cause of your hypothyroidism is from iodine deficiency, and even then, only consume moderate amounts. Note: Too little or too much iodine can cause hypothyroidism. Other causes of hypothyroidism include: Hashimoto’s disease, thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid), congenital hypothyroidism, surgical removal of part or all of the thyroid, radiation treatment of the thyroid, and some medications. If you have hypothyroidism from these causes, the U.S. National Institute of Health cautions that: "...taking iodine drops or eating foods containing large amounts of iodine—such as seaweed, dulse, or kelp—may cause or worsen hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism." As such, only consume iodine in moderate amounts to maintain a proper level.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Foods to Avoid With Hyperthyroidism
- Allergies to certain foods such as wheat, soy, corn and dairy products can make hyperthyroidism worse. Other allergen-causing foods products include preservatives and chemical additives.
- Foods that interfere with thyroid function should be avoided. These include spinach, broccoli, turnip and mustard greens, cabbage, cauliflower and peanuts.
- Hyperthyroidism can be made worse by consuming certain refined foods. These refined foods to avoid include sugar, pasta and white bread.
- Iodine can block thyroid hormone production so avoid consuming things that contain large amounts of iodine. This includes shellfish and cough medicine.
Other Products
- Hyperthyroidism can be made worse by consuming too much alcohol, tobacco or caffeine. Avoid these products and talk to a doctor before consuming any caffeine.
Purchasing fish from the markets can be rather confusing at times especially when the fish are sometimes referred to in its Malay name and sometimes in other Chinese Dialects. All the items on No Eyed Deer's menu are stated in English and very often we get patrons asking us for the local names of the fish we serve.
Thus, we have decided to set up this Section on our website to help diners, fishing enthusiasts and any other curious souls on how to identify common species of fish found in Malaysia and South-east Asia together with its local names. This section lists the type of common saltwater and freshwater fish species commonly caught within the Malaysian region. It might come in handy the next time you go fishing around Malaysia too.
Common Saltwater Fish Species
Snapper, Bream, Bass, etc.
Grouper, Rockcod, Cod, etc.
Trevally, Jack, Pomfret, etc.
Jewfish, Croaker, Grunt, etc.
Threafin, Salmon, etc.
Shad, Herring, Mullet, Whiting, etc.
Scad, Mackerel, Barracuda, etc.
Tuna, Billfish, etc.
Shark, Ray, Catfish, Eel, etc.
Flatfish, Flounder, Sole, etc.
Common Freshwater Fish Species
Carp, Barbel, etc.
Tilapia, Cichlid, Miscellaneous, etc.
Miscellaneous Invertebrates
Crab, Sea Spider, etc.
Shrimp, Prawn, Lobster, etc.
Shellfish, Mollusc, etc.
Squid, Cuttlefish, Octopus, etc.
Thus, we have decided to set up this Section on our website to help diners, fishing enthusiasts and any other curious souls on how to identify common species of fish found in Malaysia and South-east Asia together with its local names. This section lists the type of common saltwater and freshwater fish species commonly caught within the Malaysian region. It might come in handy the next time you go fishing around Malaysia too.
Common Saltwater Fish Species
Snapper, Bream, Bass, etc.
Grouper, Rockcod, Cod, etc.
Trevally, Jack, Pomfret, etc.
Jewfish, Croaker, Grunt, etc.
Threafin, Salmon, etc.
Shad, Herring, Mullet, Whiting, etc.
Scad, Mackerel, Barracuda, etc.
Tuna, Billfish, etc.
Shark, Ray, Catfish, Eel, etc.
Flatfish, Flounder, Sole, etc.
Common Freshwater Fish Species
Carp, Barbel, etc.
Tilapia, Cichlid, Miscellaneous, etc.
Miscellaneous Invertebrates
Crab, Sea Spider, etc.
Shrimp, Prawn, Lobster, etc.
Shellfish, Mollusc, etc.
Squid, Cuttlefish, Octopus, etc.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
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